Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1968 I am here

"The one walking in front seems to be Deacon Wang, right? I heard that Deacon Wang is back, and I couldn't believe it at first. Now, I believe it..."

"I told you that Deacon Wang is back, but you don't believe it yourself. What do you think those ancestors are doing when they leave the customs? It's because Deacon Wang is back!"

"Okay, Deacon Wang is back, and those ancestors who have retreated have left the seclusion, but, look, who is that person behind Deacon Wang?"

"What's on that shoulder? It's so cold!"


Many monks of the Corpse Refining Sect saw Wang Changsheng and Chen Shangyi passing by, and there were voices of discussion in their mouths, especially the cold jade coffin on Chen Shangyi's shoulder, which attracted people's attention.

Chen Shangyi was different from Wang Changsheng. In Corpse Refining Sect, he kept beautifying Wang Changsheng and even erected a statue to let everyone remember Wang Changsheng!

However, Chen Shangyi is only a disciple of the seventh level of alchemy, but no one will praise Chen Shangyi.

What's more, because of that incident back then, many members of the Corpse Refining Sect didn't mention it at all. In their view, Chen Shangyi may have no hope of being alive.

"See, this is the Corpse Refining Sect now, with tens of thousands of disciples, it is already one of the top sects in Shentian Realm!" Wang Changsheng said with a smile.

"It has changed a lot..." Chen Shangyi said while carrying the cold jade coffin.

When Chen Shangyi entered the Corpse Cave, the Corpse Refining Sect was already very prosperous, but now, the development of the Corpse Refining Sect has exceeded Chen Shangyi's expectations.

The two walked through the Corpse Refining Sect, and finally stopped in front of Fang Qing's small courtyard.

From a distance, one could feel the hustle and bustle of people in Fang Qing's courtyard. After entering, one could immediately see dozens of monks gathering in Fang Qing's courtyard.

Some faces are familiar, some faces are unfamiliar, and the lowest cultivation level is also in the middle stage of Jindan.

When Wang Changsheng brought Fang Qing into the small courtyard, all the noise stopped abruptly, and all the monks in the small courtyard focused their attention on Wang Changsheng and Fang Qing.

"Meet Deacon Wang!"

"Meet Senior Brother Chen!"

All the monks stood up and bowed to Wang Changsheng and Chen Shangyi.

Looking at Wang Changsheng and Chen Shangyi's eyes, there was respect and excitement.

These powerhouses of the Corpse Refining Sect are now domineering in the Shentian Realm, but in front of Wang Changsheng, they are still the disciples of the Corpse Refining Sect back then.

As for Chen Shangyi, even though he was an ordinary disciple in the Corpse Refining Sect back then, his status was extremely high.

Fang Qing strode forward, looked at Wang Changsheng, and then at Chen Shangyi.

"Good good..."

From Chen Shangyi's mouth, three good words came out in succession, which shows how excited Chen Shangyi is at the moment.

"I've seen you all!"

Wang Changsheng also clasped his fists in return to everyone.

Chen Shangyi also slowly put down the cold jade coffin on his shoulders, looked at all the monks of Corpse Refining Sect present, and said softly: "Everyone..."

"I'm Chen Shangyi, I'm back again..."

Looking at the monks present, Chen Shangyi was filled with emotion.

Chen Shangyi is not a sentimental person, it's just that after so many years of sinking, now that he has broken down and stood up again, Chen Shangyi can't hide the excitement in his heart.

"It's good to be back, Brother Shangyi, I haven't seen you for so many years, the Corpse Refining Sect has been waiting for you to come back!"

"That's right, all of us are waiting for Senior Brother Shangyi to come back!"

"Senior Brother Shangyi, you are now our backbone!"

"Senior Brother Shangyi is back, finally back, we have been waiting for this day for a long time..."


When everyone heard Chen Shangyi's emotional words, they also looked at Chen Shangyi with emotion.

The Corpse Refining Sect is different from other suzerains. The top powerhouses and elders of the Corpse Refining Sect are all the brothers of the Corpse Refining Sect who closed the mountain back then. They have grown up over hundreds of years and become the leaders of the Corpse Refining Sect. pillar.

Among this group of brothers and sisters, they all went through the difficult stage at the beginning, watching the Corpse Refinement Sect grow step by step to today, so there is no intrigue and power struggle like other sects!

If there are so many strong people in the Golden Core realm, if they are placed in other sects, I don't know what kind of chaos will happen, but in the Corpse Refining Sect, everyone will work together and work together for the development of the Corpse Refining Sect.

Even, for everyone, it doesn't matter who is the elder or who is white!

Perhaps, many years later, as the following disciples grow up, the Corpse Refining Sect will also deteriorate. At least, when they were still in power, the Corpse Refining Sect was harmonious.

Of course, the most shocking thing about the corpse refining sect cultivators present was that Wang Changsheng really rescued Chen Shangyi.

Everyone can remember clearly what Chen Shangyi was like back then. Chen Shangyi seemed to hide from everyone and entered the corpse cave by himself. In fact, everyone looked at Chen Shangyi from a distance.

At that time, Chen Shangyi was already an ordinary person, and of course it was impossible to feel the wait and see of the crowd.

The reason why everyone didn't stop it was because everyone knew that Chen Shangyi was suffering in his heart, his lifespan was coming to an end, and living was suffering, so it's better to walk freely.

Thanks to Master Weiming's help, he was able to breathe a sigh of relief before what happened today. If it wasn't for Master Weiming's action, Chen Shangyi would have died.

Everyone was shocked by Wang Changsheng's methods, not only brought Chen Shangyi back from the brink of life and death, but also brought Chen Shangyi back to the peak state.

Moreover, based on everyone's realm, one can tell at a glance that Chen Shangyi has re-cultivated and entered the realm of Qi refining. It's only been a few days?

Is this refining Qi?

It must be Wang Changsheng's help. This kind of method is unheard of by everyone!

Wang Changsheng and Chen Shangyi took the main seats, and the scene became noisy again.

Fang Qing was on Wang Changsheng's left, and Chen Shangyi was on his right. Seeing the harmony of the Jindan realm powerhouses of Corpse Refining Sect, Wang Changsheng also smiled.

"The situation of Corpse Refining Sect can last at least 1000 years. Within 1000 years, there should be no chaos, unless..." Wang Changsheng said in his heart: "Unless, the monks of this generation die or leave..."

Otherwise, even if the younger generation can grow up, it is impossible to destroy the atmosphere of Corpse Refining Sect!

"Deacon Wang, I respect you!"

Chen Shangyi picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp. Chen Shangyi didn't say too much, because Chen Shangyi had already said it when he was at the entrance of the corpse cave.

Wang Changsheng was not a person who was too whimpering, and he also drank it all in one gulp.

With everyone's cultivation base, there is no pleasure in drinking, and now the picture is an atmosphere!

Chen Shangyi made a toast to Wang Changsheng, as if it was a prelude. Immediately afterwards, many monks of the Corpse Refining Sect walked towards Wang Changsheng with wine glasses.

Wang Changsheng never refuses anyone who comes, he has been friends for hundreds of years, there were nearly [-] monks back then, now there are only so many monks left, and the others either fell or entered the Nine Cities of Immortals.

It's not easy to meet today...

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