Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1953 You are here

"Liu Ye was able to break through the realm in the first place. On the one hand, Liu Ye's aptitude is relatively high..." Wang Changsheng said in his heart: "Compared to Li Fusheng, it is not much worse..."

"Another very important aspect is because of the magic temple in Liu Ye's hands!"

To be precise, the most important factor for Liu Ye to break through to the Nascent Soul Realm is the Temple of Magic!

In a place like the Shentian Realm, it is too difficult to break through to the Nascent Soul Realm. Even if Li Yunqing has the blood of the Shangyang Royal Family, he can only cultivate to the peak of the Golden Core. Just the pinnacle.

Liu Ye was able to make a breakthrough because the Temple of Magic Art formed a world of its own with a complete inheritance. Liu Ye made a breakthrough in the Temple of Magic Art.

Even so, after Liu Ye made a breakthrough with the help of the Temple of Magic, he walked out of the Temple of Magic and returned to the Shentian Realm, but was still pressured by the power of heaven and earth.

Every once in a while, Liu Ye's body will become smaller, which is the sequelae.

Now Caiyun does have the help of Liu Ye's breakthrough experience, but there is no magic temple, wanting to break through...


Wang Changsheng kept watching without disturbing. After Liu Ye recovered from her injuries, she sank into cultivation again.

The power of the pinnacle of the golden core permeated his body, and some of the mysteries of the Nascent Soul realm were mixed with it.


However, half a day later, Caiyun spat out another mouthful of blood, and his breath was sluggish. Compared with the injury after the failure of the previous attack, this time the injury was obviously more serious.

"Come again!"

A firm voice resounded from Caiyun's mouth.

Because, although Yungongfeng is still strong these years, but with Liu Ye's departure and Liuye taking away the magic temple, Yungongfeng has lost his biggest support, and wants to continue to sit in the first sect of the Shentian Realm position is unlikely.

If Caiyun can break through to Nascent Soul Realm, even if there is no magic temple, Yungongfeng can still take the top spot.

Caiyun continued to heal her wounds, and after her injuries were healed, Caiyun continued to attack the realm, but she was injured again and again, failed again and again, and hit again and again...

After a full seven times, Caiyun still failed to break through.

Not only that, but the injuries are getting more and more serious.


After Caiyun failed for the seventh time, Wang Changsheng showed his figure, and finally couldn't help but speak.

After watching for so long, Wang Changsheng was already very sure that it was impossible for Caiyun to break through to the Nascent Soul realm. If he continued to break through, even if his injuries could be healed every time, there would still be huge problems with Caiyun's foundation.

Now that Caiyun is at its peak, it is impossible to see it, but Wang Changsheng can see that there is already a problem with Caiyun's foundation, if it continues to attack, it is impossible for Caiyun to have higher achievements in the future.


After the seventh failure, Caiyun, who was seriously injured, heard a voice in the hall, and his pale expression immediately changed.

There are many enemies in Yungong Peak, and there are quite a few who can touch Yungong Peak quietly. For those opponents, Caiyun doesn't pay attention to them. However, Caiyun is seriously injured now, and the strength that can be exploded is not as good as it was in its heyday It is impossible to be an opponent at all.

What's more, the other party has already entered the Yungong Peak Hall, since he made a sound, he must have been fully prepared.

When Caiyun looked in the direction of the sound, he showed a puzzled look, because Caiyun felt very familiar with Wang Changsheng when he saw Wang Changsheng for the first time, but among Yungong Peak's enemies, there was no such person? !

"What? Don't know?"

Wang Changsheng asked with a smile.

Seeing the smile on Wang Changsheng's face, Caiyun was on guard. However, Caiyun knew that the cultivator who sneaked into the hall should not have much malice. After hearing Wang Changsheng's words, Caiyun looked at Wang Changsheng carefully.

Caiyun always felt that Wang Changsheng was very familiar, but for a while, she couldn't remember...

"It's you?"

After some hard thinking, Caiyun asked Wang Changsheng with a somewhat uncertain expression, "Twins?"

Wang Changsheng nodded.

"You...you...you're back?" Caiyun looked at Wang Changsheng in a daze.

It is indeed a well-known fact that Wang Changsheng entered Dengxian Nine City back then, and this is also the reason why Caiyun thought Wang Changsheng was familiar, but did not think in that direction, because Wang Changsheng left under the eyes of everyone, who would have thought that Wang Changsheng would come back Woolen cloth?

Caiyun had already forgotten Wang Changsheng's name, but she remembered the name Wang Changsheng earned in the Shentian Realm back then.


"Just came back not long ago!" Wang Changsheng said.

Wang Changsheng was not very familiar with Caiyun, but it was very gratifying for Wang Changsheng to be able to meet some people he knew back then when he came back this time.

Caiyun looked at Wang Changsheng and finally regained her composure. She was also a little puzzled, why was she able to come back?

"Cough cough..."

Before Caiyun could speak, a coughing sound came from his mouth. Just now, the seventh attempt to attack the Nascent Soul Realm failed, and Caiyun hadn't had time to heal his wounds.

Seeing this situation, Wang Changsheng waved his hand directly, and a force directly surrounded Caiyun. With Caiyun not having any resistance, Caiyun's injuries healed in just a few breaths. Not only that, Wang Changsheng It even repaired the foundation of Caiyun's body.

"This this..."

When Caiyun was surrounded by Wang Changsheng's power, she was a little worried that Wang Changsheng would be unfavorable to her. After all, the relationship between Wang Changsheng and Wang Changsheng was not friendly back then.

However, Caiyun was shocked when he felt that the injuries on his body had healed, and there was also a very comfortable feeling.

With Caiyun's current state, in a place like Shen Tianjing, it can be regarded as having reached the peak. Once injured, even Caiyun himself will need a certain amount of time to recover, and recovery cannot be guaranteed.

And what about Wang Changsheng?

But just by waving his hand, his injuries will be completely healed. This kind of method is beyond Caiyun's cognition.

"You... what realm are you in now?" Caiyun asked incredulously.

Wang Changsheng shook his head and didn't explain, because he was not at the same level at all, Caiyun couldn't understand his current state, and it was very troublesome to explain.

"I saw willow leaves!"

Wang Changsheng directly changed the topic.

"What?" Caiyun did not continue to entangle with the question of realm, but stood up and said in disbelief, "Have you met Palace Master Liu?"

Wang Changsheng nodded.

"How is Palace Master Liu doing now?" Cai Yun asked.

Wang Changsheng said with a smile: "Liu Ye is doing well now, and the problems she left in Shentian Realm in order to break through to Nascent Soul Realm have been completely solved!"

"That's fine...that's fine..."

After Caiyun calmed down, she asked Wang Changsheng: "When will Palace Master Liu be able to come back?"

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