"That's it!"

Wang Changsheng said: "If you don't agree with my proposal, then we won't be able to fight this battle!"

Wang Changsheng wanted to kill Anyin, or learn some secrets about the ancient way of the underworld from Anyin. If he could get the magic of the ancient way of the underworld, he would make a lot of money.

The monks of the ancient path of the underworld, with a few drops of the underworld, can cultivate to a very powerful level, and their spells are also very powerful. Wang Changsheng has a whole underworld, but there is no way to use it!

Under the watchful eyes of the public, with Wang Changsheng's means of showing the public, he is really not An Yin's opponent.

An Yin was also silent, he really wanted to regard Wang Changsheng and Wang Changsheng as his whetstones, but if Wang Changsheng and Wang Changsheng wanted to avoid the war wholeheartedly, An Yin would have nothing to do with them.


Anyin thought for a while and said: "Let him swear that when I am in the world of Dingzhong, he will only provide a venue and will not use any means to attack me!"

"Give you a face?"

When Li Fusheng heard An Yin's words, he immediately exploded in anger, asking Li Fusheng to swear?Is Li Fusheng that kind of person? !

What's more, after Anyin's arrival, many monks focused their eyes on this place. If Li Fusheng really made an oath, it would be a bit embarrassing.

In the cultivation world, it is usually only when you are cornered that you will make an oath!

"Old Wang, let me come..." Li Fusheng said with a bad expression, "You can just help me hold the battle. Today, I have a way to kill him!"

If Li Fusheng is really going to make a desperate move, Li Fusheng is [-]% sure that he can kill Anyin.

How can it be a simple role to be the young master of the Shangyang lineage?

Wang Changsheng was in a dilemma for a while!

Regarding Anyin, Wang Changsheng had his own plan, and he also wanted to learn more about the ancient way of the underworld through Anyin. Anchen died too quickly back then, and Anchen was only at the peak of the Venerable, so he must know what he knew. No Yin Yin know much.

"Old Li, help me!" Wang Changsheng said, "I want to fight him!"

"Old Wang..."

Li Fusheng showed a reluctant expression, but seeing Wang Changsheng's eyes, Li Fusheng finally gritted his teeth and agreed: "Okay!"

For An Yin, Li Fusheng already regarded him as a dead person!

Even after taking the oath, Li Fusheng can't intervene in the world of Dingzhong, but once Wang Changsheng is not low, Li Fusheng will immediately release the two.

Then, Li Fusheng will do everything possible to kill An Yin.

Still swear?

Who do you look down on?

Next, Li Fusheng made an oath directly, promising that when Anyin fought Wang Changsheng, Li Fusheng would only provide a venue, and would never secretly attack Anyin in any form.

bang bang...

After taking the oath, Li Fusheng directly sacrificed the three-legged giant tripod, which rose against the wind, and instantly rose to hundreds of feet in size, and continued to grow, with no intention of stopping.

Inside the three-legged giant tripod, there is a world in the tripod, which is very vast, and it is definitely enough for two people to fight in it.

Moreover, the three-legged giant tripod is still a magic weapon of the Taoist level, and the power of the two fighting against each other is definitely not enough to destroy the three-legged giant tripod.

Most importantly, no one except Li Fusheng knew what happened inside the three-legged giant cauldron.

When the three-legged giant cauldron poured backwards, Wang Changsheng and Anyin stepped directly into the world of the cauldron, one behind the other.

"It's such a strong bloody aura..."

As soon as he stepped into it, Wang Changsheng frowned immediately.

"This kind of place..."

An Yin's tone was also somewhat unfriendly.

"What? My cauldron world is like this. Could this be regarded as a secret attack on you?"

After Li Fusheng heard Anyin's voice, he immediately started cursing, and his voice kept echoing in the world of Dingzhong.

An Yin did not answer Li Fusheng.

Now, Anyin wants to see how strong Wang Changsheng is?

What Anyin thought when he rushed over was definitely to attack Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng directly, and fight Wang Changsheng and Wang Changsheng alone with his own strength!

But now, Wang Changsheng actually wants to fight alone, and Anyin doesn't know where Wang Changsheng's confidence comes from? !

Moreover, An Yin was also speculating on the meaning of Wang Changsheng's actions.

Wang Changsheng and An Yin hadn't fought yet, but Jian Pingfan's figure approached Li Fusheng.

"Li Daoyou..." Jian Pingfan clasped his fists and said, "Can you let me watch the battle?"

"No!" Li Fusheng directly refused and said, "Since Old Wang is doing this, I definitely don't want everyone to see this battle!"

"But what if Fellow Daoist Li disregards his oath and attacks Fellow Daoist Anyin?" Another figure emerged and said to Li Fusheng.

"It's none of your business!" Li Fusheng said directly to the monk who appeared: "I don't care about my oath, then I'll face the backlash from the world. What does it have to do with you?"

As he said that, Li Fusheng waved his hand directly, and the three-legged giant cauldron was put away by Li Fusheng.

These monks must have appeared to observe this battle. They were very curious, what kind of tricks did Wang Changsheng use to hide himself and fight in hiding?

But Li Fusheng didn't let them see it!

If you let them see, it would be fine to fight directly on the ancient road. Why does Wang Changsheng need to borrow the three-legged giant tripod in the world of the tripod?unnecessary...

More and more figures appeared, expressing their desire to observe this battle.

However, Li Fusheng was unmoved at all, no matter what the monks said, he didn't answer directly, and let the monks clamor.

As for their worry that Li Fusheng would break his oath?

As Li Fusheng said, so what if it is torn up?

The backlash of the oath was Li Fusheng's own admission, so what's the matter with these monks?

They just want to spy on this battle, and they want to know the secrets of Wang Changsheng!

"It's all gone!"

Li Fusheng said: "I won't show it to you!"

"Li Daoyou..." A middle-stage cultivator of the Grand Master said with a bad expression, "You'd better let us observe it..."

"This is the request of all our fellow Taoists, if you don't agree..."

"Do you think, with your current strength, you can stop us?"

Soft ones are not enough, then only hard ones are available!

Now that Wang Changsheng is fighting Anyin, and Li Fusheng's three-legged giant cauldron can't be used, Li Fusheng's strength will be greatly reduced. At this time, only a mid-stage high-level master is needed to take action, and maybe he can win Li Fu was born!

Many supreme teachers are studying Wang Changsheng, want to know the reason why Wang Changsheng grows so fast?

I also want to know if Wang Changsheng is an old monster who took the house!

If we can find out the reason why Wang Changsheng's strength has grown so rapidly, can we train cultivators in batches?

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