Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1965 Recasting the Foundation

call out!

Just as Wang Changsheng took out the Jianmu vitality, a sound of piercing the sky sounded again, and the figure of the heavenly holy medicine, Little Carrot Head, rushed directly towards Wang Changsheng's palm.


Wang Changsheng stretched out his other palm, and the holy medicine of heavenly spirit just hit the palm of his hand. Immediately afterwards, the holy medicine of heavenly spirit, which was a little dizzy, was directly grabbed by Wang Changsheng in his hand.

"Little guy, I'll give you this thing, how about you spit out half of the essence for me?"

Wang Changsheng weighed Jianmu in the other hand and said vigorously.


Tianling Shengyao stretched out her small arm and patted her dizzy head. Listening to Wang Changsheng's words, it was obvious that Tianling Shengyao couldn't understand Wang Changsheng's deal. The main reason was that this sentence was a bit complicated. The little head of Tianling Holy Medicine can't figure it out.

"Half the essence, this is for you!"

Wang Changsheng said again.

A pair of tiny pupils of Tianling Shengyao showed a thoughtful look, this time, he understood.

As far as Tianling Shengyao is concerned, he doesn't know what Wang Changsheng's other hand is, but Tianling Shengyao knows that it is very important to him!


After thinking for a while, Tianling Holy Medicine patted his stomach directly, then opened his mouth, and spit out a ball of milky white liquid. It is not appropriate to say that it is liquid, because the things spit out by Tianling Holy Medicine will indeed be in Wang Changsheng's mouth. It flows in the hand, but it won't flow down the fingers.

"You little thing, you're a little cunning!"

Wang Changsheng weighed the heavenly spirit medicine and said.

Originally, Wang Changsheng wanted half of the essence of the holy medicine of heavenly spirit, but now he only spit out one-third of the holy medicine of heavenly spirit, but Wang Changsheng didn't care about it.

With the essence of the Heavenly Spirit Holy Medicine, not to mention one third, even one fifth, or one eighth, is completely enough for Chen Shangyi to restore his body's foundation.

Looking at the weak Heavenly Spirit Medicine, even the limbs on his body became a little illusory, Wang Changsheng directly stuffed the Jianmu vitality in the other hand into the mouth of the Heavenly Spirit Medicine, patted the Heavenly Spirit Medicine's stomach, I saw that the holy medicine of heavenly spirit hadn't reacted yet, so he swallowed it in one gulp.

"Have a good rest!"

Wang Changsheng said to the holy medicine of heavenly spirit.

After finishing speaking, Wang Changsheng directly stuffed the holy medicine of heavenly spirit back into the opened space.

According to Wang Changsheng's estimation, the holy medicine of heavenly spirit spit out one-third of its essence this time, and after eating more Jianmu vitality, he might have to sleep for a while.

In Wang Changsheng's eyes, the holy medicine of heavenly spirit is just a tool to transform the environment, and it doesn't have much effect.

Of course, this is because Wang Changsheng has Jianmu seedlings in his body, otherwise, even the Great Venerable would not dare to underestimate the holy medicine of heaven.

No matter what Wang Changsheng wanted to do, the effect of Jianmu was much better than the holy medicine of heaven.

After all, the holy medicine of heavenly spirit also belongs to the category of grass and tree creatures, and Jianmu is the ancestor of the kind of grass and tree creatures.

After stuffing the holy medicine of heavenly spirit back, Wang Changsheng looked at the essence of holy medicine of heavenly spirit in his hand, handed it to Chen Shangyi directly and said, "Swallow it, and I will refine it for you and restore the foundation!"

Chen Shangyi: "..."

Chen Shangyi could see clearly just now that the thing in Wang Changsheng's hand was spit out from his mouth by that little carrot head, and before spit it out, he even patted his stomach. Chen Shangyi had a hard time thinking about it. what is it

"Can I not swallow it..." Chen Shangyi asked with an unnatural expression.

"Of course!" Wang Changsheng said: "I have many ways to supplement your foundation, but this method is the gentlest and most effective!"

"Don't underestimate this bunch of things..."

Wang Changsheng said with a half-smile: "This is the essence of the holy medicine of the heavenly spirit. This puddle is at least as effective as ten holy medicines. Are you sure you don't want it?"


Chen Shangyi said immediately.

The reason why he resisted just now was because Chen Shangyi didn't know what this pile of things was. Now that he knew how precious it was, how could he refuse?

Even though he was still a little bit repelled in his heart, Chen Shangyi gritted his teeth and agreed for a more solid foundation.

Looking at the essence of the heavenly medicine that Wang Changsheng handed over, Chen Shangyi closed his eyes and swallowed it without even tasting the taste.


As soon as he swallowed it, Chen Shangyi immediately showed a comfortable expression, and there was a groan in his mouth.

The essence of Tianling holy medicine slipped through the throat, not as Chen Shangyi expected, not only did not have the slightest pungent taste, but instead had a faint fragrance, Chen Shangyi didn't know what it was, but it was very comfortable anyway.

Not only that, the essence of Tianling's holy medicine flowed into the abdomen, dispersed instantly, and rushed into Chen Shangyi's limbs and bones.

In just an instant, Chen Shangyi felt that his whole body was full of strength.

Of course, Chen Shangyi knew that this was his own illusion. Even if the essence of the heavenly medicine could complete the foundation, as Chen Shangyi was an ordinary person, there would not be such a big change in a short period of time.

"Don't resist, I'll refine it for you!"

Wang Changsheng said: "The process may be a little painful, you have to bear it!"

It is not that simple to recast the foundation. This is because Chen Shangyi's cultivation base is not high, and he was only in the realm of alchemy at the beginning. In addition, Chen Shangyi's foundation has completely collapsed, so it is possible to recast.

If the foundation of a strong person with dignity is damaged, Wang Changsheng has absolutely nothing to do.

"bring it on!"

Chen Shangyi said firmly: "I'm not even afraid of death, so am I afraid of pain?"

Chen Shangyi sat cross-legged on the ground.

Wang Changsheng nodded lightly, and then began to help Chen Shangyi refine the essence of the heavenly medicine.

Every trace of the essence of the heavenly spirit and holy medicine was broken up and refined, and turned into the most basic foundation in Chen Shangyi's body.


With every trace of foundation condensed, a painful voice would come out from Chen Shangyi's mouth. The voice was not loud, as if it came from Chen Shangyi's nasal cavity.


Seeing Chen Shangyi's appearance, Wang Changsheng also nodded.

To be honest, Wang Changsheng has never experienced the pain of recasting the foundation, but when you think about recasting the foundation in your body, you can see how much pain you have to endure.

Until now, Chen Shangyi has only heard a muffled groan from his nasal cavity. From this alone, it can be seen how much Chen Shangyi can bear.

The process of recasting the foundation was very slow, and Wang Changsheng didn't dare to be careless, because as long as there was something wrong, it would have a great impact on Chen Shangyi in the future.

Unless, break up and recast!

If it really breaks up and recasts, then Chen Shangyi is really useless. A specific soul can withstand the recasting of the foundation once, which is considered good, twice?

Don't wait until the foundation is recast, but the body is completely useless!

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