Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1914 Creepy

Wang Changsheng didn't step into it, not to mention that the portal has collapsed, after this portal, the ancient road of Zhanjie was completely broken, and the danger inside was even more dangerous than the boundary barrier.

Because, in addition to the danger of the boundary barrier, in that dilapidated space, there are also three sages of the Li family fighting against the strong, leaving behind a lot of Dao Yun, which has been around for so many years, and it has not been scattered for a long time. It is not something that Wang Changsheng can touch of.

"This ancient road in the War Realm is indeed sealed!"

Wang Changsheng said with a sigh in his heart.

The ancient tree of Tongtian is considered as a road leading to the Nine Heavens Realm for ordinary monks. Now this ancient road to the Battle Realm disappears. Unless it appears in the next three days, otherwise, this road will be considered useless.


Wang Changsheng sighed, turned and left.

However, as soon as he turned around, Wang Changsheng's expression changed drastically, his whole body felt creepy, and his back felt cold.

Because at some point, a figure stood behind Wang Changsheng, not far away from Wang Changsheng, only about ten steps away.

The distance of about ten steps is very short. With Wang Changsheng's current cultivation base, the distance of ten steps is not necessary!

Most importantly, Wang Changsheng didn't know when this figure appeared, and he didn't feel it at all.

With Wang Changsheng's current cultivation base, he can quietly touch ten steps behind Wang Changsheng without any notice. Wang Changsheng could also feel some traces.

Wang Changsheng didn't know how long this figure had been standing behind him, watching him.

Thinking of these, Wang Changsheng was even more shocked.

"Dare to ask..."

Wang Changsheng cupped his fists at the figure and saluted, ready to ask some polite questions first.

"From the moment you step into the Heavenly Reach, I will follow you!"

The figure looked at Wang Changsheng, and said with a half-smile, the voice was not loud, and there was no majestic power spreading over his body, but just one sentence made Wang Changsheng a little at a loss.


Wang Changsheng didn't know what to do.

I originally thought that this figure followed me after I arrived, but now it seems that it is not the case. The moment I stepped into the sky, this figure followed me. Wang Changsheng had turned his head many times, and he did not see this figure. figure.

What does it mean?

It shows that the gap in cultivation between the two is too big!

"Ha ha..."

The figure stood and looked at Wang Changsheng, and let out a chuckle.

Wang Changsheng didn't dare to make any changes, because Wang Changsheng understood that such a powerful and powerful man was simply not something he could resist, and a slap was enough to slap him to death.

"Water for three days, it's too deep..."

Wang Changsheng said with some fear in his heart.

Wang Changsheng was full of doubts in his heart. Back then, he and Li Fusheng both messed around in the Weitian Realm and caused many disasters. How did they survive?

Judging from the perspective of the year, the cultivation and strength of myself and Li Fusheng are not bad. With the power of Taoism, ordinary monks really can't help me. Wang Changsheng is not able to contend with the elders of the clan, or this strong man who appeared from the sky.

Back then, he killed some monks in the Nascent Soul Realm in Tongtian Powerful Land, causing even more chaos. How did this strong man endure it?

"Good, very good..."

The figure looked at Wang Changsheng and said, his voice getting lower and lower.

Not only that, the figure became fainter and fainter, and finally disappeared from Wang Changsheng's sight.

"Why is this?" Wang Changsheng was puzzled.

When Wang Changsheng saw this figure, he was really taken aback, but now that the figure was revealed, he smiled at himself, said "Not bad, not bad" and then disappeared?

If he was not sure that he was not mistaken, Wang Changsheng might feel that his eyes were dazzled.

"what happened?"

Wang Changsheng suddenly felt a little irritable in his heart, mainly because these things exceeded Wang Changsheng's expectations.

The figure disappeared, and Wang Changsheng stood there for a long time. Finally, he heaved a sigh of relief and walked towards the Weitian Realm along the avenue paved with the branches of ancient trees reaching the sky.

After experiencing the incident at the Zhanjie Ancient Road Portal, Wang Changsheng was also full of fear towards Tongtian Powerhouse, so Wang Changsheng's speed was also raised to the extreme. It took him two days to go there, and it only took him half a day to return to Tongtian Powerhouse.

Even after seeing that invincible figure, after Wang Changsheng returned to the Heaven-reaching Land, his consciousness instantly swept across the Heaven-reaching Land.

Wang Changsheng wanted to see, what is the mystery of this heavenly power, why is that strong man staring at him?

It's not that Wang Changsheng is bold, but Wang Changsheng understands that if he is not sure about the connection, he will not feel at ease at all.

What's more, Wang Changsheng was already urging the Langcang sword. If that strong man really attacked him, Wang Changsheng would sacrifice the Langcang sword without hesitation.

It's not that he used the Langcang sword to defend against the enemy, because Wang Changsheng knew that even with the Langcang sword, he couldn't be the opponent.

Wang Changsheng used the Langcang sword to protect himself, even if it exposed Huang Quan, he would not hesitate!

As for whether there is time to sacrifice the Lang Cang Sword?

Wang Changsheng wasn't very worried either. First of all, after the figure appeared, he didn't directly embarrass Wang Changsheng, so he shouldn't be an enemy!

Secondly, Wang Changsheng still has the jade slip left by his second uncle!

As long as that figure appears, Wang Changsheng will immediately sacrifice the life-saving jade slip given to him by his second uncle, regardless of whether the opponent is an enemy or a friend, and then sacrifice Huangquan to protect his own safety!

It is true that Tongtian Powerhouse has a profound background. Under Wang Changsheng's unscrupulous investigation, the entire Tongtian Powerhouse was turned upside down by Wang Changsheng, but he did not see the existence of that figure.


Wang Changsheng said mockingly: "That kind of existence, even if it's standing in front of me and doesn't want me to see it, I can't see it at all!"

"If you really want to hide it deliberately, how can I find it?"

Wang Changsheng realized that he had lost his mind, mainly because of the appearance of that figure, which frightened Wang Changsheng and disturbed Wang Changsheng's mind. Otherwise, he would not have done the thing of searching for the other party in the whole Tongtianzhong at this moment.

After some investigations were fruitless, Wang Changsheng turned around and left Tongtian Powerhouse.

However, Wang Changsheng's unscrupulous investigation did not mean to cover up at all. The most powerful people in the world had already discovered Wang Changsheng.

However, when Wang Changsheng was investigating the existence of several people with profound backgrounds, they didn't dare to make any changes at all. They could only tremble. After Wang Changsheng turned and left, he let out a sigh of relief and shed a cold sweat!

They don't know why Wang Changsheng's consciousness is sweeping through the sky, but they understand one thing, that is, Wang Changsheng's strength is definitely not something they can resist!

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