Longevity Tianque

Chapter 2041 On the Ancient Road

After finding a passerby who was in the early stage of the Great Master, Li Fusheng handed over his token directly. Wang Changsheng glanced at it. It was the token issued by Zhan Gufen. As Li Fusheng, he could indeed get it. piece.

"go in!"

The passerby said directly.

Li Fusheng nodded, then waved to Wang Changsheng and said, "Let's go, keep up. According to the old rules on the Ancient War Road, one token can bring one companion up!"

Wang Changsheng, who was about to take out the token, was taken aback immediately, looking at Li Fusheng's appearance, since that was the case, Wang Changsheng didn't bother to take out the token, and immediately followed Li Fusheng's pace!

"Two friends, please wait a moment!"

The passers-by in the early stage of the Ancient War Road Master saw that Wang Changsheng was about to follow, and immediately said to Wang Changsheng: "This fellow Taoist, without a token, is not allowed to enter the Ancient War Road!"

Wang Changsheng: "..."

Wang Changsheng knew that under such circumstances, it was impossible for Li Fusheng to deceive him. He was brought here by Li Fusheng now, and if Li Fusheng wanted to embarrass himself, Li Fusheng would embarrass himself.

"Fellow Daoist!" Li Fusheng said immediately: "According to the rules of the Ancient War Road, if you have a token in hand, you can choose to bring a companion into the Ancient War Road!"

"It was indeed like this before!" said the cultivator at the early stage of the Great Zhan Zhan Gulu, "But, from this time on, it won't work!"

The monks in the early stage of the Ancient Zhanzhanlu obviously didn't want to offend Li Fusheng. Seeing Li Fusheng frowned, he said again: "If you don't believe me, you can ask the surrounding Taoists. They came here early. This rule, It’s true that it’s been like this from this time on, not for fellow daoists!”

Li Fusheng saw that the monks in the early stage of the Ancient War Road Great Master didn't seem to be telling lies, so he immediately asked, "Why?"

According to Li Fusheng's understanding, it was indeed possible to bring a companion into the ancient road with the token in the past. Why was it changed this time?

"Fellow daoist, because when many fellow daoists entered, the companions they brought with them were far from that level of cultivation, and many fell on the ancient war road...so..."

The monk at the early stage of the Ancient War Road Master explained: "From this time on, one token can only allow one monk to enter the Ancient War Road!"

This is the rule set by the ancient war road, and now on the ground of the ancient war road, this rule must be followed.

Either, now Li Fusheng entered the ancient war road alone, or, the two of them turned around and left together.


Li Fusheng was about to say something, but was interrupted by Wang Changsheng waving his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Li Fusheng saw that Wang Changsheng also took out an identical token.

"You have a token, why didn't you take it out at the beginning?" The early-stage cultivator of the Great Master of the Ancient War Road said immediately: "It saves so much trouble!"

Wang Changsheng also smiled awkwardly!

This token was brought by the second uncle back then, and he chose to come here with Li Fusheng. Since Li Fusheng could bring him in, he would give Li Fusheng a face. Unexpectedly, there was an embarrassing scene.

"Go in!" The monk of the early stage of the Great Master of the Ancient War Road reminded: "The two of you can cultivate to the early stage of the Great Master at a young age, and your achievements will definitely be extraordinary in the future!"

"The ancient road of war, there are many opportunities, but the danger is also great, the two fellow Taoists need to pay attention!"

After finishing speaking, the cultivator at the early stage of Zhan Zhan Gulu showed a kind smile to Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng.

Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng nodded, and immediately, the two of them stepped out directly and set foot on the ancient road of war!

Neither of them paid too much attention to the goodwill shown by the monks in the early stage of the Ancient War Road. Before they came to the Ancient War Road, they knew the meaning of the Ancient War Road, so of course they were mentally prepared!

"Is this the ancient road of war?"

As soon as he set foot on the ancient road of war, Wang Changsheng showed a shocked expression.

Even Li Fusheng had the same reaction as Wang Changsheng!

When you set foot on the ancient road of war, the first thing you feel is not the golden aura of war, but an overwhelming dao aggregate, which is difficult to comprehend in the Nine Heavens Realm, is everywhere here.

It's just that these Dao aggregates cannot be captured, because all the Dao aggregates can be seen, touched, and even less comprehended. They are all condensed into bluestones and paved on the ancient war road.

"I suddenly had an immature idea..."

Li Fusheng said suddenly.

Wang Changsheng understood Li Fusheng's meaning in an instant, and then said: "Don't mess around?! The ancient war road has been passed down to this day. If your immature idea can be realized, the ancient war road will not be like this. !"

Before Wang Changsheng finished speaking, he saw that Li Fusheng was already realizing his immature idea.

I saw Li Fusheng waved his hand, and a flaming spear appeared directly in Li Fusheng's hand. Immediately afterwards, Li Fusheng restrained the power of the spear.


Li Fusheng uttered a muffled voice, and he chopped down the ancient war road. To be precise, he chopped down the bluestone that paved the ancient war road.

Once you can split the bluestone, you will definitely be able to capture the Dao Yun in the bluestone.

If you can directly capture the Dao Yun in the bluestone, you don't have to compete with other monks!


The spear landed on the bluestone road, and there was a huge roar. Immediately afterwards, Li Fusheng saw a huge deep pit appear on the bluestone road with a single shot.


"I see..."

Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng both frowned as they looked at the deep pit on the bluestone road, showing thoughtful expressions.

The power of Li Fusheng's shot did destroy the ancient road, but it was only the surface that was destroyed. The deep pit appeared, and the power that erupted did not collapse, nor did the Dao Yun appear. The Tao Yun appeared at the moment the bluestone collapsed , sinking directly.

Now, what the two of them saw, the bluestone condensed by Dao Yun was still there, it just turned into a deep pit, and Dao Yun also appeared under the deep pit.

"Don't waste your energy in vain!"

Wang Changsheng immediately said: "I don't know how many monks have come to the ancient war road. You are definitely not the strongest, and you are not the first to have such an idea. If someone has succeeded in the past, I am afraid it will have been spread long ago. Wait until today for your verification code?"

"That's what happened!" Li Fusheng also nodded and said.

As he said that, Li Fusheng also put away the flame spear, and his power disappeared.


Wang Changsheng, who had been looking at the deep pit, suddenly said, "Look, the deep pit you created is slowly healing!"

Li Fusheng also nodded, realizing this situation!

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