
Fang Qing shook his head and said, "The other three deacons were all transferred back to Corpse Refining Sect shortly after you left!"

"Afterwards, they were dispatched to the Western Emperor's Realm to preside over foreign affairs!"

Wang Changsheng nodded. The Western Emperor Realm deals with various sects, and the most powerful Western Emperor, with the personality of a disciple of the Corpse Refining Sect, has closed the mountain for many years and has no connections with others, but those deacons are very suitable.

"It's a good choice!" Wang Changsheng said.

"That's right!" Fang Qing said, "It's just that you also know that the Western Emperor's Realm is very complicated. Until now, the Western Emperor's Realm has often had wars..."

"It's like the whole battle in the Shentian Realm, all moved to the Western Emperor Realm to fight!"

"The three deacons, including Deacon Xiaohui, all died in the Western Emperor's Realm?"

"Huh?" Wang Changsheng frowned immediately, and said in a deep voice, "Are you dead?"

Fang Qing nodded.

The position of deacon is not low in the Corpse Refining Sect, and it was only half a chip lower than the elders back then. The death of three deacons in the Western Emperor's Realm is no small matter for the Corpse Refining Sect.


After a long time, Wang Changsheng sighed softly, remembering how Xiao Hui put it in his pocket and brought him back to the Corpse Refining Sect, Wang Changsheng also felt a little complicated.

But, in the final analysis, Wang Changsheng has to thank Xiao Hui, Xiao Hui is a very important turning point in Wang Changsheng's cultivation path, without Xiao Hui, with Wang Changsheng's cultivation back then, it would be very difficult to survive in the Shentian Realm.

Wang Changsheng didn't ask who killed Xiao Hui, it doesn't make any sense, because that's how the cultivation world is, dying from fighting, scheming, and cultivating...

Life and death are impermanent!

Xiao Hui's revenge would naturally be avenged by the Corpse Refining Sect. Wang Changsheng believed that the Corpse Refining Sect must have made the other party pay a huge price for the death of the three elders.


"Meet Master!"

While Wang Changsheng was chatting with Fang Qing, two figures walked into the courtyard.

A man and a woman, the man is as rich as jade, and the woman is beautiful, very different from other disciples of the Corpse Refining Sect!

Wang Changsheng could tell at a glance that this man and woman did not practice the techniques inherited from the Corpse Refining Sect.

The Corpse Refining Sect has recruited tens of thousands of disciples, but not all of them have practiced the inherited techniques of the Corpse Refining Sect. The current Corpse Refining Sect can be said to be full of flowers. This man and woman should be Fang Qing's disciples.

However, Fang Qing, as the head deacon of the Corpse Refining Sect, has a high status. It is interesting that neither of the two disciples practiced the techniques inherited from the Corpse Refining Sect.

"Call me uncle!"

Fang Qing gave the two disciples a wink.

Plop, plop...

There were two kneeling sounds, and Fang Qing's two disciples knelt directly on the ground, kowtowed to Wang Changsheng, and called them uncles.

Wang Changsheng: "..."

This gift is too big!

Seeing Fang Qing's half-smile expression, Wang Changsheng said helplessly, "Senior brother, you..."

"What's the matter, Junior Brother?"

Fang Qing pretended not to ask me, I don't know anything, which made Wang Changsheng speechless for a while.

"Brother, you have changed!" Wang Changsheng sighed and said, "Since you became the chief deacon, you have changed and become impure!"

Fang Qing: "..."

"Junior Brother, the aptitude of my two disciples is not bad. If you follow me, you will be buried!" Fang Qing said: "If Junior Brother can show them a way, Senior Brother, I will be grateful!"

From the behavior of Fang Qing and Fang Qing's two disciples, Wang Changsheng could see that it should have been discussed in advance.

For the sake of his two disciples, Fang Qing already gave up his old face. It can be seen how much Fang Qing regards the two disciples.

"Get up..."

Wang Changsheng waved his hands at Fang Qing's two disciples, and a gentle force directly lifted them up.

Seeing the expectant expressions of a man and a woman, Wang Changsheng thought to himself.

To be honest, if you are in the Nine Heavens Realm, you don't need Wang Changsheng to do anything at all, just one sentence, Fang Qing, these two disciples, are definitely expected to be honored!

What's more, the aptitude of these two disciples is not bad, at the age of tens of years, they are already in the realm of alchemy.

Wang Changsheng didn't know how to help Fang Qing's two disciples, if it was just to dominate the Shentian Realm, it would be too simple.

Not to mention Wang Changsheng, with Fang Qing's current authority, he can also seek a way to reach the sky for the two disciples!

Wang Changsheng immediately understood what Fang Qing meant!

"You want me to take them away?"

Wang Changsheng asked.

Fang Qing nodded, this is what Fang Qing meant.

Through getting to know Wang Changsheng here, Fang Qing knows that the outside world is very big and exciting!

What's more, only by going to the outside world can we develop better. In this Shentian Realm's one-acre land, the Corpse Refining Sect is already very powerful. The two disciples Fang Qing will be in charge of refining corpses at most in the future. Zong Quan's authority has only reached Fang Qing's current height.

Fang Qing accepted the two disciples in the hope that they could go further in the future.

"No, no..."

Wang Changsheng said: "At most, I can bring them to the Weitian Realm. If I take them to the Nine Heaven Realm, I don't have the ability..."

The passage opened by the patrolling order was through the hands of the second uncle. The second uncle was very weak even with himself. If he brought two more people, it would no longer be dangerous, but suicidal!

"It's enough to bring it to the Weitian Realm!" Fang Qing said.

"But, brother, have you ever thought about it..." Wang Changsheng said: "Without the experience of ascending the Nine Cities of Immortals, if they go to the Weitian Realm, they may also be lost to everyone..."

This is what Wang Changsheng is worried about!

The qualifications of the two disciples, Fang Qing, are good, but they have not been polished. They are just flowers growing in the greenhouse. A disciple may have fallen before he grew up.

"Do you have any suggestions?" Fang Qing asked with a frown.

Fang Qing has also come to the present step by step. Of course, he understands what Wang Changsheng means, and he also knows that Wang Changsheng's worries are very correct.

"I can leave a seal in their bodies!" Wang Changsheng said: "As long as it is within the scope of my strength, I can help them three times to die, and then they will go to the Nine Cities by themselves. It's up to them!"

In the way of cultivation, as long as there is a higher pursuit, one still needs to go up one step at a time to be able to stand higher.

Just like the Nine Heavens Realm, there are indeed quite a few Tianjiao, all of which are piled up with cultivation resources. In the end, what's the use of being stuck at the peak of the Venerable?

If you can't even comprehend the opportunity of the Great Master, you can only become a stepping stone for others!

"it is good!"

Fang Qing said directly: "Then do this!"

Fang Qing's two disciples also thanked Wang Changsheng, with excited expressions in their eyes. Although Wang Changsheng did not give any practical help, it was the greatest help to solve the three-time death situation. In a place like the next three days, quite So there are three more lives!

"If one day you can set foot in the Nine Heavens Realm, you can come and look for me from the City Lord's Mansion of Xunshan City in the Heaven Realm!"

Wang Changsheng said.

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