Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 103 Wronged

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Jing Lanzhou pulled the two envoys into the lake. Fortunately, the two women were not weak in water. The three of them swam straight to a secluded place on the north bank and landed. Huai is benevolent and righteous, I don't know what sect or sect I am a teacher of, but I hope I will tell you something, and I will repay it in the future." Jing Lanzhou thought: "Since they think my name is Zhou Lanjin, they don't need to tell my real name." He said with a smile, "I just don't like the fact that a group of officers and soldiers besieged the two women. It's not a retribution. There are too many people here, so the two girls should leave quickly."

The Drunken Flower Envoy pondered for a while, and said: "Since the young master said so, we will not force it. The festival is scheduled to be held on Junshan Island in Dongting Lake on the [-]th of July. If you have time, Mr. Zhou, please appreciate it. I will introduce some friends to you, Young Master." Jing Lanzhou secretly said: "You also invited me to Dongting Lake, it seems that the meeting at Junshan is indeed a great event for the Wuwei Sect." Thinking of Xian Qingrang, he said with a smile: "Thank you very much You two girls, I have to calm down and take a look." Returning the long sword to the envoy of Woping, the envoy bowed deeply to him and drifted away.

Jing Lanzhou was worried about the green mule tied outside the Yanshui Pavilion, and hurried back along the lake before the clothes dried, and saw that the pavilion was already empty, Gu Luo and the two of them were gone, but there was no green mule outside the arch. mule trace.This mount has been with him for many years, Jing Lanzhou was anxious and thought to himself: "Could it be taken away by the officers and soldiers?" While wandering, he suddenly saw an old man with a brown face and yellow beard walking towards him on the lake embankment, about 50 years old. He was many years old, and he was dressed in rough linen clothes and pants that were patched here and there, with nine tattered cloth bags on his back, a bamboo stick in his hand, and a big hooked nose on his face, which was very eye-catching.

Jing Lanzhou's heart moved, and he stepped forward to salute and said: "Senior, with this outfit, could it be that he is the leader of the four elders of the Beggar Gang, 'Xijiang Lone Eagle' Zhang?" The old man laughed and said: "The old beggar It's Zhang Zuyao. Are you Mr. Si Guo's apprentice Jing Lanzhou?" Jing Lanzhou said: "It's the younger generation."

Zhang Zuyao gave a thumbs up and said: "You are very straightforward. The Beggar Gang wants to ask your Excellency face-to-face to understand something. There are so many people here, will your honor come with me?" Jing Lanzhou originally wanted to explain all the misunderstandings to the Beggar Gang I also clarified that it would be best to see the other party coming to the door, so I put aside the matter of losing the mule, cupped my hands and said: "The younger generation has something to discuss with your help, and I will help the senior to lead the way."

Zhang Zuyao nodded, and took him to a wilderness by the river in the north of the city, where thirty or forty members of the Beggar Clan gathered, many of them were high-ranking disciples of six or seven bags.As soon as the group of beggars saw Jing Lanzhou coming, dozens of pairs of eyes stared at him in unison. One of them was tall and tall, and he was the leader of the beggar gang.

Jing Lanzhou stepped forward and clasped his fists and said, "Could this be the Rudder Master Lou of Jiangxi Daxin Sub-rudder?" Lou Jian.When Lou Jian heard the words, he only nodded slightly, and did not return the salute, his expression was very arrogant.Jing Lanzhou thought in his heart: "The beggar gang has an elder and a helmsman unexpectedly, the formation is not small."

Zhang Zuyao coughed dryly, and said in a clear voice: "Mr. Jing, because our beggar gang has a good relationship with the honored master, it can be said that we did not do our best to rescue Yufu. Why did the honored master repay kindness with resentment, and instead colluded with Wuwei Palace to deal with the gang?" Jing Lanzhou He bowed his hands to everyone and said: "Elder Zhang, Master Lou Duo, and brothers, you know that although Mr. Jing has little talent and learning, he has always kept the teacher's teachings in mind, and he will never do such an ungrateful thing. That day Wuwei Palace sent people to sneak into the assembly of your gang, intending to divide Dayong. The rudder was wiped out in one fell swoop, and the subordinates also helped, and everyone present at the Henan sub-rudder saw it with their own eyes."

Lou Jian snorted and said, "So what? The next day you teamed up with Wuwei Sect masters to murder the members of your gang, and the Wuwei Palace Master personally admitted that you were her Qinglian protector. You fought against her hypocritically the night before. It's just playing a double-reed show with that demon girl to deceive us!"

Jing Lanzhou said seriously: "At that time, it was the two apostate elders of Wuwei Palace who attacked and injured several brothers of the Gui Gang. I tried my best to stop them, and did not point a finger at the good friends of the Beggar Gang. If anyone testifies against the Jing gang The enemy attacked the beggar gang, and I would like to confront them face-to-face." Zhang Zuyao frowned and said, "Dayong sub-helm Chen Tuozhu died tragically in his room at the end of the day, did you know?" Jing Lanzhou said: "I only heard about it later. Speaking of this matter, if I find out who did it, Jing will definitely avenge Brother Chen."

Lou Jian sneered and said, "That sounds good! Don't think that there is no evidence for this matter, and our beggar gang can't do anything about you. When six brothers from the Japanese gang went to Dengzhou to report to Elder Han, they were half-guided by you in Changge County. Intercepting, does this happen?" Jing Lanzhou shook his head and said, "I didn't do it, but I know who did it." Zhang Zuyao and Lou Jian asked at the same time: "Who is it?" Jing Lanzhou thought: "I don't know the identity of the masked senior. If it is said that he is the master of Wuwei Palace Master, the beggar gang will accuse this account on Miss Xian, but she has nothing to do with it." He said: "I am the same as that The murderer fought several times, but every time this man was covered with a black cloth, I didn't see his appearance."

Lou Jian rolled his eyes, and said coldly: "You are the apprentice of Senior Gu, you are obviously talking nonsense, but you don't change your face! Thanks to one of the six people who escaped alive under your hands, he saw it with his own eyes. You shot and killed five other people, this matter is solidly proved, you are still here to quibble and deny, make up some masked murderer, and treat us all as fools!"

Jing Lanzhou was very surprised when he heard the words, and said: "How can this matter? Please come out and meet this friend, and Jing will explain clearly to him face to face." Zhang Zuyao said: "The disciple has been strictly guarded by the gang at this moment. To prevent someone from trying to kill him to silence him. My beggar gang never wrongs a good person, if the young master has never done anything, please go with the old beggar today, and go to the gang leader to clarify the matter, that's all."

Jing Lanzhou couldn't help feeling angry when he heard the words: "What do you mean by preventing others from silencing you? The beggar gang looks down on me so much, it's too disrespectful to my teacher." Then thinking about the moment when a little intolerance leads to a big conspiracy, he still said politely: "Si The guild master is a hero, and this junior has long wanted to pay a personal visit. But right now, one of my best friends is seriously injured, please allow me to seek medical treatment for her first, and Jing will visit your guild later to explain all the misunderstandings."

Lou Jian sneered and said, "It's a bunch of lies! You've been looking for ten or eight years, so are we going to wait for you for ten or eight years? You don't want to put oil on your feet today!" Jing Lanzhou couldn't hold back anymore, and snorted. : "Elder Zhang just came here with just one sentence, when did he back down too much? But Jing is leaving now, I'm sorry you can't stop him."

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