Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1907 Galaxy

The universe of stars is vast, and monks who can wander in the universe are at least those who are strong in the early stage of the Young Master. Of course, ordinary monks can also wander in the universe of stars, but they may never be able to get out.

At the beginning, Wang Changsheng was involved in a small world from Dengxian Nine City, where he met Liu Ye who was also in distress. Otherwise, the two of them might have died in Xingyu.

Wang Changsheng and his second uncle Huzun escaped into the Xingyu together. After leaving the Kuotian Realm, they did not rush towards the Zoutian Realm, but in the opposite direction.

"If only Liu Ye was here!" Wang Changsheng sighed.

Liu Ye's Temple of Art is simply the only magic weapon for traveling in the stars. You only need to look for the direction and let the Temple of Art go directly. Now, although there is a tiger with him, Wang Changsheng still Can feel the heaviness in Xingyu.

Hu Zun's speed was extremely fast, along the way, he had no intention of stopping at all, and when he occasionally encountered a piece of land floating in the stars, Hu Zun didn't stop at all.

"These lands floating in the stars, don't underestimate them, there might be a powerful person there!" Hu Zun said.

Even, Wang Changsheng also saw that among the floating land in Xingyu, there were still many monks.

"Second Uncle, I think there are cities in some of the continents. Could it be that there are sects stationed there?" Wang Changsheng said.

As far as Wang Changsheng knew, many supreme teachings were hidden in the vast expanse of stars.


Hu Zun explained: "Those supreme teachings seem to be hidden in Xingyu, but they all have their own small worlds as their backing, otherwise, in Xingyu, they would be like rootless duckweed. It is not conducive to the development of the Supreme Teaching!"

"And the cities in these lands are basically casual cultivators!"

"Loose cultivator?" Wang Changsheng looked puzzled.

After coming to the Nine Heavens Realm, Wang Changsheng seldom saw casual cultivators. Even those cultivators in the Golden Core Nascent Soul Realm were almost from sects. It just depends on whether the sect behind them is strong or not!

Wang Changsheng has always believed that in the Nine Heavens Realm, monks from the Zongmen faction occupy the majority.

"You..." Hu Zun said: "It's because after coming to the Nine Heavens Realm, he directly entered the Qingshan Gate, then went to Xianmang Xingyu, soared into the sky, and directly entered the circle of the Supreme Great Sect !"

"Actually, in the entire Nine Heavens Realm, more casual cultivators!"

"It's just..." Hu Zun paused and said, "These casual cultivators, whether in terms of cultivation resources or strength, are far behind the Supreme Master. They rarely go to the realm to practice!"

"Almost casual cultivators rely on the floating land in the stars!"

"Sanxiu is the lowest cultivator in the Nine Heavens Realm!"

Wang Changsheng nodded. Although he didn't know much about it before, after the second uncle explained it, Wang Changsheng understood it, because Wang Changsheng himself had grown from a weak monk to today step by step.

The status of casual cultivators has never been high!

Of course, there is an exception in the realm, which is the Weitian Realm!

The monks in the Weitian Realm belong to various great religions, and it is not easy to become a casual cultivator. Therefore, as long as they can become a casual cultivator and are not bound by the great religions, they will have absolute strength!

At the beginning, he seldom met monks. However, as Hu Zun was on his way among the stars, he met more and more monks. However, those monks were not of high cultivation level. That is to say, the realm of less respect.

According to Hu Zun, these are casual cultivators.

I have also seen many lands floating in the stars, and there are many monks on many lands.

However, as the two traveled faster and deeper into the Xingyu, the number of monks gradually decreased.

"There is a galaxy ahead!"

Hu Zun said suddenly.

As soon as the words were finished, a bright stream of light appeared in Wang Changsheng's sight. In this bright stream of light, there were constantly surging waves. Wang Changsheng could tell that the surging waves were not water, but starlight!

In Wang Changsheng's dantian Xingyu, there is also a galaxy, but in terms of body size, the Xinghe in his dantian Xingyu is much worse than this real galaxy.

"When the galaxy flowed here, it was already very small!" Hu Zun explained: "The widest part of the galaxy is comparable to a world of heaven!"

"So big?" Wang Changsheng said in shock.

How big is one area?

Regardless of these realms of the Nine Heavens Realm, even those of the next three days, they are also vast and boundless. A galaxy, the width of which can be compared to a realm of heaven, is quite frightening.

"En!" Hu Zun said: "Don't underestimate Xinghe, there are many treasures in this Xinghe, and many supreme teachings are hidden in Xinghe!"

"For example, the Hidden Sea is in the Milky Way, monks who are not familiar with the Hidden Sea, even if they enter the Galaxy, they will not be able to find the hidden sea!"

Hearing Hu Zun's introduction, Wang Changsheng couldn't calm down for a long time.

The Nine Heavens Realm is already big enough, and there are more than billions of monks living there?However, only now did Wang Changsheng discover that Xingyu is bigger, and there are various mysteries in Xingyu.

Just a star river opened Wang Changsheng's horizons. Wang Changsheng felt that after he broke through to the Great Master, he must wander among the stars to increase his knowledge.

Hu Zun didn't cross the galaxy, don't look at the galaxy, only the stars are surging, in fact, there are all kinds of dangers lurking in the galaxy, even the monks at the peak of the great master will fall into the galaxy if they go deep into the galaxy possible.

Hu Zun led Wang Changsheng along the Xinghe, and finally saw Xinghe flowing into the darkness and disappearing.

"Second Uncle, where did Galaxy go?" Wang Changsheng asked.

"I don't know!" Hu Zun said, "It may be the next three days, or it may be the void..."

"Anyway, in that dark place, even a strong man who has half stepped into the Dao realm will be swallowed up, and no one knows where the galaxy flows!"

When mentioning the dark place at the end of the galaxy, a trace of fear flashed in Hu Zun's eyes.

Because, with the mountain patrol order, the mountain patrollers once wanted to enter the dark place at the end of the galaxy to find out, but among the several mountain patrollers who entered, they held the real mountain patrol order, and none of them survived.

At that time, Hu Zun hadn't joined the Mountain Ranger yet, but after joining the Mountain Ranger, he heard other Mountain Rangers talk about it.

Therefore, not only the powerhouses of the supreme religion, but even the mountain rangers who claim to be able to break through the myriad worlds are very afraid of facing the darkness at the end of the galaxy.

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