Longevity Tianque

Chapter 2038 Killed his claws

Wang Changsheng has been in seclusion all the time, and he doesn't pay attention to what happened outside, so naturally he doesn't know what happened.

Seven years is a short time, but it is also a long time!

During these seven years, those powerful cities in Congtian Realm, after uniting, kept making secret deals with various tribes in Congtian Realm, and indeed exchanged for a lot of cultivation resources!

Because of this reason, many cities have ushered in a leap-like development.

Seven years is enough for great changes to take place. Originally, Xunshan City was definitely the hottest city among the cities built from the Heavenly Realm by the supreme sects.

Now, although Patrol Mountain City has not declined, and the resident monks have not decreased, the resident population has not continued to increase after not entering the city alliance.

In other words, the Patrol City has stopped developing.

And in the past seven years, two more cities have grown up, with a population exceeding one million, and they are on an equal footing with Xunshan City.

Zhou Tiancheng and Tianjian City!

The current Zhou Tiancheng and Tianjian City occupy a dominant position in the alliance of cities, and have gained the most benefits. The development of these seven years has indeed made Zhou Tiancheng and Tianjian City completely different.

Although Xunshan City has not developed much in the past seven years, it is still considered a big city, and Shangyang City is much more tragic than Xunshan City.

I don't know who is targeting Shangyang City. Anyway, there have been some bad reviews in Shangyang City over the years, and more and more monks have left Shangyang City.

Even, some forces stationed in Shangyang City directly withdrew from the battlefield of Congtian Realm after leaving Shangyang City.

Those forces followed Shangyang City, also wanting to develop from the heavenly realm, but now, Shangyang City can't protect itself, so they naturally have to leave.

The interests are mutual!

Shangyang City is indeed tough, no matter how many forces leave Shangyang City, even if there are a few first-class forces withdrawing, they will not stop them and ignore them.

Let him go, let him go!

This is indeed the style of Shangyang Yimai!

However, according to private rumors, it was heard that the city lord of Shangyang City was furious several times, but they were all suppressed by the Shangyang lineage. It is said that because of this matter, Shangyang City is going to change the city lord.

However, until now, the lord of Shangyang City still hasn't changed!

Only those with a discerning eye can see that Shangyang City has become a whirlpool, and the next step may be a battle between various supreme religions.

It's just that Shangyang City is not completely ruined yet, and anyone who dares to go up and step on it will definitely not have any good results!

Even if other supreme sects are not afraid of the situation of Shangyang Yimai, at this time they are only doing it secretly, and dare not easily provoke Shangyang Yimai!

Because everyone knows that once the Shangyang Yimai is irritated, the Shangyang Yimai is a bunch of lunatics, and they dare to fight you desperately!


Wang Changsheng watched Li Fusheng appear in the small courtyard, pushed a glass of wine to the opposite side, and Li Fusheng sat down directly.

"I should have come a long time ago, but I was delayed by some things!" Li Fusheng said: "Congratulations, you have become the Master of the Mountain Ranger Shaoshan!"

"What about Shangyang City?" Wang Changsheng said pointingly!

Wang Changsheng didn't intend to talk about the issue of the mountain patroller Shaoshanzhu at all, as long as the two of them knew each other well!


Li Fusheng nodded and said: "It is indeed a matter of Shangyang City. I have been retreating all these years. I didn't expect that when I left the customs, Shangyang City would already be a mess!"

"It's really bad enough!" Wang Changsheng said: "The great situation you have managed is ruined like this!"

"No way!" Li Fusheng said: "When I was in Shangyang City, the other branches didn't dare to think too much. After I left..."

"It will become a place of right and wrong in the Shangyang lineage!"

Wang Changsheng frowned after hearing Li Fusheng's words: "My own?"

Li Fusheng nodded again. Regarding this kind of matter, Li Fusheng has nothing to hide. Let alone the relationship between the two of them here, Wang Changsheng will not gossip, but with Wang Changsheng's current status, he wants to know The truth about Yangcheng is not too difficult!

"Shangyang's lineage is also a bit complicated!" Wang Changsheng said.

The Shangyang lineage is just a general term. There are many branches in the Shangyang lineage, and the Li family of the royal family is just the most powerful main line among them.

The Li family of the royal family in the Shangyang lineage can indeed suppress the current world, but that doesn't mean that other branches will not have any small moves.

But this time, it was some branches who planned to go to Yangcheng!

"In other words, did Shangyang City die at the hands of his own people?" Wang Changsheng asked.

"That's right!" Li Fusheng nodded and said, "Of course, there are also some shadows of other supreme masters, otherwise, they wouldn't be so courageous!"

"That's more troublesome!" Wang Changsheng said directly: "If it's just to the outside world, it's impossible for the Shangyang lineage to have not made a sound until now. It turns out that there are internal reasons..."

"It's okay!" Wang Changsheng said with a smile, "It's all been dealt with!"

"The claws of some branches are too long, so just kill his claws!"

Wang Changsheng frowned when he heard Li Fusheng's words. Although Li Fusheng said it calmly, but being able to keep the Shangyang branch silent all the time is enough to show that this matter is definitely not what it seems on the surface. Simple.

It may even have caused a bloody storm within the Shangyang vein.

"Then what about Shangyang City?" Wang Changsheng asked.

The current Shangyang City has reached the point where the sun is fading away, and it will take a lot of actions to develop again.

"What else can I do?" Li Fusheng spread his hands and said, "Let nature take its course!"

"As far as the Shangyang lineage is concerned, they are not good at city construction and management. I was able to build Shangyang City at the beginning because of your help!"

"Otherwise..." Li Fusheng paused and said, "Shangyang City would not be able to develop at all!"

Wang Changsheng also nodded.

For Li Fusheng's statement, Wang Changsheng also agreed very much.

The monks of the Shangyang lineage are indeed not suitable for doing these things. When Li Fusheng built the Shangyang City, it can be regarded as the victory of the Shangyang lineage from the heaven!

And after Li Fusheng left, Shangyang Yimai couldn't hold on to this foundation, which also proved this point!

"Let's go!"

Li Fusheng put down his wine glass, and said directly: "The sky-enchanting realm has already started to be lively, if you go late, you won't be able to find a good place to watch!"

"it is good!"

With a wave of his hand, Wang Changsheng put away the wine pot, and followed Li Fusheng, fleeing directly into the Xingyu.

Wang Changsheng did not notify the governor of the City Lord's Mansion about Wang Changsheng's departure. Anyway, the development of Xunshan City has already been on the right track, and there is no major event to happen now.

If you encounter someone who is undecided, just wait for Wang Changsheng to come back and deal with it!

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