Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 114 Chess Pieces

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Mei Qian shook his head and said: "Although they have no backbone, they are not guilty of death. You killed Deng and Jin because you probably suspected that they betrayed you. The remaining two altar masters, Tianshu and Yuheng, and the two Did they never win over, or did the two of them refuse to agree?" Li Zhuliang said coldly, "The owner of the Tang altar in the Tianshu altar is the nephew of the old palace owner, how could he disobey his aunt's will? It's weird, he looks like a tuberculosis ghost, and my senior brother and I can't believe him." Chen Yusong frowned and said: "Brother Mei, you don't have to break up these old accounts with us. What kind of plan did the old palace master decide to deal with the two of us that day? Let’s open the door and see what Shan Ming has to say.”

Mei Qian coughed lightly, and said slowly: "The old palace master was so insightful back then, I thought it was strange to invite Senior Brother Zun to go up the mountain to defeat the two plans to force the palace. How did the old palace lord know about it without leaking any information? In the past two years, it seems that Mei has been traveling all day and ignoring the school affairs, but she has been secretly investigating this matter." Chen Yusong was startled when he heard the words, and said: " Brother, do you really mean this?" Mei Qian nodded and said: "Finally, the emperor pays off, and the old man has finally found out some clues recently."

Chen Yusong hesitated and said: "Back then, the two of us knew we were planning something big, and we were extremely cautious in our actions. We didn't reveal our cards to the seven altar masters until before we reached the summit, because we were afraid that we would reveal it too early, and some of them would turn their backs on the leader. If I want to say that the palace master has been on guard for a long time, I really don't know where the flaws have been exposed." Mei Qian sighed: "There is no loophole in the plan of the two elder brothers, and the deaths of Deng Jin and Jin are somewhat unjust. The reason why the old Palace Mistress was able to control everything back then was because she had arranged a chess piece that even the five elders didn't know about. This person has great supernatural powers, and the two of them's schemes could not be hidden from his eyes." Chen Li The two asked in unison, "Who is this person?"

Mei Qian didn't answer, but instead asked the two of them: "The position of Venerable Qinglian Dharma Protector has been vacant for many years. Don't the two elder brothers find it strange?" Li Zhuliang frowned and said, "The old palace master said that the position of Venerable Qinglian I have been unworthy of him, and I put it on hold for a long time." Mei Qian smiled and said: "Although Jian Sheng is a master of this religion, he is not much better than the Lord of Jiuyao Altar. I want to find a Qinglian protector who is compatible with him. How come you haven't been able to find the right person for so many years?"

Chen Yusong's eyes flickered, and he said: "My brother means..." Mei Qian nodded and said: "Yes, the old palace lord actually decided on the candidate for Venerable Qinglian early in the morning. The mission of people in the sect is to secretly monitor every move of the brothers in the sect for the palace master, especially those high-ranking and powerful people like us old men and various altar masters."

Chen and Li were both startled when they heard the words, they looked at each other, both of them were silent in thought.After a while, Li Zhuliang said in a deep voice: "Brother Mei, if you have found out clearly, then don't pretend to be a secret anymore, just tell the truth quickly! Even if my brothers really followed this person back then, That's also the old palace master's move, and I can't blame others. Since the matter is a foregone conclusion, I don't seem to have to travel all the way here just for this."

Mei Qian shook his head and sighed: "The two of you are in a dangerous situation without knowing it. It's really dangerous. Back then, Mei did not want to let down the kindness of the old Palace Mistress, so she couldn't agree to the request of the two of you, but I also absolutely You can't take action against the two old brothers, so you arranged for other things to stay away from the general altar. If Mei had known that the old palace master made a plan to take the lives of the two brothers, he would definitely come to Taibaiding to advance and retreat with the two old brothers "The expressions of Chen and Li changed drastically when they heard the words, and they asked tremblingly: "The old palace wants to kill us?"

Mei Qian nodded and said: "Mei has already found out the inside story of the year. The old palace master was still unable to make up his mind at first, but Venerable Qinglian tried his best to state that the two ambitions are lofty and difficult to coerce, and advised the old palace master not to be soft-hearted. The old palace Before the death of the Lord, all arrangements were made, waiting for the two to take the bait. On that day, Venerable Red Lotus was not present on the Songyue Platform due to illness. Is it against the Young Palace Master, the Second Immortal Tongbai and the other four altar masters, let alone Senior Brother Zun and Venerable Qinglian who is hiding in the dark? According to the strategy set by the old Palace Master, it would never have been tolerated. The two of you went down the mountain alive, but thanks to Taoist Master Songyun Gu Nian's friendship, he deliberately disrupted the prior arrangement and only forced the two of you to go down the mountain, which can be regarded as letting you survive."

Chen Yusong's eyes flickered, and the scenes of the failure to force the palace at the Taibaiding General Altar two years ago emerged in his mind: "That day was the first time that the Young Palace Master called the Nine Altars and Five Elders to the summit for the first time after he succeeded to the throne. Among the seven masters of the Jiuyao Altar, apart from Tang Gen, the master of the Tianshu Altar, who is difficult to win over, and Min Yuan of the Yuheng Altar, seeing that he is alone and alone, most of them will fall to our side. Appearing in the main altar, the arrogance of the crowd was instantly extinguished. Tianxuan and Yinyuan immediately surrendered to the palace master, and the two altar masters Tianji and Kaiyang drew their swords and killed themselves on the spot. Seeing that the general situation was over, I was disheartened and said: "The two of us are on the brink of failure, we have nothing to say, and let the palace lord handle it."

"Unexpectedly, before the young palace lord could speak, senior brother suddenly shot from the side and wounded the two of us. Although I had made up my mind to die at that time, but seeing that senior brother ignored the feelings of the same family, he wanted to take the opportunity to kill us with personal grievances. I couldn't help being startled and angry, and the desire to survive was ignited in my heart, so I ran down the mountain with my brother Li. Fortunately, neither my brother nor the two immortals of Tongbai came after us, and no one else could stop us. With the cruel heart of the Young Palace Master, he will definitely not spare our lives. Could it be... Could it be that senior brother deliberately provoked us to escape? Later, Junior Brother Li and I got angry and went to Senior Brother Zhang several times to settle accounts. We know him well, but we don't know anything about his Hunyuan Kungfu. We were defeated by him every time. Junior brother Li was severely injured and vomited blood. Junior brother and I knew that revenge was hopeless, and we were afraid that Wuwei Palace would send people to hunt us down. Then I changed my name and changed my surname to hide in the yamen of the Henan feudal lord. Thinking back now, if senior brother really wanted to take my life, he would have more than one chance, but he never killed him. Could it be that we really misunderstood him?"

Li Zhuliang was beaten by Songyun and lay still for several months. He hated his brother deeply in his heart. He couldn't think of what Chen Yusong was thinking, so he couldn't help but asked Mei Qian: "Brother, after all, it is still the same. Talking about the past, how are the two of us in danger now?"

Mei Qian said slowly: "Back then, I secretly saw through the two conspiracies, and made suggestions in front of the old palace master, and insisted on cutting the weeds and eradicating the roots. It was all done by the Venerable Qinglian Dharma Protector. This person is meticulous and vicious. He said that he was the big enemy and enemy of the two old brothers. He saw the two escaped from Taibaiding that day, and he hated himself for not being able to get rid of the old palace master's serious troubles. He has been hiding without a trace for the past few years; for more than ten days The former two elder brothers showed their signs in Henan. Venerable Qinglian was immediately moved upon hearing the news and vowed to fulfill the last wish of the old palace master. This person is different from others in his ability and courage. to Jiangxi."

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