Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1951 East Immortal Plain

Naturally, Wang Changsheng didn't know that Li Yunqing praised him as the proud son of heaven, otherwise, he would be ashamed, because Wang Changsheng had seen many proud sons of heaven.

The sword is ordinary, and the Tianjiao who was born with the divine sword, even if he doesn't need to practice, his cultivation will grow day by day!

Tianqi, the only young master of Tianyan Pavilion, has the skill of deduction of the world, dares to play the idea of ​​karma in Wang Changsheng, and takes the opportunity to break through to the great venerable, full of courage!

Ge Yu, the arrogance of the ancient war, is powerful, and Wang Changsheng thinks he is not an opponent.

and many more...

These Tianjiao are the real Tianjiao, and this is what Wang Changsheng has seen, and there are even more hidden ones that Wang Changsheng has never seen.

Those are the true pride of heaven!

And Wang Changsheng?

It's just a little cultivator who is struggling to survive on the road of cultivation. It's all luck and a little bit of hard work to be able to make it to this day!

Of course, with the help of a strong man like Li Yunqing, whether it is a transaction or a sincere one, it will be of great help to Wang Changsheng.

Therefore, when Wang Changsheng left, he left a lot of blood power and a drop of blood essence in return.

Wang Changsheng could see that with the power of Li Yunqing's bloodline, in a place like the Shentian Realm, he couldn't get a better evolution, and it was too difficult to condense the real body of the fire phoenix.

This is also why Li Yunqing's monks at the peak of Jindan can reach a level comparable to the peak of Nascent Soul.

The power of the bloodline is reserved for the descendants of Huofengtan. As long as a descendant of the Li family in Shangyang is born, they can temper their bodies with the power of Wang Changsheng's bloodline, and the benefits will be endless in the future.

And that drop of blood was reserved for Li Yunqing!

As long as Li Yunqing refines that drop of blood essence, he will definitely be able to condense the Huofeng real body. At that time, no matter what his cultivation level is, Li Yunqing's strength will surpass the Shentian realm and reach the Nascent Soul peak realm with just the Huofeng real body.

This kind of strength, even in the Weitian realm, is still the existence of a big boss.

The head of the Li family in the Yang Forbidden Land on the Weitian Realm is only in this realm, but the bloodline inheritance in the Yang Forbidden Land on the Weitian Realm is more complete, and there is a formation to open the bloodline to help them condense the fire phoenix avatar.

When I came to Li's house in Shangyang, Huofengtan, it was considered to be a visit, and it was also regarded as bringing back the news of Li Fusheng. When Li Fusheng left Shen Tianjing, he went directly to Dengxian Nine City, and told Li Yunqing about Li Fusheng's situation. It can be regarded as helping Li Fusheng with something on his mind.

"Fire Phoenix Pond..."

Looking in the direction of Huofengtan, Wang Changsheng felt a scorching heat at the bottom of Huofengtan.

Even with Wang Changsheng's current state, in the face of this blazing heat, he felt that he was still not enough.

"It seems that the Shangyang lineage is the one that hides the deepest, and the leftovers are all over every clan of the Shangyang lineage!" Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

Back then when he practiced in the Huofengtan, he achieved a breakthrough in his cultivation. At that time, his cultivation was still shallow, and Wang Changsheng really believed that there was an earth fire in the Huofengtan.

Now it seems that it is not!

"Maybe, even the Shangyang lineage of Huofengtan doesn't know that he has such a background?"

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

Wang Changsheng didn't bother, his arrival was just to bring back news about Li Fusheng along the way, and also expressed his gratitude to Li Yunqing for taking care of him back then, there was no need to disturb the background of the Shangyang lineage.

Wang Changsheng believed that the Shangyang lineage had such a successor, no matter what era it was in, it should be able to pass it on.

It is not easy for such a congenital family to be passed down to today!

As for those innate clans with insufficient power, they have already been destroyed long ago, such as the Wood Clan, the Spirit Clan...

Leaving Huofengtan directly, just after passing through the formation, Wang Changsheng saw a figure.


When Wang Changsheng saw this figure, he was taken aback immediately, because it turned out to be an acquaintance!

"It's you?"

When the figure saw Wang Changsheng, his expression immediately changed. Even after hundreds of years, he still had a deep impression on Wang Changsheng.

"Meet Li Daoyou!"

Wang Changsheng also cupped his fists in a salute.


When the figure standing opposite looked at Wang Changsheng, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes: "I didn't expect that you are still alive!"

Wang Changsheng smiled awkwardly, and then left directly.

It's happened for hundreds of years, and I can stop worrying about it back then, and today, Wang Changsheng doesn't care too much about it.

Li Ziqi!

At that time, Li Ziqi was ordered by Li Yunqing to go to Wei's house to invite Wang Changsheng, but Li Ziqi didn't like Wang Changsheng, so she made things difficult for Wang Changsheng and sent forces controlled by the Li family to test Wang Changsheng.

In the end, during the test, Chen Shangyi sacrificed his own corpse and suffered irreversible damage. Wang Changsheng also hated Li Ziqi very much.

However, later on, the Li family of Shangyang and the Corpse Refining Sect were dealing with it, so Wang Changsheng didn't say much, and chose to let Li Ziqi go.

Seeing each other after hundreds of years, Wang Changsheng didn't have any troubles in his heart, because when Wang Changsheng came back this time, the biggest knot in Shen Tianjing's mind was Chen Shangyi!

Of course, Li Ziqi didn't have a good impression of Wang Changsheng either. The wayward girl back then has now become one of the ancestors of the Li family. Li Ziqi doesn't want to recall the punishment for offending Wang Changsheng back then.

If she hadn't met Wang Changsheng again, Li Ziqi would have already forgotten what happened back then.

Time flies by, who is not a passer-by in life?

Neither of them thought that they would see each other again after hundreds of years, and it occurred to them for a moment, what they were looking at was who hadn't let go of the original hatred?

When Li Ziqi entered the formation, she needed to ask her ancestor why Wang Changsheng appeared in Huofengtan?

After all, most of the contemporary cultivators knew about Wang Changsheng's departure from Shentian Realm and his entry into Dengxian Nine City.

As for Wang Changsheng...

Roaring all the way, through the outer court, through the southern region...

Finally, Wang Changsheng appeared in Dongxianyuan!

Appeared by a river, this river, walked with Li Fusheng back then, at that time, Li Fusheng was still Wang Changsheng's guide, explaining the cultivation of ancient methods to Wang Changsheng!

Recalling back then, I was full of thoughts. Of course, it didn't affect what Wang Changsheng said. When I broke through to Dazun, I must make Li Fusheng look good!

At least, Li Fusheng must be rubbed on the ground, so that Wang Changsheng can relieve his anger!

Wang Changsheng did not wander along the river like before, but looked to the other side of the Eastern Immortal Plain.

"Yungong Peak..."

Wang Changsheng showed an inexplicable expression.

Now that he has been to Huofengtan, Wang Changsheng also plans to go to Yungong Peak, because Liu Ye was the palace lord of Yungong Peak back then.

When Liu Ye left, he took away the Shufa Temple, which was also a huge blow to Yungong Peak. Although Yungong Peak has been developing steadily over the years, its position as the number one sect in the Shentian Realm is already in jeopardy up.

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