Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1987 I am here

"Wang Xiaoer? Father?"


When Wang Jing and Wang Zhan heard Wang Changsheng's words, their expressions immediately changed.

The name Wang Xiaoer was already very unfamiliar to Wang Jing and Wang Zhan, because the status of Changsheng Villa was supernatural, and occasionally heroes from all corners of the world came to the mountain and called Wang Xiaoer an "old fairy"!

It's right to think about it. After living for almost 200 years, can he not be an old fairy in the eyes of ordinary people?

Over time, even Wang Jing and Wang Zhan became more and more vague about the title "Wang Xiaoer".

Because Wang Xiaoer is Wang Jing's father and Wang Zhan's grandfather!


This time, even Wang Zhan was furious!

Originally afraid of Wang Changsheng's strength, Wang Zhan didn't dare to neglect him in the slightest, but he couldn't bear to call his grandfather by his name directly.

As he said that, Wang Zhan held the Wujin saber directly, and swung the saber in his left hand directly, slashing at Wang Changsheng!


Wang Changsheng directly stretched out a finger, and the Wujin knife slashed on Wang Changsheng's finger, and there was a sound of a golden spear, and he saw that the Wujin knife could not make an inch of progress.

Wang Jing and Wang Zhan could see clearly that Wang Changsheng blocked the Wujin knife with only one finger. The finger was indeed not damaged, but they could clearly see that there was a crack in the Wujin knife!

Although the Wujindao is not the best longsword in Changsheng Villa, but it was definitely not bad when he was able to fight with Wang Xiaoer and gain fame back then.

However, now that it collided with Wang Changsheng's fingers, the Wujin knife was broken like this?

At this moment, Wang Jing believed his son's words a little bit. Wang Changsheng's strength may have broken through the legendary limit and reached the realm of land gods!

At this moment, Wang Zhan felt the feeling of the brocade-robed warrior from before. After slashing with a knife and knowing that he was invincible, Wang Zhan was ready to retreat and let his father go. He was only at the peak of the acquired state, but his father Wang Jing, but Innate mid-level strongman.

However, Wang Zhan found that he couldn't move.

Standing in the air, without any strength, but unable to move in the slightest, it didn't even fall to the ground.

Wang Jing was not in a hurry to act, because he knew that he was no match for Wang Changsheng, not to mention, now that his son was in Wang Changsheng's hands, Wang Jing didn't dare to act rashly.

Wang Jing wanted to tell his father that Changsheng Villa could not fall down because of his father's reputation!

However, before Wang Jing could notify, someone was faster than him!

"Little Er, Xiao Er..."

"Xiaoer, I'm back..."

A voice came out from Wang Changsheng's mouth, the sound was not loud, but, as Wang Changsheng's voice came out, it lasted for a long time, and it continued to echo in the Changsheng Villa, and finally, the sound spread to a room in the backyard of the Changsheng Villa.


Wang Xiaoer, who was in retreat, was disturbed by the sound and woke up immediately.


Wang Xiaoer heard someone calling his name.

"I'm back...I'm back..."

While Wang Xiaoer was still thinking, the voice sounded again, and it reached Wang Xiaoer's ears accurately.

"This voice..."

Wang Xiaoer began to feel that this voice was very familiar. After all, Wang Changsheng had been away for decades, and Wang Changsheng's voice changed as he became younger.

After only a few breaths, Wang Xiaoer rushed out of the room and rushed towards the gate of Changsheng Villa.

Because, Wang Xiaoer has already identified who the owner of this voice is!

Wang Jing was still standing at the door, and Wang Zhan kept raising his knife. The two of them were also having complicated thoughts at the moment.

In the entire Changsheng Villa, the biggest background is Wang Xiaoer who is in seclusion. Wang Jing and Wang Zhan thought that they were not Wang Changsheng's opponents, but when Wang Xiaoer made a move, Wang Changsheng would definitely have no way out.

In the hearts of the two, the impression that Wang Xiaoer is powerful and invincible has been deeply rooted in their bones!

And what about Wang Changsheng?

Not only was there no fear at all, but they also shouted and made provocative voices at the gate of the villa. Both of them felt that Wang Changsheng was either looking for death by himself, or...

Just really have no fear!

While the two were still thinking, a figure appeared at the door.


When Wang Jing saw the back in front of him, he immediately said, "A madman broke into the village!"

As for Wang Zhan, he didn't say anything, but wanted to talk, but he couldn't speak at all, he could only watch helplessly.


There was a sound of shouting and cursing in Wang Xiaoer's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, amidst Wang Jing and Wang Zhan's puzzled expressions, they each received a slap in the face, especially Wang Zhan, who was still suspended in the air, and was directly kicked by Wang Xiaoer.


Wang Jing was slapped away, and looked at Wang Xiaoer with a puzzled expression. Apart from puzzlement, he was more shocked and astonished.


After Wang Zhan was kicked flying, Wang Changsheng released Wang Zhan's imprisonment, and a puzzled voice came out of his mouth.

In Wang Zhan's impression, grandpa likes him the most. Even if he tore up his favorite calligraphy and painting when he was a child, grandpa still hugged him carefully and didn't scold him!

Moreover, for so many years, grandpa has been teaching him martial arts, and also taught him the left-handed sword!

But today, for an outsider, he was slapped and kicked by his grandfather, not to mention it!

"All right..."

Wang Changsheng looked at Xiao Er's exposed appearance, smiled and said: "We are all a family, there is no need to do these things!"

"You are too old..."

Wang Changsheng preached to Wang Xiaoer, which made Wang Jing and Wang Zhan's eyes straight.

In all the years they could remember, no one had dared to speak to Wang Xiaoer like that!

More importantly, after Wang Changsheng's preaching tone, Wang Xiaoer not only didn't get angry, but smiled helplessly, and then bowed to Wang Changsheng.

This ceremony was a heavy one, and the bow was almost close to the ground, and when Wang Changsheng didn't speak, he didn't lift it up at all.

"Okay, I understand what you mean!"

Wang Changsheng smiled and said, "I won't blame them!"

Wang Xiaoer has followed Wang Changsheng for so many years, how could Wang Changsheng not understand what Wang Xiaoer meant?

Wang Xiaoer seemed to be scolding Wang Jing and Wang Zhan, but in fact, he was saving Wang Jing, Wang Zhan and his son!

Back then, Wang Changsheng was also a ruthless man in the martial arts world. He was a master of murder without blinking an eye when he was walking in the world. What Wang Xiaoer was worried about was that if Wang Changsheng was unhappy, he would kill Wang Jing and Wang Zhan!

Wang Changsheng was also helpless. Over the years, he had rarely killed people, not to mention, for Wang Xiaoer's sake, it was impossible to embarrass the two younger generations!

"Thank you sir!"

Wang Xiaoer raised his head when he heard Wang Changsheng's words, and looked at Wang Changsheng with tears streaming down his face, showing an excited expression!

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