Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 107

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The old Taoist stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Wouldn't it be wonderful, your two families are victorious friends, why bother to hurt the harmony because of a misunderstanding?" Si Runnan said with a straight face: "It all depends on the merits of the Taoist priest. Just now I am even more merciful, to save a third of Si's face, and I am grateful for your kindness." The old Taoist shook his head and said: "Si Gang Master's miraculous skills are world-class, and the poor Dao will be invincible if we fight with all our strength. We clearly have no winners and losers. Too humble."

Si Runnan said coldly: "Why don't you hit me with Hunyuan Kungfu?" The old man's expression changed, and he said with a smile: "What Hunyuan Kungfu, I don't know how to use it." Si Runnan snorted and said: "Mr. Jing wants to seek medical treatment for Second Miss Luo, so why go far away? This Taoist priest has the ability to bring the dead back to life, what disease in the world is not good?" The old Taoist shook his head and said: "The poor Taoist knows nothing about medicine, how can he treat others? Master Si, stop joking." Si Runnan's face was livid, he cupped his hands at the two of them, and led a group of beggar gang disciples along the river.

Jing Lanzhou listened to Si Runnan Shicai's words, and thought to himself: "Hunyuan Gong is the unique skill of the Zhang family in Longhu Mountain. Could this Taoist priest be an expert from the Shangqing Palace?" Lan Zhou paid homage to the Taoist priest, and was fortunate to be helped by seniors just now, and I am very grateful. If you dare to ask the old Taoist priest for his Dharma name, which fairy mountain will you visit?"

Before the old Taoist could answer, he suddenly heard a woman behind him say coquettishly, "Stinky Taoist priest, return the sea of ​​trees to us soon!" Jing Lanzhou looked back, but there were two Gu Luo and his horse standing behind him. The green mule was also held by Luo Yushu.Jing Lanzhou was startled, and asked, " are Daoist Songyun?" The old Taoist stroked his beard and laughed, and said, "Yes, the poor Taoist is Songyun. The young man is so young, he can Even though you are Mr. Si Guo's apprentice, you are still admirable."

Luo Yushu went forward to salute Songyun and said, "It's really gratifying to congratulate the Taoist priest on the still prosperous Tongbai Mountain after saying goodbye to his predecessor." Songyun heard his and Gu Qingzhi's voices, and said with a smile: "On the Songyue platform that day, the poor Daoist waited. There is really no other way to do this, and I have no choice but to break my trust with the two of you, I am truly ashamed. The young man is so talented in the world, it makes people feel heartbroken."

Gu Qingzhi spat: "You are so old and cunning, do you know how to lose face? Where are you hiding the sea of ​​trees?" Song Yun smiled and said: "Shuhai has recovered a life, and he is still recuperating at this moment. It's not impossible to find him, it's just that it's difficult to do it for a while. I think it will take at least a month for this tartar to get out of bed, and the old master will never interfere with how you two will deal with him at that time."

Luo Yushu frowned and said: "The younger generation met the venerable Red Lotus Master Jiansheng of the expensive sect in Kaifeng earlier. If Wuwei Gongruo has nothing to do with Wang Zhen's traitorous party, why did he send someone to escort Shuhai along the way? Although the White Lotus sect is based The imperial court is frustrated, after all, he was the leader of the righteous soldiers who fought against the Yuan Dynasty, did he really give up willingly and conspire with the Mongol Tartars?" Song Yun said with a smile: "The poor Taoist has always been a loner, and he has never joined the Palace of Inaction. It's really hard to take the word 'guijiao' seriously, and it's hard to solve the young man's doubts. Right now there is someone who is very close to the palace master, why doesn't Luo Shaoxia let him ask?" He glanced at Jing Lanzhou with a smile.

Jing Lanzhou blushed, and quickly changed the topic: "I heard that the seniors have always lived in Tongbai Mountain in seclusion. I don't know why you came to Jiangxi this time?" Song Yun laughed and said: "The old man is here for Jing Shaoxia." Jing Lanzhou wondered, "For me?"

Songyun nodded and said: "The beggar gang misunderstood that the young hero killed five of their disciples in Changge. The young hero has been followed all the way since he left Henan. A few days ago, the beggar gang found out that you were coming to Jiujiang. The gang leader Si Runnan Mr. I rushed to Huizhou to find my respected teacher for a theory, and after I was bored, I rushed to Jiangxi to take you with my own hands. Fortunately, Wuwei Palace has a wide eye, and it secretly received the wind, but at the moment there is a big event in the palace that can't be distracted, Xian Gong The Lord had no choice but to send a letter to the old Taoist priest to prove the young hero’s innocence, and asked me to go to Jiangxi to help you. Fortunately, the old Taoist arrived in time. If he came a step later, it would be unimaginable. 'Golden Face Candle Dragon' really deserves its reputation, if I didn't know him well Practicing kung fu will cover the door and make him retreat when he knows it is difficult, and if he really makes a move, he may not be able to win or lose within a thousand moves."

Although Jing Lanzhou did not mention Xian Qingrang's admiration for him to Gu Luo and the others, but seeing that the young palace master was concerned about the other party's safety, the two of them did not hesitate to ask Taoist Songyun to come forward to help, which shows their concern , where the intent is self-explanatory.The two of them are young at heart, and they both treat Jing Lanzhou with sincerity, so they don't feel that something is wrong.Gu Qingzhi smiled and said: "Brother Jing, this young palace master is very kind to you." Jing Lanzhou felt a little embarrassed when he heard that, Xie Songyun said: "If it wasn't for the senior who rescued me, I would have been seriously injured just now. . ""

Songyun nodded, and said again: "The poor Taoist also heard about the reason why Miss Luo was injured, and this matter is even more incumbent. Don't worry, the three of you, the matter of finding Lin Yuetai is on the old Taoist." The three were overjoyed when they heard that , Luo Yushu asked: "Could it be that the Taoist priest knows where Senior Lin is?" Song Yun shook his head and said: "Lin Yuetai has lived in seclusion for many years, and no one except his apprentice Shi Hepu knows his whereabouts. How easy is it to see Doctor Shi?"

Luo Yushu was startled when he heard the words, and said: "I heard that Doctor Shi hid in Prince Ning's Mansion in order to avoid an enemy. I think that no matter how heavily guarded the Palace is, it can beat the inner courtyard of the Imperial Palace? How could he not even see him once?" Can it?" Song Yun said with a chuckle, "If Shi Hepu can be found so easily, how difficult is it for Dr. Shi's enemies to take his life? Why is he still hiding in the palace?" Luo Yushu's heart trembled, and he said: " The senior sees that the teaching is correct, could it be that there are other masters guarding the palace?"

Song Yun stroked his long beard lightly, and said slowly: "Among the princes of the Taizu, there are only Dai Wang, Ning Wang, and Min Wang who survive. The two kings of Dai Min are arrogant and violent, and they have no ambitions, and they are not enough. However, only Ning Wang Zhu Quanwen, who was a hero of Jingnan, had not adopted the elite Duoyan Sanwei under his banner for his own use, the success or failure of the battle of Jingnan is still unpredictable. When Taizong raised his troops, he once Promised King Ning that everything would be divided equally, but after assuming the throne, he confiscated his younger brother far away in Nanchang, this kind of emperor's mind is silent, you and I know it."

Luo Yushu nodded and said: "That's right, there was a saying among the soldiers guarding the North that 'King Yan is good at fighting, and King Ning is good at strategizing', considering that Emperor Wen is a great man, but inferior to Zhu Quan in terms of wisdom, it can be seen that he is full of schemes, it is no small matter. After King Ning moved in, he knew that Taizong was extremely suspicious of him. From then on, he devoted himself to mountains and rivers, practiced Taoism and studied, and kept a secret. I heard that this talent is a lot of talents. He is proficient in classics, astrology, medicine and divination. All kinds of miscellaneous studies, writings and so on, he is actually the most talented in the world; it is a pity that he is short of heroism, born at an untimely time, and has been depressed for more than forty years, and it is embarrassing to think about it."

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