Longevity Tianque

Chapter 2019 Li Fusheng's Dao Heart

"Old Wang, even if you break through to Dazun now, you can't slack off!" Li Fusheng sighed and said: "There are some things that the Great Elder won't tell you too clearly, after all, you are not from the Shangyang lineage. tribe!"

"What do you mean?" Wang Changsheng asked solemnly.

With a big wave of Li Fusheng's hand, a formation shielded the two of them, and then said through voice transmission: "Old Wang, if the great world comes, what should we do?"

"Is it watching other Tianjiao dance in the Nine Heavens Realm, and we just guard this three-acre land?"

Li Fusheng looked solemn.

Wang Changsheng's expression was also very dignified, because Wang Changsheng's goal in coming to the cultivation world was to live, to live better!

Now, Wang Changsheng has broken through to the early stage of Dazun, and the goal of living is basically completed. After practicing the Longevity Kungfu, plus the seedlings left by Jianmu, Wang Changsheng will not meet Shouyuan for a long time Running out of problems.

Even if all the other great lords were exhausted and died, Wang Changsheng could still live well.

Therefore, there are only two things that weigh on Wang Changsheng's heart now. One is the one in the more heavenly realm. Wang Changsheng will definitely go to see him, but Wang Changsheng is not yet mentally prepared.

Another thing is the cause and effect of Huangquan and Jiuyou City!

Wang Changsheng knew how to solve these two problems, that is to continuously strengthen his own strength. When his strength reached a certain level, all his troubles would disappear.

It's just that the highest cultivation level in the Nine Heavens Realm is half-stepping into the Dao realm. Even if he cultivates all day long and reaches the half-stepping into the Dao realm, Wang Changsheng also understands that it is useless in the face of the cause and effect of Huangquan and Jiuyou City.

The one who had seen the battle with the abyss before, who was stronger than the half-stepped path, also fell.

Therefore, Wang Changsheng's idea is to settle down first, slowly accumulate his cultivation base, and as time slowly grows, he can also polish his own background and live longer.

However, now Li Fusheng said news about the arrival of the great world.

Wang Changsheng also had an understanding of the great world. When the great world comes, it will not be as simple as simple cultivation. All monks will compete for the hope of entering the Tao, and even a higher level!

The great world is also a troubled world!

Not only the monks of this era, but also the strong men who buried themselves in other eras may also be born. On that day, whether the strong men in the early stage of the Great Master can protect themselves has become unknown!

"Old Li, are you sure?" Wang Changsheng said, "Do you know how important this news is?"

"Shangyang's lineage can detect the arrival of the great world, and other supreme masters will definitely notice the arrival of the great world, and will definitely make some reactions and preparations!"

The supreme religion is not eternal, once the great world comes, even the supreme religion will be greatly impacted, maybe a group of strong people will emerge one day, and they will be able to overthrow a supreme religion.

Therefore, the Great World is also a test for the Supreme Great Teaching!

After being polished by the great world, the foundation of the supreme teaching will be more profound. Of course, it may also disappear.


Li Fusheng said: "No one dares to confirm the news of the arrival of the great world. Now the great world has not yet arrived, and the world is still very stable!"

"Even if there is a great world coming, because Jianmu enters the Tao, supporting the sky and supporting the earth, it will delay the arrival of the great world!"

Wang Changsheng immediately said: "Then what are you talking about!"

Is worrying about things that won't happen too much?

"Old Wang, are you sure that the great world will not come?" Li Fusheng said: "Is there no reason for Jianmu to choose to enter Taoism in this era?"

"What does it mean? It means that in this era, the world has not closed the way to enter the Tao!"

"As long as you can set foot on that road, it means that the great world is coming and getting closer!"

"Prepare for a rainy day, you understand?"

Wang Changsheng didn't answer Li Fusheng's words. Wang Changsheng must understand the principle of planning for a rainy day. It's just that the two of them are only at the initial stage of Dazun, so it's too much to worry about the coming of the great world?

"Old Li, your worry is correct, but our strength..." Wang Changsheng said.

As soon as Wang Changsheng opened his mouth, Li Fusheng looked at Wang Changsheng with burning eyes, which made Wang Changsheng panicked, so Wang Changsheng shut up before he finished speaking.

"Old Wang, I can't escape!" Li Fusheng sighed and said, "If it were me, I might still be able to escape, but you, it is impossible to escape..."

"During this period of time, I have consulted a lot of classics and learned a lot of news about Huangquan. Do you think it is so easy to avoid the cause and effect of the contamination of Huangquan?"

"What's more, Elder Li Zefeng personally came down to win you over, he must have discovered something about the great world!"

"Otherwise, why would Elder Li Zefeng personally invite you to join the Shangyang lineage?"

"It's because the power of your bloodline is too strong. Even if the Shangyang lineage is unable to participate in this big world battle, you can still use your bloodline power to resolve the crisis!"

"Huh?" Hearing Li Fusheng's words, Wang Changsheng's expression immediately changed: "You mean, Elder Li Zefeng invited me to join the Shangyang lineage in order to use me to prevent disaster?"

"What do you think?" Li Fusheng said with a disdainful smile, "Do you really think that those old monsters who have lived for many years care about our blood inheritance?"

"What they care about is the inheritance of the entire Shangyang lineage, not the inheritance of a certain person!"

Wang Changsheng showed a contemplative look, and after some thought, he stood up, cupped his fists to Li Fusheng and said, "Thank you!"

Ever since Wang Changsheng met Li Fusheng, Li Fusheng would often help Wang Changsheng, acting as a guide on Wang Changsheng's cultivation path.

If Li Fusheng wanted to murder Wang Changsheng, Wang Changsheng would not be alive today!

Now that Li Fusheng can tell such a secret, it is enough to show Li Fusheng's friendship with Wang Changsheng.

"Then, what does it have to do with your going to Xiantian Realm?" Wang Changsheng asked.

"It's not me, it's us, you have to go too!" Li Fusheng immediately said: "The Celestial Enchantment Realm is the highest realm in the Nine Heavens Realm, and it is also the largest realm. There are countless strong people, and there are many opportunities!"

"If we can go for a while, we will definitely gain a lot!"

"My purpose is simple, that when that day comes, we all have the ability to struggle!"

Li Fusheng has also struggled and cultivated all the way, and the things he has encountered are more abundant than Wang Changsheng.

Been rampant, arrogant, and even escaped from being chased and killed...

Being able to live up to now depends on qualifications and strength on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is Li Fusheng's refusal to admit defeat!

In the words of the monks, it is Dao Xin!

A firm heart!

Li Fusheng owns this!

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