Xunshan City is developing. After Li Fusheng borrowed many monks from Xunshan City, Shangyang City is also developing rapidly!

"who is it?"

After Wang Changsheng finished his retreat, he walked out of the room, and a roar came from his mouth, and the entire City Lord's Mansion could hear Wang Changsheng's roar.

At this moment, Wang Changsheng was very angry!

When Wang Changsheng finished the retreat and walked out of the room, but when Wang Changsheng took a step, just stepped out with his front foot, his whole body shook for a while, and he almost fell down.

Fortunately, the back foot was steady, and the true essence came out through the body, stabilizing the figure, if not, Wang Changsheng would have fallen directly.

Because, the entire small courtyard has turned into a big pit!

The anger in Wang Changsheng's heart, the entire small courtyard was dug three feet into the ground, starting from the surface of the small courtyard, it was dug down.

Not to mention the elixir grown by the heavenly holy medicine, even the stone table in the small courtyard disappeared.

Wang Changsheng didn't even need to calculate, he could tell that the entire courtyard had been poached by Bao Yuan.

"The city lord..."

Just as Wang Changsheng stopped roaring, a voice came into Wang Changsheng's ears. Looking in the direction of the sound, it was the steward of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Who is it?" Wang Changsheng asked with a gloomy expression.

Although the elixir in this small courtyard is not precious, this is his own back garden. Under his nose, the entire small courtyard was poached by someone Bao Yuan. Can Wang Changsheng not be angry?

This is no longer not giving yourself face, but slapping yourself in the face, and it is still the kind of "slapping" sound!

"Yes...it's City Lord Li..."

The steward of the city lord's mansion said.


Hearing the words of the governor of the City Lord's Mansion, Wang Changsheng gritted his teeth and said three words, which were Li Fusheng's name!

Among the "City Lord Li" that Wang Changsheng knew, there was only one person, Li Fusheng, and the only person who could do such a shameless thing was Li Fusheng!

"My lord..."

Seeing Wang Changsheng's angry expression, the steward of the City Lord's Mansion knew that he had been deceived by Li Fusheng, and immediately said, "Master City Lord, it's City Lord Li... Lord City Lord said..."

"Say he told you, and then he just took away all the elixir here!"

"Li Fusheng, you bastard!" Wang Changsheng cursed.

Wang Changsheng didn't blame the governor of the city lord's mansion, because, with Li Fusheng's stupid brain, he must be impeccable in doing things!

Wang Changsheng's entire small courtyard was covered by formations, and the small courtyard was right under Wang Changsheng's eyelids. At such a short distance, Li Fusheng dug the ground three feet. Wang Changsheng didn't even notice it, and he was even said to be in charge of the city lord's mansion. up.

Even when Li Fusheng explained to the governor of the city lord's mansion, he might even find a perfect reason.

"When did you move away?"

Wang Changsheng asked.

Anyway, Wang Changsheng himself really didn't know, and Li Fusheng didn't make a fuss at all.

"That's... that's when City Lord Li came last time..." the steward of the City Lord's Mansion said, "It was the second day after City Lord Li met with City Lord, City Lord Li came back and moved the entire small courtyard away !"

"City Lord Li said that this small courtyard is a gift for him to become the City Lord's Mansion!"

Wang Changsheng's expression became more and more gloomy.


When Wang Changsheng took office, he didn't see any gifts from Li Fusheng. Now that Li Fusheng has taken over Shangyang City and moved out of his small courtyard, is it considered a gift?

Even the soil was dug away!

What's more, Wang Changsheng never said such a thing at all, it was completely forged by Li Fusheng!

"Li Fusheng, that dog, the first time he saw this small courtyard, he felt that the eyes of that dog were wrong!" Wang Changsheng said with a gloomy expression: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it at all... This dog would play this game!" Once out..."

Take all precautions, Wang Changsheng never expected that Li Fusheng would come and poach the small courtyard while he was in seclusion.

Not even a blade of grass was left!

Looking at the unscathed formation, Wang Changsheng understood that his cultivation was too low. The formation he had arranged must be full of flaws in front of Li Fusheng, and he broke through the formation without alarming him at all.


Wang Changsheng immediately said suddenly: "It should be the young master's order!"

On the first day of Li Fusheng's arrival, he broke the formation with the order of the young master. Although Wang Changsheng repaired the formation, Li Fusheng must have left behind the moment he broke the formation with the order of the young master!

With Li Fusheng's formation practice, Wang Changsheng would not be able to find out if he left a loophole in the formation.

"Fill up this yard!"

Wang Changsheng said as ordered.

"Yes, Lord City Lord!"

The steward of the city lord's mansion also responded immediately, and then went to find the soil.

The small courtyard was gone, and Wang Changsheng was in no mood to take a nap, not to mention that the person who poached the small courtyard was Li Fusheng, that bastard, so Wang Changsheng's mood was even worse.

Wang Changsheng walked out of the city lord's mansion directly, and then started wandering around the mountain patrolling city.

Wang Changsheng didn't immediately look for Li Fusheng, Wang Changsheng was waiting for an opportunity, as long as he found an opportunity, he would avenge his old and new hatreds together.

As for Li Fusheng wanting to borrow someone in the future?

Ha ha...

Don't even think about it!

Even, Wang Changsheng is already thinking about when the person who borrowed Li Fusheng will be brought back. Li Fusheng's bastard will be in the first grade of junior high school, and Wang Changsheng will be in the fifteenth grade. Who is afraid of whom? !

In fact, Wang Changsheng was really angry in his heart, but from this incident, it can also be seen that the relationship between Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng is indeed very good, otherwise, Li Fusheng would not have done such a thing.

Because, if Li Fusheng had something good in his hand, Wang Changsheng would do the same, trying his best to get it from Li Fusheng.

Not to mention anything else, let's just say that the young master's decree of the Shangyang lineage is more than a thousand times more precious than the elixir in the small courtyard. Li Fusheng said a word without even explaining, and Wang Changsheng directly said The master order was given to Li Fusheng, who severed his connection with the young master order.

In a mere small courtyard, Wang Changsheng didn't pay much attention to it, even if it was full of elixir.

It's just that there is one more reason to beat Li Fusheng!

Anyway, you can count ten or eight reasons for beating up Li Fusheng now, and it doesn't hurt to have one more, at most, you will step on a few more feet, that's all!

Xunshan City, when Wang Changsheng visited Xunshan City for the first time, there were a lot of changes.

Originally, the mountain patrol city was developing very well. After the Juxian Tower incident, the mountain patrols directly suppressed the army of the Soul Crocodile Clan. This attitude made many forces see the protection of the mountain patrols for the monks in the city.

Therefore, more and more monks poured into Xunshan City. Compared with when Wang Changsheng first came, the current Xunshan City has nearly doubled in size!

This is still an excellent talent who was borrowed by Li Fusheng. If he hadn't borrowed it, the construction of Xunshan City would definitely be more prosperous now!

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