Longevity Tianque

Chapter 2033 Great Power

Hearing Lin Wen mention the rights that Wang Changsheng wanted to enjoy, the other mountain rangers also leaned forward.

"Congratulations to Master Shaoshan. From now on, please take care of Master Shaoshan!"

"Young Mountain Lord, you are the fastest-promoted mountain patroller I have ever seen since I became a mountain patroller!"

"Master Shaoshan, congratulations, come and sit at Zheng's house in the battle world when you have time, I will definitely entertain you!"

"Master Shaoshan, you'd better not go to Zheng's house. Old Zheng likes to invite him to Zheng's house when he sees better juniors. Do you know why?"

"Because there are so many female dolls in the Zheng family, and the yin is strong and the yang is weak. If you go there, you might not be able to get out! Hahaha..."


A group of strong men holding real mountain rangers all cupped their fists and saluted Wang Changsheng.

Now that Wang Changsheng has been recognized by heaven and earth, he has firmly secured the position of the young mountain master, and he will be an equal existence with them in the future. Even, Wang Changsheng has greater power than them. In the entire mountain patrol, only the mountain master The Lord can stabilize Wang Changsheng's head.

The reason why they don't compete for the position of the Shaoshan Lord is because of the gift from heaven and earth. Once they become the Shaoshan Lord, they need to be recognized by heaven and earth again. At that time, whether there will be a gift from heaven and earth, I don't know.

The gift of heaven and earth is the most important thing among mountain patrollers!

"Okay, ignore these old guys!" Lin Wen said directly: "They are all envious of you. After you become the Shaoshan Lord, you will have your own hall in the headquarters of the Mountain Patrol!"

"It's just that because you are the first Shaoshan Lord, this hall did not exist before. You need to practice again. When you come back next time, your Shaoshan Lord Hall should be repaired!"

Wang Changsheng nodded.

Wang Changsheng didn't really care about these things. Anyway, he should continue to sit in the mountain patrol city. It doesn't matter whether there is a hall in the patrol headquarters or not!

"Changsheng, when you hold the power in your hands, you must remember, think twice before acting, and your words and deeds in the future will represent the mountain patroller!"

"Although the mountain patroller is not the supreme teaching, and there are not so many rules, but you must not do things that endanger the mountain patroller, otherwise, the mountain master will never let you go, even if you get the world I will do everything possible to kill you!"

Lin Wen still issued a warning to Wang Changsheng, because the matter of Shaoshan Lord had a great impact on the mountain patrollers.

"Mountain Lord, don't worry!" Wang Changsheng said: "Since I practiced, I rarely provoke right and wrong. All I think about is cultivation!"

Hu Zun also looked at everyone at this time and said: "Don't worry, everyone, I will always watch this kid!"

Wang Changsheng became the lord of Shaoshan, and the happiest thing is Huzun!

Among the mountain patrollers, there are quite a few strong ones, and some of them are secretly controlling powerful forces. Sometimes Hu Zun feels a bit stretched. With Wang Changsheng's help in the future, Hu Zun will have even more power to speak.

Wang Changsheng: "..."

Wang Changsheng looked at these strong men, all of them were his seniors, and now he was discussing friendship with his peers, including his second uncle, Wang Changsheng also felt a little embarrassed.

However, what can Wang Changsheng say if even the second uncle doesn't say anything?

I can only accept it silently!

"Changsheng, the rights you hold can be checked in your own young master's decree!" Lin Wen said: "As for some of them, I'd better tell you!"

"En!" Wang Changsheng nodded.

"The first point is to mobilize the army of mountain patrollers!" Lin Wen said: "The power you control is beyond your imagination. You have won the approval of the world and fought for it yourself!"

"In the future, you can mobilize all the troops of the Mountain Patrol, and you don't need our consent, you just need to show the Master Shaoshan's order!"

"What?" Wang Changsheng immediately revealed a look of shock.

The army is a very important existence for any supreme religion, not to mention the young master, even if the person in power wants to mobilize the army, he needs to go through some high-level discussions in the religion.

Wang Changsheng didn't expect that he would be able to mobilize the army?

This kind of power is really beyond Wang Changsheng's imagination!

Among all the mountain patrollers, only Lin Wen has this kind of right, even if Hu Zun wants to mobilize the army, he needs Lin Wen's consent!

"Shanzhu, this..." Wang Changsheng said hesitantly, "Is it more powerful?"

If he thinks he has too much power, only Wang Changsheng will do this, because Wang Changsheng deeply understands one thing, the greater the power, the more he needs to pay.

Such a huge power to control the mountain ranger army will definitely push Wang Changsheng to the forefront.

"Neither do we want to!"

Lin Wen said: "In the details we discussed originally, you really can't control the army. After all, you are still young and sometimes impulsive..."

"However, after heaven and earth agree, this is heaven and earth's approval of you, and we have no right to interfere!"

Mountain rangers are like this, if they want to get gifts from heaven and earth, they cannot object to the meaning conveyed by heaven and earth, so Lin Wen and others will not only not object, but will support Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng frowned, looking at the place where the black hole disappeared just now, Wang Changsheng was also a little puzzled: "Could it be that heaven and earth are really conscious?"

Otherwise, how do you convey your meaning?

Wang Changsheng didn't ask such a question, anyway, he would understand sooner or later.

"Changsheng, ordinary army, it doesn't matter if you move it, anyway, the mountain rangers are powerful, even if they face any supreme master, they won't suffer a loss!"

"But..." Lin Wen paused and said, "It's best not to transfer the guards of the abyss, because they are existences with the background of mountain patrollers, and they are often needed to fight in the abyss!"

"I can still mobilize the guards of the abyss?" Wang Changsheng said with a shocked expression.

Originally thought that being able to mobilize the army was considered a great power, but he could even mobilize the guards of the abyss?

Every guard of the abyss is the existence of the later stage of the Great Master. Not to mention the strength, the combined battle formation is even more powerful.

Back then, Wang Changsheng had heard the story about Hu Zun leading ten Abysses to fight against the Tiger Clan many times, and he also went to learn about it afterwards, and he admired the strength of the Abyss Guards very much!

"of course can!"

Lin Wen said: "Although the Abyss Guard is an existence like a mountain ranger, it is also the most powerful army among the mountain rangers!"

Wang Changsheng: "..."

Hearing Lin Wen's affirmative answer, Wang Changsheng was also speechless. With such a huge power, he can control it himself. Can Lin Wen rest assured?

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