Li Fusheng back then, also only had the realm comparable to Yuanying, and his vision was not enough.

Wang Changsheng who is here today, although he is not good at formations, is powerful, so he can naturally see more things.

Most of the dome is indeed a natural formation, but, in the dome, there are also some traces of man-made formations.


Wang Changsheng said: "Based on natural formations, it's too mysterious to arrange traction..."

If Li Fusheng was here, he would definitely gain a lot. As for Wang Changsheng?

The cultivation of the way of the formation is still not enough, and it can only break through three points of the mystery. If you want to fully understand the formation here, it is impossible in a short time.

"It is unbreakable without the power of the Venerable!" Wang Changsheng finally said.

If you want to forcibly break through this formation, you need at least the cultivation and strength of the Venerable, and this is the part that breaks the artificial arrangement.

Wanting to destroy it together with the natural formation, even the great venerable would be a bit choked up.

Wang Changsheng wanted to have a try with the Langcang Sword, but finally gave up.

I came here to ask for the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, not to cause sabotage.

What's more, Wang Changsheng is already able to advance and retreat freely, without breaking through three points of the mystery.

Back then, when I was waiting for others to enter, I still entered Wanshou Mountain relying on Li Fusheng's understanding of the formation and taking advantage of the right time and place.

Today, Wang Changsheng didn't need to wait at all.

The dome will not manifest when the time and place are not right, but as long as it is close to touch, it will directly kill the monks who are close to the touch.

Stars flickered in Wang Changsheng's eyes, and a vague air layer appeared not far from Wang Changsheng.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Changsheng stretched out a finger.

boom boom boom…

The moment Wang Changsheng stretched out his finger, there was a huge roar under the dome of Wanshou Mountain.

Not to mention under the dome, even the inside of Wanshou Mountain was shaking constantly.

"What's going on? Why is there a feeling of trembling in the soul?"

"I feel like I'm going to be crushed..."

"It's not a feeling, I'm already on the ground!"

"I saw that person touched the dome just now. Could it be the dome showing its power?"


The monks around Wanshou Mountain were all lying on the ground one by one, and it was very difficult to even raise their heads.

Before the power spread, everyone was defenseless, let alone resisted, and even had no chance to escape.

What puzzled everyone was that they did see that figure touching the dome. However, before the dome suppressed monks, that is, a mysterious light would only kill the monks who approached.

How can it be like now, even the monks who are so far away can't be killed?

Many monks were already cursing in their hearts, and they were too overwhelmed by the power to lift their heads, otherwise, they would have pointed at Wang Changsheng's back and cursed.

Of course, it was just cursing, because they all believed that Wang Changsheng, who was standing under the dome, could not survive if he was so far away and could be crushed by the power!

The power lasted for half a stick of incense before completely dissipating.

All the monks took this opportunity to stand up immediately and leave directly through the air. No matter what happened, leave first, life is important.

Of course, when he left, he didn't forget to take a look at the dome.

"Well, it really is dead!"

"You want to die, and let us be frightened!"

Many monks looked at the emptiness under the dome, and while fleeing away, they did not forget to curse a few words.

That power came and went quickly, but the monks who were oppressed by the power will never forget it.

That is the soul trembling, life and death are completely involuntary feeling...

For everyone, the death of a cultivator who challenged the power of the dome is not a big deal, even if the news is sold, it is not worth even a piece of Lingshi.

And Wang Changsheng?

When the dome roared, in Wang Changsheng's eyes, the entire dome was rippling like waves.

Wang Changsheng knew very well that these rippling waves were not waves, but Dao aggregates caused by the flow of the power of heaven and earth.

This is also the reason for the powerful roar, because the dome is based on a natural formation, and it is the power of this world that affects it.

To be honest, those monks around were just suppressed, and did not directly explode to death. Wang Changsheng was already more restrained.

Once Wang Changsheng set off more collisions of the power of heaven and earth, the cultivators under the dome, one counts as one, will all die, and they will still have no bones left, and even the surrounding world will be buried.

This is also the biggest reason why Wang Changsheng didn't give it a try.

When the dome was rippling, a portal appeared, and Wang Changsheng stepped out directly into the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

This is also the reason why those monks who escaped thought that Wang Changsheng had been killed by Qiong Ding Zhen.

As everyone knows, not only was Wang Changsheng not killed by the town, but he even entered Wanshou Mountain.

Fortunately, all the monks were suppressed at that time, and they couldn't even raise their heads. Otherwise, if this scene was seen and spread for a while, it is estimated that many great religions will not be peaceful today.


Wang Changsheng, who passed through the dome and entered Wanshou Mountain, immediately frowned, still a little dazed.

It wasn't that the explosion of the dome's power had an impact on Wanshou Mountain.


At this moment, not far from Wang Changsheng, there were nearly twenty monks standing. These monks were quite powerful, and all of them were at the peak of Nascent Soul.


Wang Changsheng looked puzzled, not knowing what the monks from Wanshou Mountain were going to do.

Based on Wang Changsheng's understanding of Wanshou Mountain, as they got closer to the top of Wanshou Mountain, the status gap between the various cities was very large.

Back then, there was a difference between the top and bottom of Wanshou Mountain. At the peak of Nascent Soul, that was the existence at the top of Wanshou Mountain.

Passing through the dome, it will only appear at the bottom of Wanshou Mountain.

There is a huge distance between the two, and Wang Changsheng would not think that these nearly twenty powerhouses at the peak of the Yuanying realm appeared neatly in this place...

Could it be by chance?

will not!

The portal above the dome slowly healed, and Wang Changsheng took a leisurely look at the nearly twenty Nascent Soul peak realm powerhouses without the slightest fear!

With Wang Changsheng's current realm and strength, not to mention the nearly twenty Nascent Soul peak realm powerhouses, there will be ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times more...

It's just a slap in the face!

A strong person at the Nascent Soul's peak realm is the pinnacle in the Weitian realm, but in Wang Changsheng's eyes, he is not much different from ordinary people.

"I've seen seniors!"

The Nascent Soul peak powerhouse at the front now cupped his fists and saluted Wang Changsheng with a respectful expression.


Wang Changsheng's expression became even more puzzled. He didn't know the monk who greeted him at all, or did someone in this group of people recognize him?

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