When the black-robed monk was killed by Li Fusheng, the Dao Yun formed by the condensed power of the two heavens and the earth appeared. It was so huge that it directly submerged into the bodies of Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng.

Wang Changsheng also immediately sank into the absorption!

Such a huge amount of heaven, earth, and Taoism is dozens of times more than the gifts received in the previous battle. Even without refining, it will take a lot of time to absorb it.

After Li Fusheng made some arrangements, ordinary monks should not be able to find the hiding place of the two of them, so Wang Changsheng gradually entered into a deep retreat.

In addition to absorbing the gifts of the ancient road, one also needs to experience the harvest of this battle.

In this place of Ancient War Road, one must seize the time to improve one's own strength. Before the war comes, even if one can improve a little bit, one can have a chance of surviving!

The ancient road of war did not stop because of Wang Changsheng's latent cultivation. For the monks who set foot on the ancient road, Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng were just two small characters.

On the ancient road, there are turbulent winds and storms, and there is never a shortage of powerful monks to prove their strength.

Each name, like stars, shone on the ancient road of war. Some monks became famous because they killed many monks of the same level, and some monks became famous because they defeated many battle spirits!

No matter how they became famous, as long as they can make a name for themselves on this ancient road, there is absolutely no one who is simple.


Wang Chang let out a breath of foul breath, slowly opened his eyes, the stars flashed away in his eyes, and the aura on his body became even more unfathomable.

"Great progress!" Wang Changsheng sighed in his heart.

The current Wang Changsheng, after absorbing the gifts from the ancient road and comprehending the gains in this battle, his strength has been greatly improved. According to Wang Changsheng's own estimation, the current self should be able to face the two previous selves. Repression!

This is a kind of self-confidence, and it also shows that Wang Changsheng's strength has indeed increased greatly, otherwise, Wang Changsheng would not have such strong self-confidence in his heart.

"Now, in the face of the strong mid-stage master, I am more confident..."

Looking at Li Fusheng not far away, the giant three-legged cauldron was put away by Li Fusheng, the aura on his body was stable, and the lost vitality was fully recovered, and the vitality was more intense than before.

As for how much Li Fusheng has recovered from his injuries, Wang Changsheng is not sure, and he will not know until Li Fusheng wakes up.

Without making Wang Changsheng wait any longer, after Li Fusheng woke up, he also let out a foul breath.

"How much recovered?" Wang Changsheng asked immediately.

Li Fusheng said with a smile: "Seventy to eighty percent!"

"Not bad!" Wang Changsheng said.

With Li Fusheng's background and strength, recovering [-]% to [-]% is enough to deal with the average Dazun mid-stage monks.

What's more, the current Li Fusheng has also absorbed the gift of the ancient road, and his strength is stronger than before. Now that he has recovered [-]% to [-]%, he may be even stronger than before.

With a big wave of Li Fusheng's hand, the three-legged giant tripod appeared again. Amidst Wang Changsheng's puzzled expression, the three-legged giant tripod poured backwards, and a black shadow fell out of the three-legged giant tripod.

"This...this is..."

Wang Changsheng was also taken aback when he saw the black shadow falling out of the three-legged giant cauldron, because Wang Changsheng was no stranger to this black shadow. .

"It's it..." Li Fusheng nodded to confirm Wang Changsheng's guess.

"Hasn't it already exploded?" Wang Changsheng asked with a surprised expression.

"Self-explosion?" Li Fusheng said, "You underestimate Dao artifacts too much, and you underestimate that black-robed monk and the two of us too!"

"If the Taoist weapon really explodes, can we stop it?"

Li Fusheng paused and continued: "Let me ask you one more question, let you explode the Langcang Sword or the Blood God Needle, can you do it?"

Wang Changsheng felt the state of the Langcang Sword and the Blood God Needle, and finally shook his head and said, "It seems impossible!"

Really can't do it!

"It's not this Taoist weapon that exploded, it's just the spirituality attached to it!" Li Fusheng picked up the black whip on the ground, smiled and said: "We were all scared at the time, and we didn't investigate it at all!"

"When it collided, I wrapped everything in the cauldron. Now that his original owner has fallen, he is naturally an ownerless thing!"

"It's just that it has no spirituality, so it's a dead Taoist weapon!" Li Fusheng continued, "I don't know how long it will take to re-cultivate spirituality and restore the power of the Taoist weapon..."

To be precise, this Taoist weapon, the black whip, has been destroyed!

It no longer has the power of a Taoist weapon, but this black whip is still a Taoist tool, and the nature of the material can carry the power of a Taoist tool. Therefore, as long as there is a chance, this black whip will become a Taoist tool again!

It's difficult, but it's much simpler than cultivating a quasi-dao tool into a Taoist tool.

"Give it to you!"

Li Fusheng threw the black whip to Wang Changsheng and said, "I don't need it anyway!"

After Wang Changsheng took the black whip, he said with tears and laughter, "What are you doing for me? I don't need it either!"

Now Wang Changsheng is going to refine the Langcang Sword with all his strength, that is to say, to refine the Underworld, and also to refine the Dao Artifact-level Blood God Needle. He really doesn't have time to re-accumulate a Dao Artifact.

"Then just let it go!" Li Fusheng said, "Anyway, I refined his master, and I gained quite a lot. This black whip should be yours!"


Wang Changsheng put away the black whip.

If other monks knew that Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng were so modest, their eyes would pop out in surprise.

There are not many Daoist masters who are strong in the mid-stage realm who can master a Taoist weapon. Even a Taoist weapon with no spirituality is much stronger than the top quasi-Taoist weapon.

Throwing out the spiritually devoid black whip now would definitely cause a lot of big venerables to snatch it, and neither Li Fusheng nor Wang Changsheng wanted the black whip.

In the end, it was Wang Changsheng who put it away like garbage and took up a corner. It was a waste of money!

Next, after the two changed their appearances, they continued to wander on the ancient road. There was no confrontation, but they saw many confrontations between other strong men.

However, the confrontation between most of the strong is just to stop, to test each other, and if you are not sure that you can win the other party, you will never start a life-and-death battle!

"Old Li, did you notice that the number of monks on the ancient road has increased!" Wang Changsheng said via voice transmission.

At this moment, the two of them are watching the battle between the two great masters in the mid-stage realm.

Around them, dozens of strong men appeared, most of them were wrapped in black robes, and only a few of them showed their true colors.

The figure of Dan Dongyang is also among them!

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