Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1916 Familiar Breath

Wang Changsheng also didn't want to fuss over this issue, he thought it was right, and the owner of Tianji Pavilion felt that what he had done was a little too much, so he would do it directly!

In the cultivation world, big fists are the last word!

Now, Wang Changsheng asked himself that in the next three days, his fists were not small. If the owner of the Tianji Pavilion had an opinion, he could draw it down. Back then, in Xianmang Xingyu, even Tianqi dared to kill him. Wang Changsheng was really not afraid of offending the Tianji Pavilion!

"Pavilion Master, I heard that there is a Dao artifact in the Heavenly Mystery Pavilion, which can see the past and future and calculate all the mysteries. If so, doesn't the Pavilion Master know my reason for coming?" Wang Changsheng asked.

The owner of Tianji Pavilion shook his head and said, "I really don't know!"

"Fellow Daoist's cultivation is astonishing as heaven and man, unimaginable, beyond our reach!"

When Wang Changsheng made a fuss, the owner of the Tianji Pavilion had already deduced it, but the result he got was at a loss. Even, the owner of the Tianji Pavilion felt that if he really continued to deduce, he might be in great danger!

Spell backlash!

Back then, Lian Tianyan Pavilion Tianjiao Tianqi, when deducing Wang Changsheng's situation was not good, forcibly deduced it, and finally suffered the backlash of magic, let alone the owner of Tianji Pavilion.

"That's a vain name..." After Wang Changsheng thought for a while, he said unceremoniously: "In that case, let's take my leave!"

After speaking, Wang Changsheng's figure disappeared directly above the snow mountain.

Wang Changsheng came to Tianji Pavilion, on the one hand, to understand the connection between Tianji Pavilion and Tianyan Pavilion.

For the Tianyan Pavilion in the Nine Heavens Realm, Wang Changsheng was too jealous, not to mention, Tianqi was still chasing Wang Changsheng, trying to uncover the cause and effect of Wang Changsheng.

On the other hand, Wang Changsheng also wanted to know about the situation of those in the Mighty Heaven Realm.

After experiencing the Shangyang Forbidden Land and the top of the Tongtian Ancient Tree, Wang Changsheng understood the extraordinaryness of the next three days.

When I was in the Nascent Soul Realm, I survived the next three days, but now I'm in the Venerable Peak Realm, and it would be a bit embarrassing if I fell in the next three days.

However, after coming to the Tianji Pavilion, Wang Changsheng found that the foundation of the Tianji Pavilion was not as good as even the heavens and the earth, so he was naturally disappointed.

Even the Venerable himself, the Tianji Pavilion can't see through it, and can't deduce it, so the Tianji Pavilion is naturally even more useless in the face of those strong men who can't even see Wang Changsheng's footsteps.

"After all, it's just a second-hander, and the cultivation resources of the Weitian Realm are limited..." Wang Changsheng said.

If the Weitian Realm could communicate with the Nine Heaven Realm, Tianji Pavilion would definitely not be reduced to such a point.

The owner of Tianji Pavilion looked at Wang Changsheng's disappearing figure with a gloomy expression, unable to calm down for a long time.

The owner of the Tianji Pavilion couldn't be more clear about what the whole next three days will be like. There are indeed many strong men lurking, but as far as the Tianji Pavilion knows of those lurking strong men, none of them can match up with Wang Changsheng.

For a strong man like Wang Changsheng, Tianji Pavilion couldn't deduce any information about Wang Changsheng even if he had a Taoist weapon to help him.

In desperation, the owner of the Tianji Pavilion waved his hand, covered by the formation, and even the Taoist artifacts that had been activated by the Tianji Pavilion slowly stopped.

There is no way, Wang Changsheng came to make a fuss, the loss of Tianji Pavilion is indeed not big, but it is completely humiliated!

What's more, Tianji Pavilion doesn't know what's going on, so it's the most aggrieved.

Even if he wanted revenge, he didn't know who to turn to for revenge.

Afterwards, regarding this matter, the cultivators of Tianji Pavilion did not mention a word, as if this matter never happened.

After Wang Changsheng left Tianji Pavilion, he didn't continue to look for other great teaching territories, even if it was a forbidden area, Wang Changsheng didn't bother to investigate.

Wang Changsheng now fully understands that what can be detected by him is only superficial conditions, and at most it is only a strong person in the Mahayana realm.

As for those that cannot be detected, they really cannot be detected.

The three sages in the Shangyang Forbidden Land, and the figure who reaches the heavens and the earth, are not existences that Wang Changsheng can match.

Now, Wang Changsheng is going to one place, no, to be precise, he is going to two places, but these two places are in completely opposite directions, and Wang Changsheng can only go to one of them first.

The Southern Wilderness Forest, the Holy Land of Beasts, claims that the entire Southern Wilderness Forest can overthrow the existence of the Holy Land of the Weitian Realm. It is extremely mysterious. Even monks in the Nascent Soul Realm may not be able to come out alive after entering the Southern Wilderness Forest.

Back then, Wang Changsheng had been to the Southern Wilderness Forest once, but he didn't dare to go deep into it. This time, Wang Changsheng planned to explore it.

And the Arctic Sea!

The Arctic Sea is located in the extreme north, north of the ancient country of Augustus. According to records, although the entire Arctic Sea is a sea area, it occupies at least [-]% of the Weitian Realm.

This is just a record, and no one knows what the specific situation is, because the Arctic Sea is more dangerous than the Southern Wilderness Forest.

When he was in the Weitian Realm, Wang Changsheng lived on the Arctic Sea for a while, and he could feel the majestic power coming out of the Arctic Sea from time to time, but in the end, he still didn't dare to step into it.

But now, Wang Changsheng is at the peak of the Venerable, and he feels that he can take a look to satisfy his original curiosity.

Of course, Wang Changsheng knew that with his own cultivation, he had to be careful in the next three days after going through the most important things.


Wang Changsheng, who whizzed past in the sky, did not reveal any aura.

Suddenly, Wang Changsheng, who was on his way, frowned, and stepped back a little distance, because Wang Changsheng felt a familiar aura.

"It's them?"

Wang Changsheng's figure fell, and here was a small city, no matter whether they were monks or ordinary people, they could all live and work in peace and contentment, and the highest cultivation level in the city was only in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Now Wang Changsheng didn't know which great religion he was in. Anyway, Wang Changsheng would not take the initiative to provoke him. The reason why he stopped was because Wang Changsheng felt a familiar atmosphere.

Walking into a shop, looking inside the shop, there are some magical artifacts, but most of them are mortal artifacts, and a few of them are not of high quality, but the price is very fair.

"Meet fellow daoists..."

A middle-aged man stepped forward and said to Wang Changsheng, "Fellow Daoist, have you taken a fancy to a magic weapon?"

Wang Changsheng shook his head and stared at the middle-aged man.

What made Wang Changsheng stop was not these low-level instruments, but the middle-aged man and the atmosphere in the backyard.

"That fellow daoist wants to buy mortal tools?" The middle-aged man was not annoyed when he saw Wang Changsheng shaking his head, and he clasped his fists again and said, "Although this store is not big, we have both mortal and magical tools, and the prices are more reasonable... "

Wang Changsheng shook his head again.

"Sifan lineage..."

Wang Changsheng looked at the middle-aged man and uttered four words.

When the middle-aged man heard what Wang Changsheng said, his expression was normal, but his heart tightened.

Sifan's lineage is the biggest secret in the hearts of middle-aged people. It has been hidden in the small town for so many years, and no one has seen through its identity. Unexpectedly, now a person came suddenly and recognized his origin.

"What do you mean by this, fellow Daoist?"

The middle-aged man said with a puzzled look.

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