Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1919 Too Dangerous

"Sifan lineage..."

When Wang Changsheng left the city, he turned around and saw the patriarch of Sifan's lineage, went to Yaya's house, and got together happily with Yaya's family.

The patriarch of Sifan's line directly hugged Yaya, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

As for Yaya, being hugged by the patriarch of Sifan's line, she was also full of smiles. From time to time, she would talk to the patriarch of Sifan's line. Haven't heard it for many years.

"Interesting people and races..."

Wang Changsheng said softly.

I don't know whether Wang Changsheng said that the Sifan lineage is interesting, or the current patriarch of the Sifan lineage is interesting. Only Wang Changsheng himself knows what Wang Changsheng wants to express.

In order to get rid of the control of the ancient kingdom of Augustus and to be able to cultivate, the Sifan lineage back then paid a huge price through calculations by all parties, and finally some members of the clan fled.

However, the patriarch of Sifan's line now, knowing that Wang Changsheng is capable of helping them, chose to continue to be ordinary people, and even made the clansmen become ordinary people.

Wang Changsheng couldn't understand it, but he vaguely felt that he understood it. Contradictory emotions filled Wang Changsheng's heart.

Back then, in order to survive, Wang Changsheng was almost insane. After he came to the Nine Heavens Realm, in order to survive, he ran around in many ways, cooperating vertically and horizontally, and did not hesitate to plot against many innocent monks.

For this, Wang Changsheng didn't feel any guilt in his heart!

Because, Wang Changsheng understood one thing, if he didn't count, then he might be the one who died.

This is the cultivation world!

The patriarch of Sifan's lineage knows what the cultivation world is like, and now he has returned to the life of ordinary people, and chooses to remain ordinary.

Making a choice like this...difficult!

"Unfortunately, I'm sorry..." Wang Changsheng looked at the patriarch of Sifan's lineage from a distance and said: "It is not easy for every bloodline to be born in this world. The bloodline of Sifan's lineage is very magical and should not be cut off!"

Wang Changsheng moved his hands and feet on Yaya.

To be precise, it is to break the blood confinement in Yaya's body!

If one day, Yaya wants to practice, she will definitely be able to practice, and without the confinement of her bloodline, the power of Sifan's bloodline will instead become a helper. Yaya's cultivation speed can be described as a thousand miles a day. .

Back then, Sifan's branch relied on the big tree of the ancient country of Augustus and collected a lot of cultivation techniques!

What's more, Wang Changsheng knows that the power of the bloodline is extraordinary, and there is a power of inheritance in it. As long as Yaya wants to practice in the future and the bloodline is awakened, in the power of the bloodline, there should be inheritance and cultivation techniques.

Wang Changsheng did not change Yaya's fate. As long as Yaya wants to practice in the future, she will have the capital to set foot in the cultivation world, but if Yaya doesn't want to practice, then Yaya will become an ordinary person without disease or disaster.

Wang Changsheng just planted a seed in Yaya's body. Whether this seed will germinate depends on Yaya's own choice.

After leaving the city, Wang Changsheng forgot about Si Fan's lineage.

Wang Chang has lived for so many years, traveled to too many places, and seen too many scenery. Sifan's lineage is just one of these scenery. It is not even considered beautiful, and it is easy to forget!

Perhaps, many years later, Wang Changsheng might remember it when he passed this place again and felt the familiar atmosphere.

"Southern Desolate Forest..."

Stopping and stopping along the way, several months later, Wang Changsheng stopped in front of a big river, and at the end of Wang Changsheng's line of sight was the Southern Wasteland Forest.

"The clouds are rising and roaring continuously, it is indeed a place where great monsters gather!" Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

Stepping into the Southern Wasteland Forest, apart from the towering ancient trees, there are powerful monsters, and there are even many monster cultivators.

Wang Changsheng didn't need to inquire about these demon cultivators, he knew the origin of these demon cultivators.

Demon spirit power!

Back then when Wang Changsheng was in the Weitian Realm, he hadn't had much contact with the demon spirits, but Wang Changsheng knew that the demon spirits were very powerful, and they were also very mysterious in the center.

"The demon cultivators in the land of demon spirits can cultivate in the Southern Desolate Forest. They have the most cultivation resources, and their overall level is better than other great teaching kingdoms!" Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

Without disturbing the monsters and demon cultivators in the Southern Wasteland Forest, Wang Changsheng's figure has been shuttling through the Southern Wasteland Forest.

Walking all the way, even if they walked past monsters or demon cultivators, or even passed through several battlefields, no one found Wang Changsheng's figure.

Even if Wang Changsheng was standing there, no one could see Wang Changsheng. Wang Changsheng seemed to be non-existent, watching everything that happened in the Southern Wilderness Forest with cold eyes.

"That is..."

Wang Changsheng walked to the deepest part of the Southern Desolation Forest and watched a huge formation enveloping him.

"This should be the forbidden land in the Southern Wilderness that those monsters talk about, right?" Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

After staying in the Southern Wasteland Forest for a period of time, I also know the general situation in the Southern Wasteland Forest. For ordinary monks in the Weitian Realm, the Southern Wasteland Forest is a desperate place, but for the monsters and monsters in the Southern Wasteland Forest. As far as the demon cultivator is concerned, the real Jedi is to go out deep in the southern wasteland forest.

Known as the Southern Wilderness Forbidden Land!

Now Wang Changsheng has come to the Southern Wilderness Forbidden Land, but after just taking a look, Wang Changsheng turned around and left.

Because, just by looking at it, Wang Changsheng knew what was going on in the Southern Wasteland Forest.

"The backhand of the demon clan!"

Wang Changsheng sighed in his heart: "None of the races that have been passed down for a long time are simple. Even if they have been hiding for so many years in the next three days, in this mighty state, there are still their backs!"

"Since that's the case, is the wild temple in the Shentian Realm the backhand left by the monster clan?"

The more you know, the more ignorant you become. Wang Changsheng fully understood this sentence.

When he was turbulent in the Weitian Realm, he could not be said to be invincible in the world, but he had few opponents. Now Wang Changsheng understands that it is just those existences with ordinary background, and he does not want to care about him. He is a clown.

Otherwise, for those existences with ordinary background, a slap is enough to slap himself to death.

The cultivation world is too dangerous!

Even, after going through the events of heaven and earth, Wang Changsheng suspected that since the time he broke through the world, there were strong people spying on him in secret.

Of course, this is just a suspicion. Wang Changsheng has no way to find out what the truth is. Perhaps, when he enters the Tao in the future and returns to the next three days, he will have another insight.

Wang Changsheng left the Southern Wasteland directly, and did not rush to the Arctic Sea.

Since the Southern Wasteland Forest is the backhand left by the monster race, needless to say, the Arctic sea area must also be the backhand left by a certain race or inheritance force. Wang Changsheng didn't even bother to look at it.

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