Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1948 Immortal descended to earth?

After the Patriarch of the Wei Family heard Wang Changsheng's words, he looked at Wang Changsheng suspiciously.

It was precisely because he couldn't see through Wang Changsheng, and because Wang Changsheng knew of Wei Tong's existence, that the Patriarch of the Wei family didn't dare to be careless, otherwise, he wouldn't have rushed out of the Wei family's mansion so eagerly.

However, after some observation, the Patriarch of the Wei family felt that Wang Changsheng was a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen Wang Changsheng.

When Wang Changsheng saw the puzzled look of the Patriarch of the Wei Family, he obviously didn't think of himself, and said with a slight smile, "That's right, it's been hundreds of years. A small follower back then has now become the Patriarch of the Wei Family, controlling one side, and more He has become a strong man in the Golden Core Realm..."

Wang Changsheng made a reminder.


Hearing Wang Changsheng mention the servant, the Patriarch of the Wei family's expression immediately changed, because in his whole life, he has only been a servant for one person!

Wei Ning!

However, Wei Ning has been dead for hundreds of years, and not many people know about it...

"It's you?!"

The Patriarch of the Wei family looked at Wang Changsheng with a look of horror in his eyes, looked at Wang Changsheng, pointed at Wang Changsheng, and was speechless.

"It's me..." Wang Changsheng nodded and said.

This Patriarch of the Wei Family, Wang Changsheng has indeed met, but he is not familiar with it. When he met Wei Ning in Jinning City, Wei Ning made things difficult for Wang Changsheng. This Patriarch of the Wei Family was still a small follower of Wei Ning at that time , should be the blood of the collateral line of the Wei family.

After so many years, his appearance has indeed changed, but how could he hide it from Wang Changsheng?

Wang Changsheng recognized it at a glance, only the Patriarch of the Wei family, hundreds of years have passed, and he did not remember Wang Changsheng.


After a long time, the Patriarch of the Wei family regained his strength and looked at Wang Changsheng with a sigh.

When Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng were born, one was the deacon of the Corpse Refining Sect, and the other was the young master of the Li family in Shangyang, which caused a lot of troubles in the Shentian Realm, because both of their names had a "sheng" In addition, the two are close friends, so monk Shen Tianjing gave Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng the title of "twins"!

"I've seen seniors!"

The Patriarch of the Wei family gave Wang Changsheng an honest courtesy.

According to what the Patriarch of the Wei family knew, the twins of that year had all entered the portal of the Immortal City. In the eyes of many monks, they didn't know what it was to go to the Nine City of Immortals. They only thought that they could reach the Immortal World by entering the portal.

Doesn't it mean that Wang Changsheng came back from the fairy world?

On the other side, the Huayuan Realm cultivator who entered the notification just now saw his Patriarch saluting Wang Changsheng as a junior, and he was very grateful. Fortunately, Wang Changsheng was not expelled because Wang Changsheng looked like an ordinary person. Instead, he went to report immediately. .

What the gatekeeper cultivator in the Huayuan Realm didn't know was that the reason why he went to report was only Wang Changsheng's guidance. With Wang Changsheng's methods, of course he couldn't find out.

"Fortunately, if I really offend, wouldn't the Patriarch want to scrape me alive..." said the monk guarding the door.

"Get up!" Wang Changsheng said: "Go and inform Weitong, just say I'm coming!"

The Patriarch of the Wei family raised his head and looked at Wang Changsheng with a hesitant expression.

It's not that he doesn't want to notify, but that Wei Tong is currently in retreat, and he can't afford to offend the Wei family's mediocre existence.


Wang Changsheng said: "That old guy Wei Tong has reached a bottleneck in his cultivation, and he can't break through at all. Now he is sleeping, and he has not cultivated at all!"

Wang Changsheng had already felt the existence of Weitong, so he didn't have too many scruples.

"Okay!" The Patriarch of the Wei Family immediately said, "Senior, please come inside!"

Immediately, Wang Changsheng was invited into the Wei family by the Patriarch of the Wei family and waited in the hall of the Wei family, giving Wang Changsheng the highest standard of reception.

There is no way, Wang Changsheng was at the height of the sun in the Shentian Realm back then, not only overwhelmed his peers, even the older generation of monks, few dared to provoke Wang Changsheng, so many monks in the Shentian Realm couldn't hold their heads up.

Now that Wang Changsheng is more suspicious of "immortals coming down to earth", he needs to be more careful.

Not long after, the head of the Wei family didn't come back, but Wei Tong appeared in the hall in a hurry.

"Royal way... Senior Wang..."

Wei Tong cupped his fists at Wang Changsheng and saluted.

"Elder Wei, you're being polite..." Wang Changsheng also stood up and saluted, "It's enough for you and my fellow daoists to match each other..."

Wang Changsheng was also very polite, because monks like Wei Tong are actually Wang Changsheng's seniors. However, Wang Changsheng has had some opportunities in recent years, and his cultivation base has broken through too fast. Wang Changsheng will not look down on Wei Tong just because his cultivation base has increased. Through such a monk.

"Fellow Daoist Wang!" Wei Tong agreed with Wang Changsheng's request, clasped his fists again and said, "I didn't expect that after so many years, I, Wei Tong, would still have the chance to see you Daoist Wang again..."

Wang Changsheng smiled slightly.

After Weitong appeared, Wang Changsheng could tell at a glance that although Weitong's cultivation had broken through to the peak of Jindan, in fact, Weitong didn't have many years left to live, and the vitality of Weitong was gradually draining away.

Wang Changsheng estimated that if he came 50 years later, there would be no such person as Weitong in the world.

"Fellow Daoist Wei, don't be so pessimistic. There are thousands of wonders in the world, and the loss of vitality is not terrible..." Wang Changsheng said.

Because, Wang Changsheng has the means to replenish his vitality, otherwise, Wang Changsheng would not be so calm, thinking that when he was in the small world, Wang Changsheng almost went crazy because his vitality was cut off...

"Wang Daoyou, you don't need to comfort me, I am quite clear about my own situation..." Weitong said: "I am content to see Wang Daoyou again..."

"It's been so many years. Those old friends in Shen Tianjing either left Shen Tianjing or died. Thinking about how I can live for so many years, it's a blessing!"

Wang Changsheng didn't say much, and with a wave of his hand, a surge of vitality instantly enveloped Weitong.

Immediately afterwards, under Wang Changsheng's control, Wei Tong's whole body flew into the air, following Wang Changsheng's movements, a huge vitality poured directly into Wei Tong's body.

With Jianmu here, do you still need to worry about not having life?

When it comes to all things in the world, which kind of vitality is the most intense, Jianmu is second to none!

"This this..."

Surrounded by vitality, Weitong's expression immediately changed when he flew into the air uncontrollably, but when he felt the huge vitality pouring into his body, Weitong's expression became horrified.

Immediately afterwards, Wei Tong's old face slowly faded and became younger.

Not only that, the various functions of Weitong's body, like reverse growth, are full of vitality, even three points stronger than when they were at their peak!

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