After getting acquainted with the Master Weiming, he increased his understanding of the ancient world. Wang Changsheng didn't raise any opinions. After all, Wang Changsheng didn't know much about the ancient world.

Judging from the situation of entering the ancient world that time, the situation in the ancient world is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

"If Lao Mou really came from the ancient world, then my feelings at that time were not wrong..." Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

That time when he entered the ancient world, when he passed through the chaotic stone forest, Wang Changsheng felt someone staring at him, and saw an illusory figure, but he and Li Fusheng chased him and did not see anyone there.

Either I was wrong, or...

The strength of that figure is very powerful, and it is not something that he can peek at.

Once Lao Mou's origin is true, it must be the latter situation.

Out of fear of the unknown, Wang Changsheng didn't want to explore any more. After all, he was only at the peak of the Venerable. If he had the peak of the Great Venerable, perhaps he could still get a glimpse of it.

The ancient world is a huge ancient battlefield and a huge cemetery.

In the ancient world, there was a lot of fighting spirit, there were countless dead strong men, and fallen battle flags were everywhere. Those dead strong men, whose bodies were dead but not decayed, were simply not something Wang Changsheng could resist.

According to Wang Changsheng's estimate, with his own cultivation, in that kind of battlefield, he was just a small soldier like cannon fodder.

"Forget it, I was destined to enter the ancient world back then, and obtained the follow-up method of the Longevity Kung Fu, which is already the biggest harvest!" Wang Changsheng said in his heart: "Others, I can't spy on them!"

So what if the ancient world was extraordinary?

The sky fell, and there were tall ones to support it. Once those strong men couldn't stand it anymore, Wang Changsheng could only wait silently to die.

Wang Changsheng's cultivation level is just one of the thousands of monks, and it is still not high or low.

After leaving the Western Emperor's Realm, Wang Changsheng did not stay in the Shentian Realm, but rushed to the Loose Cultivator Alliance back then according to the route he remembered.

Hundreds of years have passed, and the Loose Cultivation Alliance has dissipated. Even the leader of the Loose Cultivation Alliance was said to have died in the hands of a powerful force. Wang Changsheng did not go into too much information, because there was nothing to do with it back then. .

Continuing on the road, not long after, Wang Changsheng saw several cloud boats standing tall.

After choosing the largest cloud boat and paying for the Lingshi, Wang Changsheng was assigned to a room.

When Wang Changsheng was sent to Chengtian Realm by his second uncle, the cloud boat he took had the worst room, but now, Wang Changsheng paid enough spirit stones to get the best room.

The best room is above the deck. Not only is the lighting very good, even if you are in the room, you can see the stars!

In the entire Nine Heavens Realm, only the Chengtian Realm and the Shentian Realm can truly communicate with each other. As long as you pay a small amount of spirit stones, you can take a cross-border ride, and there is no requirement for cultivation.

As for the creation of the cloud boat, the general sects of the Shentian Realm can do it.

This time, the cloud boat that Wang Changsheng was riding on still belonged to Yungong Peak, and the Yungong Peak family had great achievements. When the Corpse Refining Sect did not rise up, Yungong Peak was the number one sect in the Shentian Realm, and there were enough resources to build a cloud boat. .

Of course, strategic materials such as cloud boats are only used to help ordinary monks cross borders in their spare time. Once a war breaks out in Yungong Peak, these cloud boats will immediately return to Yungong Peak for transportation. Monks and strategic materials.

bang bang...

Soon after, in the room in the cloud boat, Wang Changsheng felt the roar of the cloud boat. Immediately afterwards, he saw the cloud boat break through the sky and escape into the star universe.

From Shentian Realm to Chengtian Realm, it would take a lot of time to take a cloud boat, but if Wang Changsheng traveled by himself, it would be much faster.

However, now that Shen Tianjing's matter has been resolved, Wang Changsheng has untied a big knot in his heart, so there is no rush.

The cloud boat escaped into the star universe, and the starlight suddenly lit up, and the formation above the cloud boat was also activated instantly, covering the entire cloud boat, protecting the cloud boat, and at the same time protecting the monks on the cloud boat.

When Yunzhou was on the right track of flight, the deck of Yunzhou was opened, and many monks who saw Xingyu for the first time immediately went to the deck.

"It's so beautiful. I heard many fellow Taoists say that Xingyu is the most beautiful scenery in the world. I didn't believe it at first, but now, I believe it..."

"Xingyu is indeed very beautiful, but, in this life, with our ability, it is difficult to step into Xingyu, we can only take a ride on the cloud boat to see!"

"What's more, riding a cloud boat is probably the only time in this life..."

"It took me 30 years of savings to ride this cloud boat, it's time to say goodbye to Weitianjing!"


Many monks stood on the deck, full of emotion in their mouths.

Looking at the monks on the deck, Wang Changsheng was filled with emotion.

Back then, Wang Changsheng was brought to the next three days by his second uncle, and then sent to Chengtian Realm, just like these monks, riding a cloud boat. At that time, the joy in Wang Changsheng's heart had long since disappeared.

I have to say, Wang Changsheng had a hard time being deceived by his second uncle back then!

Some of the monks on these decks are going to Chengtian Realm to do things, and more are still unable to get along in the Shentian Realm. With their cultivation base, they can only be regarded as very weak existences in the Shentian Realm, but they went In Chengtian Realm, you can still get a good status.

Although most of the dynasties in the Chengtian Realm have the support of the sects in the Shentian Realm, but for each of them to fight and expand their territories, it still depends on the monks they recruit.

A cultivator in Huayuan Realm is an existence that can be bullied by others in Shentian Realm. In a place like Chengtian Realm, at least he can mix with a million households and exchange for a fortune in the world. This is the difference.

"All sentient beings struggle without hope, and I was one of them back then..." Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

Back then, the biggest achievement of Wang Changsheng Tianjing and his party was getting acquainted with Li Fusheng, borrowed a lot of spirit stones from Li Fusheng, and passed the most difficult time.

Later, relying on the high-grade spirit stone left by his second uncle, Wang Changsheng was able to return from Chengtian Realm to Shentian Realm.

Seeing the different expressions of the monks on the deck, Wang Changsheng shook his head slightly.

Even if Wang Changsheng felt the same way, Wang Changsheng would not help these monks!

Cultivation can lead to powerful strength and a long life, but it also has to face troubles and sufferings that ordinary people have never faced.

If they don't have a firm Dao heart, even if Wang Changsheng helps them, these people will disappear in the end.

What's more, all the beings in the Nine Heavens Realm are struggling on this road...

Even if it is Wang Changsheng alone, how much can he help?

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