Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1935 Whose Handwriting

At the end of Gathering Star City, there is a pitch-black passage, which looks a bit like a black hole in the universe. Of course, this is definitely not a black hole, but a transmission passage.

One step into the passage, and after passing through the passage, Wang Changsheng directly appeared in the seventh city of the Nine Cities of Dengxian!


Wang Changsheng, who had just revealed his figure, made a roar and fell to the ground.

"Spirit Devouring City..."

Looking at the pitch-black city, Wang Changsheng also had a look of nostalgia in his eyes.

"I don't know how Li Fusheng passed when he went retrograde to the Nine City of Immortals?" Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

Be it Dengxian City, Gathering Star City, or the current Soul Devouring City, every city is not simple. Back then, Li Fusheng was only at the Nascent Soul Realm. He was seriously injured, and he was able to walk out of Dengxian Nine City alive. , it is not simple.

Appearing in the City of Devouring Souls, Wang Changsheng felt that his real distance was slowly passing away.

Back then, when facing the Soul Devouring City, with Wang Changsheng's strength, he couldn't pass through the Soul Devouring City at all, but now, this loss of true energy has no effect on Wang Changsheng!

Running the Longevity Kung Fu, the speed at which the true energy is lost is not as fast as the recovery speed.

The entire Soul Devouring City is made of obsidian. Wang Changsheng was shocked when he saw the Soul Devouring City for the first time.

However, after seeing the obsidian-built passages of the Tiger Clan, the shock to the Devouring City was a little less.

"I don't know if it's still there..."

Wang Changsheng looked at the Soul Devouring City and said in his heart.

In the Nine Cities of Climbing Immortals, the one that Wang Changsheng remembers the most is the City of Devouring Souls.

After coming to the Soul Devouring City back then, it was brought under the Soul Devouring City by inexplicable means, and then saw the blood pool.

It was by absorbing the blood pool that Wang Changsheng condensed the Huofeng Avatar, and it was precisely because of the existence of the Huofeng Avatar that he helped Wang Changsheng out of danger many times over the years.

The current Wang Changsheng already understood, how could it be possible for ordinary Qi and blood to condense himself into the Fire Phoenix Avatar?

Back then, the blood in the blood pool below the Soul Devouring City was definitely not ordinary blood!

At least it is also the true blood of the fire and phoenix lineage?

At that time, Wang Changsheng didn't know anything about these things, and he couldn't tell them apart. Now that he returned to Dengxian Nine City, he also wanted to see what was hidden under the City of Devouring Souls.

However, the phantom that dragged Wang Changsheng to the city of Devouring Souls has disappeared, so how should we go down?

With a wave of his hand, the Lang Cang Sword appeared in his hand.

Since you can't find a way, just smash it!

Finding the position where it was pulled down, the Lang Cang sword in his hand did not hesitate, and directly slashed down fiercely.

If other monks knew that Wang Changsheng had used an ancient Taoist weapon to split stones, they would have to swallow Wang Changsheng alive!

ding ding ding…

What surprised Wang Changsheng was that after the Langcang sword was slashed, there were piercing sounds where the Langcang sword touched the obsidian, like a golden dagger, the powerful Langcang sword left only a streak on the obsidian. Shallow traces.

"Not right!"

Wang Changsheng's expression changed immediately.

Obsidian is very hard, Wang Changsheng knows this well, even with the passage of time, it is difficult to leave marks on obsidian, but obsidian is also afraid of sharp weapons!

When Liu Ye led Wang Changsheng out, he was able to break through the obsidian. Wang Changsheng is now many times stronger than the original Liu Ye. With the sharpness of the Langcang sword, there is no reason why he can't break through the obsidian. !

After careful inspection, it was indeed an ordinary obsidian, and there was no Dao Yun on it. Wang Changsheng wondered, could it be that his own strength had regressed, or that the Langcang Sword was not working?

Wang Changsheng's strength has not regressed, and the Langcang sword has become stronger and stronger. Therefore, Wang Changsheng, who does not believe in evil, raised the Langcang sword in his hand, and his body was full of power.

This time, Wang Changsheng didn't hold back the slightest bit, and the Langcang Sword carried the majestic power, and slashed directly at the obsidian-paved ground.


This time, Obsidian reacted and let out a roar, even shaking the entire Soul Devouring City.


Wang Changsheng looked at a small hole that appeared on the ground, and made an unbelievable sound.

Under the condition of going all out, the obsidian was indeed broken, but the obsidian was only broken into a small hole, and the entire ground was not completely broken.

Squatting on the ground, looking at the small hole made by the obsidian, Wang Changsheng grabbed some obsidian powder, with a puzzled look in his eyes.

"It's not right, it's not right..." Wang Changsheng looked puzzled.

However, after observing it, Wang Changsheng didn't find anything wrong.

Obsidian is still an ordinary obsidian. With Wang Changsheng's strength, he can easily break through obsidian. Now with the power of the Langcang Sword, he can't beat obsidian...

boom boom boom…

Afterwards, Wang Changsheng kept attacking the small pit. Wang Changsheng also forgot how many times he swung the Langcang Sword. Anyway, even his arm was a little numb. Only then did Wang Changsheng see the land covered by the obsidian.

The ground is not as hard as obsidian. Under the sword, a large pit appeared directly in the ground, and a bottomless pit appeared under the ground.

Without the slightest hesitation, Wang Changsheng fell directly into the deep pit.

The phantom back then was trapped in the formation. Now, the formation is gone, and the phantom is gone, only the blood pool from back then is still there.

However, the Qi and blood had already been absorbed by Wang Changsheng, leaving only a dry pool of blood. Seeing this situation, Wang Changsheng frowned.

Wang Changsheng could understand the disappearance of the phantom, but Wang Changsheng was very puzzled by the disappearance of the formation.

Wang Changsheng's figure appeared in the blood pool, and a wave of blazing heat swept towards Wang Changsheng in an instant.

Although the qi and blood disappeared, the qi and blood had been accumulated here for many years, and even the surrounding land was contaminated with the breath of qi and blood.

"It is indeed the true blood of the fire phoenix, and it is still very close to the true blood of the ancestors..."

Wang Changsheng said firmly in his heart.

Wang Changsheng was too familiar with this hotness.

Through his breath, Wang Changsheng could tell that although the qi and blood in the blood pool back then were not the true blood of the ancestral veins, their quality surpassed that of ordinary fire and phoenix true blood!

"Whose handwriting is this?" Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

Under the Soul Devouring City of Dengxian Nine City, the appearance of a blood pool is already weird enough, but the blood in the blood pool is still the true blood of the fire and phoenix, which is even more weird.

However, there is nothing around that can be deduced, and Wang Changsheng has no way of guessing.

"Phantom, the focus is on the original phantom. As long as you find the phantom, you should be able to know the truth..."

However, now that the phantom has disappeared, the only clue is broken, and Wang Changsheng doesn't know where to find the truth.

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