Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1888 The Army of War

Hearing Wen Qian's explanation, Wang Changsheng also understood the problem.

After the Tiger Clan was wiped out, the Soul Crocodile Clan made friends with the Tiger Clan just to vent their anger on the Tiger Clan. They couldn't do anything to the mountain patrollers, but it's okay to make trouble in the mountain patrol city occasionally.

In addition, Wang Changsheng, the chief culprit of the extermination of the tiger clan, just came to serve as the city lord of the patrolling city. When they got together, the resentment of the soul crocodile clan was even greater.

The problem is, as long as the army of the Soul Crocodile Clan is not dispatched, and only a few tribesmen come to make trouble, even if the mountain patrollers pursue it, the Soul Crocodile Clan can choose to hand over a few insignificant tribesmen, and then the mountain patrollers will not be able to vent their anger. Crocodiles.

Wang Changsheng believed that the Soul Crocodile Clan who came to patrol the mountain city to make trouble was definitely not the core members of the Soul Crocodile Clan!

If things go on like this, the Mountain Patrol City will cause people to panic, and the Mountain Patrol City, which was developed by the Mountain Patrolers with great difficulty, may be about to decline.

The soul crocodile tribe can disgust the mountain rangers at the cost of some insignificant tribesmen. No matter how you look at it, the soul crocodile tribe has made money.

What's more, behind this incident, there may be the shadow of the Yaozu!

Wang Changsheng frowned, and after thinking for a while, he said sharply, "Then let them know the pain!"

Wen Qian glanced at Wang Changsheng in surprise, because Wen Qian also thought so in his heart, but Wen Qian did not say his suggestion, because Wen Qian led the army to sit in the town, just to patrol the stability of the mountain city, and did not provoke a war right.

And Wang Changsheng has this right in his hands.

It is also impossible for Wen Qian to guide Wang Changsheng to make a certain decision, otherwise, if any major changes occur, Wen Qian will hardly be able to absolve himself of the blame!

"Master Wenqian!"

Wang Changsheng said directly to Wen Qian: "Order, mobilize all the troops, and set off immediately!"

"Target, Soul Crocodile Clan!"

In the end, Wang Changsheng gave the order.

"City Master Wang, do you need to think again?" Wen Qian said.

Although he tried to persuade Wang Changsheng to think about it, in fact, Wen Qian couldn't hold back a long time ago. If he didn't have the right to go out, Wen Qian would have brought an army to kill the Soul Crocodile Clan.

"There's no need to think about it!" Wang Changsheng said directly.

As he said that, a Token of the City Lord appeared in Wang Changsheng's hand. It was the Token of the City Lord of Xunshan City. Although this token is ordinary, the power of this token is terrifyingly great!

For example, the army led by Wen Qian in front of him, even Wen Qian, who is at the peak of Dazun, does not have the right to order an expedition, but Wang Changsheng can mobilize the army with this token!


Wen Qian's eyes were burning, and the breath of iron and blood on his body also disappeared in a flash.

Immediately afterwards, Wen Qian issued several orders!

Wen Qian and Wang Changsheng did not leave the main hall, but were discussing some details. What's more, even if the army is all monks, it will take some time to gather.

When some details were finalized, Wen Qian said directly to Wang Changsheng: "City Master Wang, the army has been mobilized and can go out at any time!"


Wang Changsheng nodded.

Under the leadership of Wen Qian, the two walked out of the hall directly.

As soon as he walked out of the main hall, Wang Changsheng felt a chilling aura, which directly hit Wang Changsheng's heart. If he hadn't been tempered by the bloody aura, Wang Changsheng would have been knocked down by this chilling aura.

"Army of a hundred battles!"

Wang Changsheng was shocked.

There are not many troops sent by the mountain patrollers to guard the mountain patrol city, only [-] people!

However, among these [-] people, including Wen Qian, there are a total of eight masters in the Dazun realm. The most powerful is Wen Qian, who is in the peak state of Dazun. They are all cultivators of the Young Master Realm.

Such a large army, even if it is a second-rate force, will be strongly suppressed, but it is still impossible to suppress a first-rate force. Even a first-rate race like the Tiger Clan is much stronger than such an army.

Not to mention, the strength of the Soul Crocodile Clan is three points stronger than that of the Tiger Clan.

However, Wang Changsheng and Wen Qian were not afraid at all, because behind this large army were mountain patrollers, and force was not the most important thing. If they could be suppressed, they would take action. army.

What Wang Changsheng knew was that there were abyss guards, hundreds of abyss guards, as one of the backgrounds of the mountain patrollers, each of them was in the late stage of the great master, and fighting together on the battlefield was even more bloody.


Wang Changsheng asked: "Are these monks all mountain patrollers?"

Wen Qian heard Wang Changsheng's words, and said in surprise: "It seems that your second uncle didn't explain too much about the internal affairs of the mountain patroller to you!"


Wang Changsheng nodded and said: "The time I joined the Mountain Ranger was still too short. After I joined, I was in seclusion for a long time, and was imprisoned by the Tiger Clan for a while..."

Wang Changsheng has also experienced a lot during this period, and Wang Changsheng still had some repulsion towards mountain patrollers before, so he didn't know much about mountain patrollers.

"Except for us, there are less than ten monks who joined the Ranger!" Wen Qian said, "Most of them are casual cultivators, but the Ranger has taken a fancy to them and recruited them! "

"If you perform well, you can get a chance to be recommended. As for whether you can join the mountain ranger in the end, it depends on their own ability!"

Hearing Wen Qian's explanation, Wang Changsheng looked surprised. There were tens of thousands of monks present, but he didn't expect that less than ten would join the mountain rangers. This ratio is too scary.

You must know that the monks present are not weak monks. The lowest level of cultivation is already at the peak of the young master.

"The lowest threshold for joining the Mountain Ranger is the Venerable..." Wen Qian said: "However, if you are truly in the realm of the Venerable, you can join the Mountain Ranger, too few..."

"You are lucky!"

Wen Qian looked at Wang Changsheng and said.

Wang Changsheng smiled slightly, knowing in his heart that if it wasn't for his second uncle's help, relying on his own ability, even if someone recommended him, he would not be able to join the lineage of the mountain patrollers.

It is also because Hu Zun has an extraordinary status in the lineage of mountain patrollers, holds the real mountain patrol order, and Wang Changsheng's own strength is in the same rank, which is also not bad. It is only because of the struggle between the two that Wang Changsheng can worship the mountain patrol A line of customers.

On the field, the ten thousand monks are still working hard for this identity.

"lets go!"

Wang Changsheng said: "Go directly to the Soul Crocodile Clan!"


Wen Qian nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Wen Qian waved his hand, and a huge cloud boat appeared in midair.

When Yun Zhou appeared, the monks present immediately understood the meaning, and flew towards Yun Zhou in an orderly manner.

The response speed of the monks was indeed much faster than that of ordinary people, but within a few breaths, all the monks entered the cloud boat.

"City Lord Wang, let's go!" Wen Qian said.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "Go, I want someone to go!"

Saying that, the two of them flew towards Yunzhou one by one.

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