Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1980 You can do it?

Naturally, Wang Changsheng would not protect a group of people. It was already what Wang Changsheng could do to save them when they met. If those little monks couldn't recognize reality clearly and wanted to die by themselves, Wang Changsheng couldn't help it.

Seeing the big boat disappear, Wang Changsheng ignored the dead sea beasts floating on the sea and left directly!

Not to mention the corpses of sea beasts in the Nascent Soul Realm, even the corpses of monster beasts in the Zunjing Realm, Wang Changsheng didn't like them either.

Now the only thing that can attract Wang Changsheng is the thing of the Great Master!

hoo hoo hoo!

As soon as Wang Changsheng left, there were bursts of roaring on the surface of the sea.

Dozens of sea beast figures, big and small, rushed out of the sea, biting the dead sea beast.

But in just a few breaths, the carcass of the sea beast was eaten by other sea beasts.

After Wang Changsheng left the Arctic Sea Region, he headed directly towards the Chaotic War Star Field.

Wang Changsheng rushed back to the Weitian Realm to find his second uncle.

When he first crossed the border, the second uncle was tricked and seriously injured, and he has been healing all the time.

Following the direction in his memory, Wang Changsheng directly crossed the Chaos War Starfield and rushed towards the direction where his second uncle was healing.

"I don't know if my second uncle has recovered from his injuries..."

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

Roaring through the stars, returning to the place where he first crossed the border, Wang Changsheng saw a figure sitting cross-legged in the stars.

It is Tiger Zun!

After Wang Changsheng arrived, Hu Zun immediately opened his eyes and asked with a foul breath, "Is the matter over?"

Wang Changsheng nodded!

"That's right..." Hu Zun sensed Wang Changsheng's situation, and said with a smile: "It seems that your understanding of the Great Master's opportunity is correct, and you are already a half-step Great Master!"

"It's almost at the door!"

In front of Hu Zun, Wang Changsheng couldn't hide, not to mention, Wang Changsheng had no intention of hiding.

"It's a fluke!" Wang Changsheng said modestly.

When he came back this time, he saw a lot of hidden underdogs. Wang Changsheng would not be complacent about his own cultivation.

Don't say that you haven't broken through to Dazun yet, even if you break through to Dazun, it's not enough to see.

As for the Nine Heavens Realm, the Great Master is indeed a strong man, and some monks will rarely see a Great Master and strong man throughout their lives.

However, in Wang Changsheng's circle, great venerables can be seen everywhere, and Wang Changsheng has seen a lot of strong men who have even stepped into the Dao realm.

Dazun's cultivation at the initial stage is really nothing!

"Don't underestimate yourself!" Hu Zun said directly: "You are much stronger than me before!"

"I'm at your age, and I don't have a great cultivation base!"

Excessive modesty is hypocrisy!

"Second Uncle, have you recovered from your injuries?" Wang Changsheng asked.

"No!" Hu Zun said, "It's probably healed, the remaining injuries need to be healed slowly!"

"Then we..." Wang Changsheng said pointedly.

"Yes, although the injury has not healed, it does not affect the breaking of the boundary!" Hu Zun said: "The biggest factor for breaking the boundary is still the mountain patrolling order!"

Saying so, Hu Zun directly sacrificed the order to patrol the mountain!

The Mountain Patrol Order has been fully restored, and with a wave of Hu Zun's hand, the Mountain Patrol Order immediately shone with a mysterious aura.


Under the bombardment of the patrol order, a crack appeared instantly.

However, this time, in the crack, there is no thunder flashing, nor the power of heaven and earth!

Hu Zun waved his big hand, wrapped Wang Changsheng directly, and entered the crack.

This time, there was no danger in the boundary barrier. When Hu Zun walked out of the crack carrying Wang Changsheng's figure, Wang Changsheng's expression changed immediately.

"Second Uncle, why did we return to Shentian Realm..."

"Because the barrier to that small world is the closest to Shen Tianjing!"

Hu Zun explained.

Wang Changsheng: "..."

Wang Changsheng also finally understood why he appeared in the Shentian Realm when he came to the Nine Heavens Realm, because it was so close!

It's just that Wang Changsheng was working in the Shentian Realm before, if he knew it, would he still go back to the Weitian Realm bitterly?

However, Hu Zun sent Wang Changsheng the jade slip back then, but Wang Changsheng himself was useless, so what else could he say?

Wang Changsheng can only blame himself.

Of course, the most important point is that Wang Changsheng didn't know that the barrier leading to the small world would be in Shentian Realm!

Wang Changsheng could only keep silent while being depressed!

Otherwise, the second uncle would definitely laugh at himself.

Of course Hu Zun didn't know what Wang Changsheng was thinking. After offering the Mountain Patrol Order, the Master Patrol Order continued to explore around, and the scope of exploration became wider and wider.

Three full days have passed, and the two of them have gone to many places, but Hu Zun still hasn't found the space barrier leading to the small world.

"Second uncle, is it reliable?"

Wang Changsheng asked this question more than once.

"No hurries?"

Hu Zun heard Wang Changsheng's distrustful tone, and immediately said: "In order to pick you up, I squatted around here for more than half a month before I found the boundary barrier!"

"The small world is inherently unstable, moving all the time!"

"Don't worry, we'll find it soon!"

Hu Zun said.

Wang Changsheng could only follow Hu Zun, there was no way, Wang Changsheng couldn't help in this kind of matter.

Only Hu Zun has a mountain patrol order and can sense the existence of boundary barriers, so Wang Changsheng can only watch.

Time passed slowly as Hu Zun continued to search and test, seven days passed, and Hu Zun still found nothing.

"Impossible, it should be in this area..."

Hu Zun said in his heart.

Hu Zun remembered clearly that the passage should be in this area, even if he remembered it wrongly, the imprint left by the patrolling order would not be wrong.

However, Hu Zun searched all around, but still couldn't find the barrier of the small world.

After some thought, Zun Hu could only increase the scope of his search.

Fortunately, Master Hu only needs to control the mountain patrol order, and it doesn't cost much, but the mountain patrol order is a bit slow to find.

Half a month has passed, but Hu Zun still hasn't been found.

"Second Uncle..."

Wang Changsheng followed Hu Zun, and said with a resentful expression: "Can you find it?"

"You can do it?" Hu Zun said directly.

Wang Changsheng: "..."

Wang Changsheng also wanted to come, it would be very boring for Wang Changsheng to follow Tiger Zun all the time!

However, Wang Changsheng didn't have an order to patrol the mountains, so he couldn't do anything if he tried his best!

January, February...

Three full months have passed, and Hu Zun is still looking for it.

Wang Changsheng didn't ask any more, anyway, wherever Hu Zun went, Wang Changsheng followed him.

Wang Changsheng was not in a hurry anymore, he just waited anyway.

Fortunately, the place where the two of them are now is relatively remote, otherwise, the strange behavior of the two of them will definitely be watched by crowds.

"found it!"

Suddenly, Wang Changsheng, who had a weed in his mouth, heard a voice, immediately threw away the weed in his mouth, and appeared behind Hu Zun.

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