Longevity Tianque

Chapter 2004 Are you crazy?

What surprised Wang Changsheng was that the clan land of the Shangyang lineage was not as luxurious and powerful as those of the supreme sects. Instead, 36 cities were built in Xingyu, just like the cities where ordinary people live. There is no mystery.

Wang Changsheng walked all the way and saw many cities, especially when he saw Huofeng City, Wang Changsheng finally confirmed that it was indeed an ordinary city.

"Old Li, all the cities are ordinary cities?" Wang Changsheng asked suspiciously, "Is there no way to become a monk?"


Li Fusheng shook his head and said.

"Then aren't you afraid that someone will cause trouble?" Wang Changsheng asked.

Li Fusheng glanced at Wang Changsheng, and then said as a matter of course: "Old Wang, this is the clan land of the Shangyang lineage, who dares to make trouble here?"

"Even ordinary people from the Shangyang lineage will not make trouble in the city!"

After Wang Changsheng heard Li Fusheng's words, he thought about it a little and found that it was indeed the truth.

With the fiery temper of the monks of the Shangyang lineage, it is not bad not to go to other supreme religions to make trouble, how could it be possible to let other people make trouble in their own chassis?

Wang Changsheng finally understands why the monks of the Shangyang lineage failed to manage well when they built Shangyang city from the heavenly realm. It turned out that they started from the clan land of the Shangyang lineage, and this was the case.

Huofeng City is not big, but it is definitely not small. Most of the people living in Huofeng City are from the Huofeng clan.

"It's really like a mortal city..."

Wang Changsheng said after wandering around in Huofeng City.

There are shops and various mansions. Li Fusheng also has his own mansion named "Young Master's Mansion". The location of the Young Master's Mansion is in the center of Huofeng City.

"Where is the owner of the city? Or the owner of the Li family?"

Wang Changsheng sat in the Young Master's Mansion and asked.

"It's in the ancestral land!" Li Fusheng said: "This is the family land of the Shangyang lineage, but it is not the ancestral land. The ancestral land is in the small world!"

"I see..." Wang Changsheng said.

From Wang Changsheng's point of view, although the 36 cities in the Shangyang lineage are not small in scale, they are still far behind other supreme sects in terms of grandeur.

If there are other ancestral lands, it can be explained.

What Wang Changsheng didn't know was that the ancestral land of the Shangyang lineage was still crude compared to the clan land. There were at least 36 cities in the clan land, but what about the ancestral land?

Except for a few halls and bloodline formations that need to be passed on, there is nothing else in the entire ancestral land.

"Where's the elder?"

Wang Changsheng said: "Didn't you say that the Great Elder has been waiting for me for a long time?"

"It's in the ancestral land!" Li Fusheng said directly: "Don't worry, I have something to discuss with you!"

Wang Changsheng looked at Li Fusheng suspiciously. Under normal circumstances, Li Fusheng would not be polite to him. Li Fusheng usually explained what he wanted to do, and whether he did it or not depended on his mood.

Seeing Li Fusheng's dignified expression, Wang Changsheng knew that what Li Fusheng wanted to discuss might not be easy!

Immediately, Li Fusheng waved his hand, and a formation directly enveloped the two of them, no matter what was discussed in the formation, they could not be heard from outside.

Not only that, in order to be more cautious, Li Fusheng even transmitted the sound directly.

"Old Li, do you need to be so cautious?" Wang Changsheng asked.

Li Fusheng nodded and said: "This matter is not small, we must be cautious!"

After seeing Li Fusheng's proper arrangement, Wang Changsheng said, "Speak, I'll listen..."

Li Fusheng nodded, and after sorting out his thoughts, he said, "Old Wang, when you broke through to the realm of the Great Master, it should be in the next three days, right?"

"Yeah!" Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "I told you back then that my opportunity to be a great lord will be with the small world in the next three days!"

"In that case, you can definitely go back, right?" Li Fusheng said.

Wang Changsheng didn't know what Li Fusheng was going to do, so he nodded.

"Is it troublesome to get through the passage back?" Li Fusheng asked.

After hearing a series of questions from Li Fusheng, Wang Changsheng didn't know what Li Fusheng was going to do, so he asked directly, "Old Li, what are you going to do?"

Li Fusheng gritted his teeth, and said via voice transmission: "I plan to open up the passage from the Shangyang lineage to the next three days, and connect the monks from the Shangyang lineage of the next three days to the Nine Heavens Realm!"

"Are you crazy?!"

When Wang Changsheng heard Li Fusheng's words, he was immediately shocked and almost didn't stand up.

Wang Changsheng didn't know much about the Shangyang lineage in the Nine Heavens Realm, but he knew very well about the Shangyang lineage in the next three days. Speaking of which, everyone belonged to the Shangyang lineage, and they also belonged to the Li family of the royal family.

However, the bloodlines are still somewhat different. The Li family of the Shangyang royal family in the Nine Heavens Realm is of the ordinary Fire Phoenix bloodline, while the Li family of the lower three-day royal family is of the undead bloodline.

The ordinary blood is the royal family, and the undead blood is the royal family among the royal families.

If the monks of the Shangyang lineage in the next three days were transferred to the Nine Heavens Realm, this matter would not be a joke. At that time, who would be the real royal family?

Now that the Li family of the royal family in the Nine Heavens Realm is in power, will they be willing to let more undead bloodlines appear?

It's just Li Fusheng or Wang Changsheng, the Li family of the royal family in the Nine Heavens Realm will not only suppress, but also try their best to cultivate, but once a large-scale emergence...

"I'm not crazy!" Li Fusheng said: "I've thought about this matter for a long time. In the next three days, the place is limited by the heaven and the earth. Many bloodlines of the Shangyang lineage have exhausted their lifespan and died!"

"They should die on the battlefield, on the way to a higher realm, not when their lifespan is exhausted..."

Li Fusheng had also considered this matter carefully, and when he brought it up to Wang Changsheng, he had already made up his mind.

"Lao Li, I suggest that you should reconsider..." Wang Changsheng said: "If this is the era of congenital lineage, I think your idea is correct!"

"Now, heaven and earth don't like the Xiantian lineage, plus the Shangyang lineage shouldn't be in harmony, right?"

Li Fusheng smiled helplessly: "Old Wang, don't I know what you said? I know it very well!"

"It's just that I don't feel good when I think of those clansmen who died because of the exhaustion of life essence and were trapped in the forbidden area all day long!"

Wang Changsheng did not have the experience of Li Fusheng, so naturally he could not understand Li Fusheng's mood, but what Wang Changsheng can be sure of is that Li Fusheng's thinking is absolutely wrong!

"Old Li, think about it again..."

Wang Changsheng persuaded again: "This matter is really not as simple as opening a channel..."

"This is the fusion of two ethnic groups. If you add the Fire Phoenix Pool of the Shentian Realm, there will be three..."

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