Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1890 Death Battle

The patriarch of the soul crocodile clan also looked angry!

Although the Soul Crocodile Clan is not the top clan in the Congtian Realm, it is still a first-class clan, and its strength is not weak, three points stronger than that of the Tiger Clan.

Even if it is placed in the entire Nine Heavens Realm, it is comparable to the top first-class forces.

The mountain rangers are indeed comparable to the existence of the Supreme Master, but they directly suppressed the army of the Soul Crocodile Clan for no reason, and even set up the battle flag directly. Where is the face of the Soul Crocodile Clan!

Therefore, the patriarch of the Soul Crocodile Clan has a tough attitude. This is Congtian Realm, the base camp of the Soul Crocodile Clan. The mountain rangers provoked them for no reason.

"Yes, let's go to war!"

Wang Changsheng said directly when he heard the words of the patriarch of the Soul Crocodile Clan.

As soon as Wang Changsheng finished speaking, not to mention the strong men of the Soul Crocodile Clan, even Wen Qian was stunned for a moment!

According to the rules of the Nine Heavens Realm, wars between various forces always require some entanglement before starting a big war. However, it is rare for Wang Changsheng to directly start a big war without saying anything.


Wen Qian didn't ask any more questions. After hearing Wang Changsheng's voice, a roar came out of his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the tens of thousands of monks on the cloud boat also roared. Not only that, Wen Qian even waved his hand, directly opening the formation of the cloud boat. It only takes Wang Changsheng's order, and Wen Qian will immediately take it with him. The army of mountain rangers rushed out.

Several powerhouses of the Soul Crocodile Clan are very powerful, each of them is at the peak of the Dazun, and each of them is stronger than Wen Qian, but so what?

The army of mountain rangers is never afraid of battle!

Wang Changsheng didn't give orders directly. Seeing the reaction of Wen Qian leading the army, Wang Changsheng was very satisfied. This is the power that war should have.

No matter whether they fight or not, now that the battle is unfolding, the most important thing is to let the Soul Crocodile Clan see their attitude.

"City Lord Wang..."

The patriarch of the Soul Crocodile Clan did not expect that Wang Changsheng's tougher attitude would be exchanged for his tough attitude, which did not follow common sense at all. The army is suppressing the land for no reason, is it deceiving me that the crocodile clan is incompetent, or is it that the monster clan is incompetent?"


Wang Changsheng spat directly, and said viciously: "Don't bring the Yaozu, you still can't represent the Yaozu!"

The Soul Crocodile Clan is just a first-class race. Back then, even the Holy Lord couldn't make any decisions on behalf of the Monster Clan, let alone the Soul Crocodile Clan.

"Then fight!"

Seeing Wang Changsheng's bad attitude, the patriarch of the Soul Crocodile Clan didn't say much.


There was a roaring sound coming from the head of the soul crocodile clan, and a huge phantom of the soul crocodile appeared behind the soul crocodile. The phantom also opened its huge mouth and let out a roar.

The roaring sound swept across the entire land of the Soul Crocodile Clan.

ho ho ho ho...

Immediately, there were countless roars, responding to the roar of the patriarch of the Soul Crocodile Clan, the entire land of the Soul Crocodile Clan was filled with roars.

Seeing such a situation, Wang Changsheng also looked solemn, looked at Wen Qian next to him and asked, "Are you sure?"


Wen Qian said directly.

Indeed, the army led by Wen Qian is far different from the strength of the Soul Crocodile Clan. Once the Soul Crocodile Clan gathers an army, the army led by Wen Qian will be wiped out by at most two charges.

"But..." Wen Qian smiled and said, "So what if you're not sure?"


A piercing voice came out of Wen Qian's mouth, and he looked at the strong man of the Soul Crocodile Clan with a look of terror in his eyes.

"If every battle is [-]% victorious, then what's the use of having generals?" Wen Qian said.

This sentence, the voice is very small, as if speaking to myself.

"Kill kill kill!"

The army of mountain patrollers on the cloud boat also kept roaring from their mouths. This is an army of hundreds of battles. They know that they are invincible, but in terms of momentum, they will never admit defeat!

The sound of killing from above the cloud boat collided with the continuous roaring sound of the Soul Crocodile Clan, and the entire Soul Crocodile Clan land was filled with a murderous atmosphere!

The war is about to start!


From Wen Qian's mouth, there was a sound of chilling.

As soon as Wen Qian's words fell, all the mountain rangers standing on the cloud boat raised their halberds!

"City Lord Wang..." Wen Qian said to Wang Changsheng through voice transmission: "Once the war starts, City Lord Wang will leave as soon as possible and wait for the arrival of the mountain patrol reinforcements!"

Wang Changsheng didn't speak, he already had a calculation in his heart.


The roar of the soul crocodile tribe is also a constant response to the murderous spirit of the mountain patrollers. The momentum of the two sides is still rising. Where the momentum collides, even the ground sinks, and there is an even worse stench. .

"City Lord Wang!"

The patriarch of the Soul Crocodile Clan looked at the momentum of both sides, which was constantly rising, and said to Wang Changsheng with a hot look: "Are you still sure, start a war?"

Wang Changsheng also looked at the patriarch of the Soul Crocodile Clan with a solemn expression.

Look at the army of mountain patrollers on the cloud boat behind him.

Wang Changsheng knew that his decision at this moment was very important, as long as he gave an order, the army of mountain patrollers would rush down the cloud boat without hesitation, and fight with the soul crocodile clan!

Wang Changsheng also knew that with the army led by Wen Qian, it was definitely not an opponent of the Soul Crocodile Clan, and the final result might be that the entire army was wiped out.


After Wang Changsheng glanced around, he returned to the patriarch of the Soul Crocodile Clan: "Mountain Patroller, never afraid of battle!"

The patriarch of the Soul Crocodile Clan looked at Wang Changsheng with a gloomy expression, and he roared: "Your army of mountain patrollers suppressed the border and started an unjust war on purpose, do you still think it's justified?"

The patriarch of the Soul Crocodile Clan was irritated by Wang Changsheng's attitude, as if the Soul Crocodile Clan was at fault for this battle?

The patriarch of the Soul Crocodile Clan must know what happened, but in this situation, can he admit it?

Now that he hasn't admitted it yet, Wang Changsheng will directly start a big battle. Once he admits it, the situation will be extremely unfavorable to the Soul Crocodile Clan.

"Then fight!"

The patriarch of the Soul Crocodile Clan roared, and with a wave of his big hand, a battle flag flew out from the Soul Crocodile Clan.

On the battle flag of the Soul Crocodile Clan, there were dark red blood stains, and it was these dark red blood stains that gathered to form a ferocious Soul Crocodile.

The patriarch of the Soul Crocodile Clan also set up the battle flag, representing the Soul Crocodile Clan's acceptance of the battle.

As for who wins and who loses, each depends on his ability!

Both battle flags stood on the land of the Soul Crocodile Clan, and a mysterious aura permeated the battle flags. Neither the Mountain Patrol nor the Soul Crocodile Clan backed down at all, because once a war started, it would be immortal endlessly!

This is war!

"Senior Wen, I'm in trouble!"

Wang Changsheng bowed to Wen Qian!

Of course Wen Qian understood what Wang Changsheng meant, and smiled at Wang Changsheng and said, "Friend Wang, you must take good care of Xunshan City!"

Wang Changsheng nodded.

Immediately, Wen Qian roared to the army of mountain patrollers standing on the cloud boat behind him:

"Fight to the death!"

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