Longevity Tianque

Chapter 2010 I'm holding back my big move

"Are you satisfied?"

Wang Changsheng continued to press Li Fusheng into the deep pit, and said again: "Old Li, as the young master of the Li family, you are being rubbed on the ground by me in full view, can't you hold your face?"

"If you admit defeat, I'll give you some face, how about it?"

After all, this is the family land of the Shangyang Yimai, so it is still necessary to give the Shangyang Yimai a face. If Li Fusheng is rubbed on the ground all the time, the Shangyang Yimai will lose face.

"Old Wang, are you sure you can defeat me?"

Li Fusheng's voice came from under Wang Changsheng's sharp claws.


As soon as Li Fusheng finished speaking, Wang Changsheng used his strength again to push Li Fusheng down again.


From Wang Changsheng's mouth, there was also a neighing sound.

Wang Changsheng was very sure that when Li Fusheng sacrificed the real body of the fire phoenix, he definitely had some plans, because Li Fusheng knew very well that his real body of the fire phoenix was definitely not Wang Changsheng's opponent.

But, no matter what, Wang Changsheng crushed Li Fusheng under his sharp claws at this moment, which represented Wang Changsheng's victory.

As for Li Fusheng's backhand, to Wang Changsheng, it was nothing more than a matter of soldiers coming to cover up the water and the earth.

The monks of the Shangyang lineage who were watching around became even more ugly when they saw this situation. They couldn't see the mystery, but if they were given a choice, they would rather choose Li Fusheng who has been hiding in the three-legged giant. Among the tripods, standing in an invincible position, although a little shameless, at least it doesn't have to be so ugly.

"What the hell are you going to do?"

Wang Changsheng looked at Li Fusheng under his sharp claws, and finally couldn't help asking.

Li Fusheng's methods are too many. After breaking through to Dazun, Li Fusheng must have realized the ancient methods that Dazun only has. Until now, Li Fusheng has not used them.

Also, Li Fusheng's eyes were fused with a powerful spell, and he didn't use it.

Wang Changsheng had to guard against it!

"I'm... holding back my big move!"

Li Fusheng paused and said.

Wang Changsheng: "..."

Of course Wang Changsheng knew that Li Fusheng was holding back his big moves, but Li Fusheng had been holding back his big moves after being pressed on the ground by him for so long, and he had been holding back his big moves until now, but he didn't hold back anything, so what's the point?

"How long do you have to hold back?" Wang Changsheng asked.

"almost done!"

Li Fusheng also replied.

The voices of the two are not loud. On this majestic battlefield, only the two can hear each other, not even Li Zefeng who is not far away.

What the two of them thought in their hearts, this time they fought, on the one hand, they wanted to prove their strength, and on the other hand, they still wanted to rub each other on the ground.

In fact, the most important point is that the two want to prove each other's strength.

Because both of them are practicing ancient methods!

In the Nine Heavens Realm, it's not that there are no monks who practice ancient methods, but there are too few monks, and monks who can practice ancient methods while also cultivating to the realm of great lords are even rarer.

If you search the entire Nine Heavens Realm, you will definitely be able to find it, but after you find it, is the other party willing to fight against the two?

It is too difficult to verify the ancient methods. After all, it is the inheritance of those eras. In the era of Jindan Dao, it is indeed not easy to find a comparable opponent.

Therefore, in addition to planning and careful thinking, the fight between Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng is more about mutual confirmation and mutual perfection on the road of ancient methods.

Now, Li Fusheng wants to hold back his big move, Wang Changsheng must give Li Fusheng time to hold back his big move.

It's not just Li Fusheng who has the hole cards, Wang Changsheng also has the hole cards. What the two of them are using now is conventional means, which is not enough to reflect their strongest strength and means.


After a few breaths, a roaring sound came from Li Fusheng's body, and immediately after, Wang Changsheng saw a trace of golden light emerge from Li Fusheng's body?

"What is this?" Wang Changsheng was puzzled.

Based on Wang Changsheng's understanding of the avatar of the fire phoenix, the avatar of the fire phoenix will emit a flame-like fiery red. With the growth of strength, the flame will also undergo some changes, red to purple, purple to black...The power of the flame, will also gradually increase.

However, Wang Changsheng really didn't know that there was a golden light in this kind of flame.

Moreover, even Li Fusheng's voice has changed, it is no longer neighing, but roaring.

There was a strange aura mixed in the avatar of the fire phoenix, and it directly charged at Wang Changsheng. Feeling this unknown aura, Wang Changsheng did not hesitate at all, immediately let go of his claws, and retreated directly.

On the one hand, it gave Li Fusheng a chance to struggle, on the other hand, Wang Changsheng was still a little afraid of this power, because he didn't know what it was.

The unknown is always scary!

The moment Wang Changsheng let go of his claws, Li Fusheng's figure rose directly into the sky, and the golden light on his body became more intense.


From Li Fusheng's mouth, there was a cheerful roar, and the original neighing had disappeared.

"Even the race has changed?"

Wang Changsheng, who was standing in the distance, also showed surprise when he saw Li Fusheng dancing.

"Is it..."

Seeing the golden light on Li Fusheng's body, Wang Changsheng suddenly thought of a certain possibility.

Li Zefeng also looked at Li Fusheng with a surprised expression, and said with some surprise: "It's not affected by the power of blood at all?!"

Among the clansmen of the Shangyang lineage, they are not affected by the power of blood at all. There is only one situation, that is, the power of blood is similar to the degree of atavism.

Otherwise, even if it is a different race, because of the difference in the power of the blood and the degree of atavism, the blood will be suppressed.

"It's not a breakthrough, it should be some kind of secret method..."

Li Zefeng said in his heart.

Li Zefeng really wanted to know what secret method Li Fusheng used. This kind of method that can offset the suppression of the blood is very important for the Shangyang lineage!

"It's not a good thing, it's not a bad thing..."

Li Zefeng said in his heart.

Without the suppression of bloodlines, the Shangyang lineage would have no prejudice against bloodlines. As long as the cultivation level is sufficient, they can defeat the opponent.

But this way, there is also a disadvantage, that is, all monks of the Shangyang lineage will polish their cultivation instead of trying their best to return to their ancestors.

Without bloodline suppression, what is the use of returning to the ancestors?Cultivation has become the most important thing!

Therefore, for the Shangyang branch, having such a technique is not necessarily a good thing, but it is not necessarily a bad thing, it still depends on how to use it.

"Old Li, have you really succeeded in cultivation?"

Wang Changsheng also asked in surprise.

Wang Changsheng has already seen the origin of the golden light. With the power of Shangyang's bloodline, he practiced the spells of foreign races and succeeded. What made Li Fusheng's brain?

This comprehension is kind of scary...

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