Longevity Tianque

Chapter 2036 Rejection

The supreme teaching is not achieved overnight. Through the accumulation of time, to enhance one's own foundation and strength, whether the accumulation process is fair or not, then I don't know.

"Our purpose is indeed like this, and the rest of our cities have already united, now we will see if the mountain rangers join us!"

Another city lord also spoke.

"Where's Shangyang City?" Wang Changsheng asked.

The city lords of Zhou Tiancheng and Tianjian City are all here, but Wang Changsheng did not see the city lord of Shangyang City!

"Shangyang City can't even take care of it now!"

The city lord of Zhou Tiancheng said: "After Li Fusheng left, Shangyang City has gradually declined, and now the resident population is constantly losing. The most important thing for them now is to stabilize the city's stability, not to expand externally!"

Wang Changsheng nodded. Wang Changsheng had also heard about the situation in Shangyang City, but Wang Changsheng did not expect that the situation in Shangyang City had become so serious.

However, Wang Changsheng didn't say much, even Shangyang was not in a hurry, so Wang Changsheng definitely wouldn't ask too much!

After seeing the family land of the Shangyang lineage, Wang Changsheng really understood that the Shangyang lineage is really not good at doing such things.

Wang Changsheng didn't rush to answer either. If Wang Changsheng had listened to the suggestion of the governor of the city lord's mansion before he became the Shaoshan Lord, he had directly agreed. But now, Wang Changsheng's identity has changed, and he is the mountain patroller Shaoshan Lord!

Now Wang Changsheng's words and deeds, while representing the individual, also represent the mountain patroller!


Wang Changsheng said: "You also know that I just became the young master of the Mountain Ranger, and I don't know many things about the Mountain Ranger very well. Why don't I report it to the Mountain Ranger headquarters? Then how about giving everyone an accurate answer?"

Everyone looked at Wang Changsheng without saying a word. Obviously, everyone gathered in this place was still somewhat dissatisfied with Wang Changsheng's answer.

"City Lord Wang!"

The City Lord of Tianjian City said: "In fact, everyone has already reached a conclusion on this matter, but before leaving, City Lord Jianping has explained that he must make friends with City Lord Wang, so we thought, Good thing, bring City Lord Wang with you!"

The city lords of the other cities also nodded. The Supreme Master behind them, no matter whether they have any grievances with Wang Changsheng or not, at least, they must make good friends with Wang Changsheng when they are in the Heaven Realm.

Wang Changsheng nodded, and glanced at the steward of the city lord's mansion. The steward of the city lord's mansion did not mention such a situation.

Looking at the steward of the city lord's mansion standing beside him shaking his head, Wang Changsheng also understood that the steward of the city lord's mansion didn't know about this situation either.

"Say it straight!"

Wang Changsheng said.

"it is good!"

The City Lord Zhou Tiancheng stood up and said: "City Lord Wang, our intention is very simple. If we are willing to join forces, all the resources obtained will be given to Xunshan City!"

"As for the resources allocated to Xunshan City, whether your Xunshan City will hand it over to Xunshan City headquarters, or you will retain it yourself, that is your own business!"

The Lord of Tianjian City also said at this time: "City Lord Wang, I believe that as the Lord of the Mountain Ranger Shaoshan, even if you intercept all the resources, there should be no problem!"

Wang Changsheng frowned, because Wang Changsheng felt that whether it was the city lord of Tianjian City or Zhoutian City, they were all tempting him.


If something is intercepted, the top mountain rangers will definitely not say anything, but there will definitely be opinions.

"You city lords, let me report it before I talk about it!" Wang Changsheng said.

"it is good!"

The city lord Zhou Tiancheng said directly: "City lord Wang, I won't say anything else. We'll wait for seven days. After seven days, if you have a response, then we will cooperate!"

"If you don't make any noise after seven days, we will start directly. At that time, if you mountain patrollers want to come in and join forces, don't blame us for refusing!"

After speaking, more than a dozen city lords left directly, and only Wang Changsheng and the city lord's mansion were left in the hall.

After the other city lords left, Wang Changsheng finally knew why the governor of the city lord's mansion couldn't handle things!

To be precise, these city lords did not come to discuss alliances, but to inform them.

No matter what decision the mountain ranger makes, they are ready to act, they just want to give the mountain ranger a face and come to ask.

"City Lord Wang..."

The steward of the City Lord's Mansion looked at Wang Changsheng with a somewhat ugly expression.

"No need to say more!" Wang Changsheng said softly, "I understand everything!"

It was Wang Changsheng who thought about this matter simply. This kind of matter is indeed not something that a person in charge of the city lord's mansion can solve, because the identities are too unequal.

The city lords who can come here all have backgrounds from the Supreme Sect, and even have a relatively high status in the Supreme Sect. Otherwise, they would not be able to win such a fat job.

From the tone of these city lords, it can be seen that even Wang Changsheng and the others may not pay attention to them. After all, everyone is not from the same supreme sect. .

"Thank you, City Lord!" The steward of the City Lord's Mansion immediately bowed.

"You said..." Wang Changsheng asked, "Should I promise them?"

The steward of the city lord's mansion did not immediately answer this question, but asked: "The city lord has become the young mountain lord of the mountain patrol? Is it similar to the young lord?"

"En!" Wang Changsheng nodded.

The steward of the city lord's mansion immediately said: "Then don't agree to them...the more you do, the more mistakes you will make..."

"It's enough to drag it on. When the seven days are up, they will understand what the city lord means, not to mention..."

The manager of the city lord's mansion paused and continued: "If the city lord wants to intervene someday, we have neither agreed nor refused, and there is still room for maneuver!"

"Yes, I understand!" Wang Changsheng said.

After explaining to the governor of the city lord's mansion, Wang Changsheng also returned to his small courtyard and ignored the matter.

Anyway, the Mountain Ranger is not bad from the resources of the Heavenly Realm!

On the contrary, the manager of the City Lord's Mansion, watching Wang Changsheng's disappearing figure, also showed a thoughtful expression.

The person in charge of the City Lord's Mansion is not a fool, otherwise, it would not be possible to have today's situation.

The answer to this matter has been discussed from the very beginning, which is to agree to the alliance with other supreme religions. However, Wang Changsheng changed his mind at the last minute.

Otherwise, just agree directly.

Trying to figure out the psychology of the superior is what every monk has to do, and the steward of the city lord's mansion also figured out what Wang Changsheng thought, no matter whether he agrees with it or not, he definitely cannot object!

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