Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 101 Fighting

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Seeing this, Jing Lanzhou sighed secretly: "Monk Jian Sheng can be regarded as an eminent monk in the martial arts. It is really wrong for him to be so obsessed with fame after joining the court." Jian Sheng's palms, one Yin and one Yang, were slapped at the two women in a row. The wind was fierce and fierce, and the two girls quickly drew their swords to fight back.Wang Shan was about to witness Jiansheng's martial arts, so he was not in a hurry to come forward to help, but just watched coldly from the sidelines.

Jing Lanzhou once fought against Jian Sheng in Henan. At that time, the latter had one opponent and three, and he had little power to parry; now, seeing that his palm technique is rigorous, his internal energy is deep and pure, he is really a rare master, and he confronted him head-on Although the confrontation can be won, it is unavoidable to use a hundred moves. I also saw that the two swordsmanship is exquisite and the offensive and defensive coordination is profound and mysterious, which I have never understood in my life.Although he had heard Luo Yushu praise the beauty of Yuchan's swordsmanship, seeing it with his own eyes, he was still shocked and thought to himself: "Although Master's martial arts has reached the extreme level, he only pays attention to personal cultivation, and here we fight against the enemy together." There is no deep research on the sword formation. In fact, as long as they cooperate properly, even if a single martial art is not superior, kneading one can exert great power."

On that day, the second envoy of Shuangxia fought against Luo Yushu and Gu Qingzhi in Wuchang, and the two daughters, Zuihua and Woping, were not inferior in martial arts, although they were slightly inferior to Shuangxia in martial arts. Sheng was embarrassed and retreated again and again.Seeing that if he didn't make a move again, Wang Shan was afraid that Jian Sheng would be killed by the sword. With a long cry, he untied a soft sword as thin as a cicada's wing from his waist, and shook it in his hand. "The ground straightened up straight, more than four feet long, and the tip of the sword couldn't help trembling slightly.Jing Lanzhou was startled, and said to himself: "This man has great internal strength, I played with him in Ru Ning that day with the fish swimming skill, so I really suspected that I was making too much of it."

I saw Wang Shan's figure flashed, rushing into the middle of the three, the long sword in his hand was sometimes soft like twisting fingers, and his moves were like poisonous snakes spitting out letters, unpredictable; windy.Jing Lanzhou saw that he controlled the soft sword with internal strength, and he could change between rigidity and softness freely. The enemy couldn't guess what his next move would be, so it was naturally difficult to guard against it. His accomplishments are really astonishing, martial arts are not inferior to appreciating victories, the two of them join hands, and the second envoy, Huaping, can't resist the enemy." Sure enough, after more than ten moves, the second envoy has already defended more than attacked, relying only on the moves The cooperation is exquisite, and it is barely possible to lose.Jian Sheng saw that Wang Shan's swordsmanship was excellent, and secretly admired in his heart: "'Jin Yi San Ying' is worthy of being a master in the palace, and it really lives up to its reputation."

I just heard Wang Shan sneer and said: "I just want to ask the two honorable envoys to move to Zhenfusi to explain. Why do you two do this? Swords have no eyes, and the two girls should follow me obediently." Hua Ping on the opposite side Even if he is already out of breath from the fight, he only has the power to parry.The Messenger of Wo Ping staggered suddenly, the long sword in his hand was already entangled by Wang Shan's soft sword.Wang Shan shook his wrist, and shouted: "Withdraw the sword!" Unable to hold back, the lieutenant threw out the long sword, and the hilt hit the Yunmen acupoint on the clavicle of the Drunken Flower Envoy, and the latter spat out a mouthful of blood fell to the ground.As soon as Wo Ping lost his weapon, his fist and kick skills were very ordinary, Jian Sheng snatched a finger on Zhongqihu acupoint, and his body was limp and collapsed.

Wang Shan grinned and said, "Come here, take down the two honored envoys!" Several soldiers rushed forward with ropes behind them.Jing Lanzhou thought in his heart: "Miss Xian has helped me many times, this time the Second Envoy Hua Ping was ordered by her to help me find Senior Lin, I can't just watch them fall into the hands of Jin Yiwei." , stood in front of the two daughters, and said with a smile: "Lord Wang, Master Jiansheng, we meet again."

Wang Shan and Jian Sheng's expressions changed at the same time, and Jian Sheng hissed: "Zhou Lanjin! You played tricks on me many times before, and today I teach you to run into the poor monk's hand!" Wang Shan sneered: "Wang is kind in Ru Ning Let you go, brat, this time you're looking for your own death, so you can't blame me!" Jing Lanzhou said with a smile: "Both of you are well-known figures in the martial arts world, and they joined forces to deal with two girls who are not yet double ten. It will inevitably be ridiculed if it is spread, so it is better to let them go."

Wang Shan yelled: "These two are important criminals of Wuwei Palace, who dares to let go lightly? So you kid is also a member of the White Lotus Sect, so if you know your senses, quickly catch them!" With a flick of the sword tip, it pointed at Jing Lanzhou's throat and went away. I thought in my heart: "Although the brat's martial arts are a bit evil, now there is monk Jiansheng here, can you beat me and me together?" The high level of martial arts still has lingering fears, seeing Wang Shan make a move at this moment, his mind is exactly the same as his, and he stepped forward to attack at the same time.

Jing Lanzhou thought: "These two are first-class masters, it is difficult to fight with empty hands." With a tiptoe, he took the long sword that fell on the ground from the lying messenger in his hand, and suddenly turned his back to the two of them, making a move. "Tie Banqiao" leaned back his upper body, and stabbed straight with his sword.The two of them didn't expect him to make such a weird move, Jian Sheng was almost stabbed, he hurriedly dodged to the right, and then he dodged the general.

Wang Shan scolded: "My boy, just use any weird tricks!" With a wave of his right hand, the soft sword drew an arc in mid-air, turned and pierced Jing Lanzhou's chest.Jing Lanzhou took advantage of the situation and lay down on his back to avoid the incoming sword. With his left hand, he sliced ​​Wang Shan's ankle horizontally, and with his right hand, he struck upwards, and faced Jiansheng's next move, "Black Cloud Pressing the Top".His palm strength was better than Jiansheng's, and he took advantage of his back on the ground. When his palms intersected, Jiansheng felt the blood in his chest surge, and he kicked Jing Lanzhou's forehead and temple fiercely with his left foot.Jing Lanzhou forced Wang Shan to take a step back with a sword in his left hand, and the tip of the sword nailed the ground behind his head. Ma Bu just stood firm.

Wang Shan's sword was shining brightly, and the move "Pull the grass to find the snake" was false and real, covering more than ten vital points of Jing Lanzhou's body.Jing Lanzhou's left hand moved slightly, and he stood upside down with the point of the sword pointing to the ground, using a move of "Autumn Wind Rolls the Fallen Leaves" to swing away Wang Shan's soft sword.Jian Sheng slapped Jing Lanzhou's waist with a slanted stab, Jing Lanzhou used the fish swimming skill in mid-air to dodge lightly, wiped along Jian Sheng's arm behind the opponent, turned over and landed, and stood back to back with him.Jian Sheng yelled, turned around and stretched out both palms, but saw that there was no one in front of him, Jing Lanzhou leaned on him like a shadow and turned to the other side, taking advantage of the momentum to block Wang Shan's sword.

Jian Sheng was startled and angry, he rushed forward a few steps, Jing Lanzhou also leaned against him and retreated back, the backs of the two were always firmly attached to each other, not even half an inch separated.Jian Sheng scolded: "Stinky boy is really evil!" Putting his hands on the ground, he kicked his legs back and forth.Jing Lanzhou fell on his back, but was still firmly pressed on his back, and Jian Sheng's chain of mandarin duck legs almost kicked Wang Shan who was rushing forward.

Wang Shan yelled angrily: "My boy, where did you learn such lazy kung fu!" He raised his arm vigorously, using the sword as an axe, and with a move of "Splitting Huashan with strength", he was about to be chopped into two pieces, and a blur suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. , Jing Lanzhou somehow got into Jiansheng's belly, seeing that the sword was about to hit Jiansheng, he was terrified and tried his best to withdraw the move, the tip of the sword couldn't stop, and still pierced a big hole in the monk's robe on Jiansheng's back Fortunately, no flesh was hurt.

Jian Sheng saw that Jing Lanzhou rolled under him in the blink of an eye, and the two of them almost touched their noses. Even though he was so brave, he couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, and jumped back quickly.Jing Lanzhou laughed, barely moved his hands and feet, and stood up with a twist of his shoulders, his movements were extremely strange.His drill just now is the superior move in swimming fish kung fu "Dragon into a carp". He exhausted the essence of Dongguan's lifelong lightness kung fu and body skills. Although Jiansheng martial arts is high, how can he guard against it?

Jian Sheng saw that he was able to restrain himself just now, but he didn't take the opportunity to kill him. He stopped Wang Shan who was about to go forward to fight again and said, "Zhou Tanyue, thank you for your mercy. Considering your age, you are a poor monk with excellent martial arts skills." It is rare in life, and it is not inferior to the noble friend Luo benefactor, and he must be a famous teacher. If you dare to ask the teacher what to call, maybe everyone is a teacher and friend, so as not to cause misunderstanding." Jing Lanzhou laughed and said: "Master is so polite .It's not that I don't want to tell you, it's because I have low skills, and speaking out insults the prestige of my teacher. If you two are willing to let these two girls go, I will be grateful."

Jian Sheng frowned slightly, and said: "Lord Benefactor Luo's martial arts are all handed down by Heshuo heroes. Tan Yue can be indistinguishable from him at a young age. Could it be..." Jing Lanzhou waved his hand and said: "Master, there is no need to guess too much. Martial arts There are many masters in the middle school, and the master Xian of the noble sect is by no means inferior to Jing, and you know it very well." Jian Sheng looked embarrassed, and said: "The poor monk has long turned his back on the dark, and the word 'gui sect' has already given up. I have to mention it again. These two women are important figures in Wuwei Palace, and they must never be let go. Tan Yue will save them unless he kills the poor monk."

Suddenly heard a voice like a silver bell behind him saying: "Smelly thief bald, what's the difficulty in killing you?" Jian Sheng and Wang Shan looked back and saw a young girl with a light yellow shirt, very beautiful, but they didn't recognize her; Next to him is a man with an ancient sword and green robe, imposing manner, who is it not Luo Yushu?

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