Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 111

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Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, Luo Yushu said: "Do you know Miracle Doctor Shi?" Zhu Yi said: "Zhu has no skills, but he can write two words and draw a few strokes in his life. He has a poor reputation. King Ning has a group of literati and poets, who spend all day reciting poems and composing poems, singing with each other from a distance, and the subordinates are too vulgar; only Doctor Shi's cursive handwriting is quite chic, faintly Wei Jin style, He can still chat with me, and occasionally have a few drinks in his spare time. I just heard from a few people just now that Mr. Shi is not only a famous doctor, but also a master of martial arts, but I can't see it at all. "

Luo Yushu saw that Chief Zhu was very romantic, and he was born in a wealthy family. It is not surprising that he had contacts with all the literati in the palace. The doctor is going out for a while? It also prevents the few of us from venturing into the mansion, and there may be another trouble."

Chief Zhu shook his head and said: "The prince is very strict with the doormen. Mr. Shi usually never leaves the palace. Only at the beginning of each month will he accompany the prince to the Jingshe courtyard in the western suburbs of Nanchang to stay for a few days. I only take this opportunity to get along with him." He met Xiaoxu and exchanged some Doufang albums of calligraphy and painting. I am ashamed to say that my younger brother came to this Lushan Bamboo Sea to try to find some aura because of the recent exhaustion of writing. He wanted to write a copybook for Dr. Shi to taste. I just happened to meet you."

Gu Qingzhi said happily: "Ningwang's other courtyard is not as fortified as the Wangfu. Since even you can see Shi Hepu, there is no reason for the few of us to fail." The scribes and a few close confidants follow, and the martial arts are so strong, it is expected that there will be no obstacles."

Luo Yushu murmured: "This is very good. When we arrived in Nanchang, it was just the beginning of the month. If the prince is really in the other courtyard in the western suburbs, I would like to ask Brother Zhu to make an appointment with Dr. Shi; if this plan fails, please ask Miss Yue and Dao Please help me." Everyone nodded in agreement, and they all felt that this method was feasible.

Yue Suhu asked Zhu Yi, "Who are you? How can you know everything about the palace?" Since then, I have been living in Nanchang, wandering and thinking about returning. Zhu is born with a stupid nature. Since his family’s strict death, he has neglected discipline. Shangfeng, only then can I provide for my unworthy descendants to squander and squander. I saw you today, and I realized that I am useless. I have a body of seven feet but I can't protect myself. I hang a thief's hand with my death. I am extremely ashamed .”

Yue Su laughed and said, "My girl saved your life, aren't you convinced?" Zhu Yi said: "Young lady doesn't give way to a man, how can I refuse to accept it? Wansheng wasted twenty-eight years this year. Before that, it was the year of his parents. After that Thanks to the girl." Yue Su laughed, his expression very joyful.

Jing Lanzhou suddenly remembered something, and asked: "Brother Zhu said that King Ning only brought a few entourages with him to the other courtyard. Are there two of them who are the prince's book boys?" Zhu Chief was stunned, and said: "There are indeed two He is the prince's companion since he was a child, but he is over half a hundred years old, so it seems inappropriate to call him a book boy." Jing Lanzhou laughed and said, "My little brother is confused. Do you know these two old gentlemen? Zhu Yi shook his head and said: "These two gentlemen and the prince are called masters and servants, and they are no different from good friends. It is difficult to see them. I don't know what this has to do with them?"

Luo Yushu sighed: "Luo just said that the reason why Doctor Shi is not easy to see is because there are many expert guards in the palace, and these two are even the best of the expert." This is a joke. Although I don't have the chance to meet the two gentlemen Fan and Yu, I have seen them. They are two old gentlemen who can't be more amiable. They have stayed in the palace for a lifetime. How can they be some kind of martial arts master?" Luo Yushu smiled slightly, Said: "Not the best."

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, several people discussed and set off on their way.Yue Su was riding a tall bay red horse, which looked like a steed. I wish the scholar could only walk on foot, without a mount.Seeing that Zhu Chief was going to ride with Luo Yushu, she smiled and said, "What do two big men ride on one horse, what do they look like? Come to me."

Zhu Yi was slightly stunned, and hesitated: "Men and women can't kiss each other, seems..." Yue Su said angrily: "Where are there so many stinky rules? This girl kindly gave you a ride, you are not happy?" Zhu Chief muttered Said: "I don't dare to be late."

Yue Su said: "Then what are you talking about?" With a flick of his wrist, he untied a section of soft whip that was about Zhang Xu long from his waist, and with a crisp "pa", it wrapped around Zhu Chief's waist lightly, and the latter's body Soaring into the air, she landed firmly on her saddle.When the three of them saw that her soft whip was gorgeous and eye-catching, it was actually made of mixed gold and silver threads, Jing Lanzhou couldn't help but blurted out applause, not only praised Yue Su's exquisite whip technique, but also praised her heroic and free-spirited temperament.

The five left Mount Lu to the south and galloped all the way to Zhuxi Town under the Nankang Mansion. When they looked up and saw that it was getting late, they agreed to stay in the town for a rest.Jing Lanzhou and the other three saw Zhu Chief trembling all the way on the horseback, shrinking his hands and feet, afraid of touching Yue Su's body, bumping and almost falling off the horse several times, they couldn't help laughing secretly, but they also admired him as a gentleman.

Nazhuxi Town is a small town with more than a hundred families, and there is only one inn in the whole town. Everyone came to the inn to ask, but there was only one guest room left tonight.Luo Yushu said to the two women: "Miss Yue, Junior Sister Gu, I wrong you to deal with them here tonight, the three of us have to find another way."

Yue Su smiled and said, "Why do you call Miss Gu? I'm afraid it's not right?" She and Gu Qingzhi both have a straightforward and cheerful temper, and they chatted very speculatively along the way.As a woman, Yue Su has a delicate mind after all, and she has long seen that Gu Qingzhi has a secret heart for Luo Yushu.Gu Qingzhi blushed, and spat: "What nonsense!" Afraid that Yue Su's speech would be unrestrained, she hurriedly entered the room, taking her arm.

Luo Yushu took everyone's horses into the stables and prepared fodder, and said to Zhu Chief: "Brother Zhu, let's go to the town to find other places to stay." Jing Lanzhou smiled and said: "Brother Luo, I haven't seen you for a few days. I miss you very much. This place is not far from Poyang Lake, why don't you find a place for Brother Zhu first, then you and I go to the lake to chat for a night, and we can enjoy the night view of the lake. I don't know what your brother thinks? Luo Yushu said happily, "It's very good."

Zhu Yi suddenly said: "I am also very sullen. If the two of you don't give up, why don't the three of us go for a trip together?" Regarding the matter of Emperor Wen, when he saw that the other party insisted on following, he had no choice but to laugh and said: "Since Brother Zhu has such a good mood, let's go for a walk by the lake together."

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