Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 105

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Si Runnan frowned and said, "Hero Luo's granddaughter was injured? How come I haven't heard about it? But one counts. Second Miss Luo's injury was not caused by the beggar gang. Many disciples who were assigned to Dayong died for no reason. How can Si Mou explain to the brothers and sisters in this gang if you let your lord drive freely?" Jing Lanzhou's complexion changed slightly, and he said, "Master Si is going to take the younger generation away today?" Si Runnan said in a deep voice: "Your Excellency If you can win a certain move of Si, the brothers will not stop you." After speaking, his chest straightened, and the bones all over his body made a slight crackling sound.

Jing Lanzhou was startled, and thought to himself: "The thirteenth Taibao practiced so powerfully. As the leader of the beggar gang, how could Si Runnan practice the hard work of Shaolin outsiders?" With a drink, it was already a punch.Jing Lanzhou saw that the punch went straight into the palace, and there was no change in the slightest, but an extremely powerful punching wind enveloped his whole body firmly. Although the tactic was back to basics to the extreme, its power was very terrifying.He didn't dare to receive the punch forcefully, he gently floated back more than ten feet, only heard a "click", Si Runnan's inner strength was everywhere, and a dwarf pine by the river snapped in response.

Jing Lanzhou saw that the dwarf pine was not very thick, but Si Runnan's punch was still an inch away from the pine tree, and the trunk could not be broken. The opponent's internal strength is so strong that he is worthy of being the leader of the world's largest gang .He didn't want to be an enemy of the benevolent and righteous people of the Beggar Gang, he turned around and was about to leave, but saw that all the disciples of the Beggar Gang had already taken their positions and surrounded him on all sides, knowing that this was the famous beating dog of the Beggar Gang In the big formation, it is not difficult for him to break through the disciples of these beggar gangs, but it is not so easy to break through with a top expert like Si gang leader in front of him.He remembered that Master Gu Dongguan leisurely commented on the world's masters on weekdays. He once said that Si Runnan, the leader of the Beggar Clan, "Golden Face Candle Dragon", was in the top ten. Sheng, turned around and said: "Since that's the case, I don't want to be presumptuous, so I ask the leader of the clan to give some pointers." With both hands clapped, he used the "Mizong Palm" to attack.

Si Runnan shouted: "Wonderful!" His fists rained out, and there was only a crackling sound, and the two of them made forty or fifty moves in the blink of an eye.Si Runnan's external kung fu practice has reached the pinnacle, and every punch is powerful. Jing Lanzhou was by no means an opponent; Use slowness to control urgency, and softness to overcome rigidity, and it will not be defeated for a while.Zhang Zuyao stared at him dumbfounded. He knew that no one in the Beggar Clan could catch Si Runnan's twenty moves. This young man was so young, he was able to fight on par with the leader of the Clan. Gu Dongguan Martial Arts No.1 Its reputation is well-deserved.

The two of them broke up again, and Si Runnan suddenly changed his fist moves, his fingers were like hooks, and his moves became extremely fast.Jing Lanzhou said: "What a Shaolin Eagle Claw Kungfu!" He used the "Ling Crane Finger" to fight against the enemy. On the one hand, the two were fierce and fierce like a hungry eagle pouncing on food; on the other hand, they were light and graceful like a white crane spreading its wings. Hard to say.Although Si Runnan's Shaolin Eagle Claw Kungfu is not as focused and precise as Huaian Eagle Claw Kungfu, driven by his astonishing internal energy, it is still destructive, and its power is far from comparable to that of Yin Chongli.

After fighting like this for about twenty or thirty strokes, Jing Lanzhou saw that he had limited finger strength after all, and gradually lost the wind, he swung his right hand and changed to attack with the folded phoenix hand.At this time, his left hand uses Ling Hezhi, and his right hand uses Zhefeng Shou. The martial arts of the two hands are completely different, both virtual and real, hard and soft. Si Runnan is well-informed, and he has never seen such weird kung fu. He laughed and said: "My boy, martial arts is really good! Be careful with my move!" With a push of both palms, the inner force poured out like mountains and seas, and it was Nan Shaolin's infinite palm.

Jing Lanzhou saw that the opponent's palm had the power to open monuments and crush stones, and immediately used the fish swimming skill to gently slide it away.Unexpectedly, no matter how he dodges and moves, Si Runnan's palm force can always follow him like a shadow, and he can't get away from the opponent's palm wind three feet away.Jing Lanzhou saw that his palm chased him several feet away, and thought: "No matter how high your internal strength is, you are at the end of your strength at this moment. Why should I be afraid of facing your palm?" Pushing it up with palms flat, the two of them paired each other with four hands, Si Runnan yelled loudly, Jing Lanzhou felt a huge force coming from the opposite side, he couldn't take root under his feet, and was forced to back up again and again.

Jing Lanzhou was startled, seeing that Si Runnan's arms were stretched out proudly, and he never retracted his palms. He knew that the other party's foreign kung fu had already been practiced to such an extent that he could release his true energy without retracting his arms to gather strength. Keep sending it to the palm of your hand.At this time, he tried to dodge You Yu Gong again, but his palms were sucked by Si Runnan's internal force and he couldn't get away. He couldn't stop being pushed away for more than ten steps, and his vest hit a jujube tree with a bang.Jing Lanzhou's heart trembled, and he said to himself: "There was nothing behind me just now, and I could defuse the opponent's attack by constantly retreating; now my back is leaning on the tree trunk, and if the leader of the guild vomits his internal energy, I will be seriously injured if I don't die."

Hearing Si Runnan's roar, and attacking with immeasurable palm force, Jing Lanzhou suddenly felt the blood in his chest churning, and his breathing gradually became difficult. He was unable to support himself, and the jujube tree with the thickness of the mouth of the bowl behind him suddenly "slapped" The waist was broken, and a palm was stretched out from nowhere to cling to his vest. Immediately, he felt an extremely abundant internal force coming from his back, and he couldn't help shaking his arms vigorously. After two steps, his face was full of astonishment.Jing Lanzhou turned his head sharply, and saw a tall and well-known Taoist standing behind him, with a red face, silver beard and hair, and a tattered Taoist robe. He smiled and said to Si Runnan: "Master Si, a young man from the rivers and lakes can survive The leader of the gang has gone through a hundred tricks, so there is no need to do such a heavy hand."

Just now, Si Runnan was forced to take a step back by the zhenqi injected into Jing Lanzhou's body by this old man. He only felt that the other party's internal energy was mellow, peaceful, and endless. under.Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and he thought to himself: "Who is this old Taoist? I know a lot of Taoist masters in the martial arts, but none of them seem to have this skill." He clasped his fists and said, "Good skill! Si is ignorant and ignorant, I don’t know the appearance of the Daoist Priest, may I ask what is the name of the Master’s Dharma?”

The old Taoist smiled and said: "The poor Taoist is just an idler in the rivers and lakes. The name and the name are insulting to everyone's ears, so don't mention it. The beggar gang and Zhucuo Villa have always been good friends. I hope the leader of the gang will not listen to one side's words, which will cause the two The family relationship has been damaged." Si Runnan frowned and said: "This murder case was witnessed by the disciples of our gang, how can it be a one-sided statement?" The old man smiled and said: "That's hard to say. It's a pity that the Luo family has been injured right now. The second young lady is bedridden, otherwise, if she shows off the magic of disguise, the leader will know what seeing is not believing."

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