Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1882 What a boss!

As long as Li Fusheng didn't come, Wang Changsheng's small courtyard would be very quiet, and after borrowing Jin Yu, Li Fusheng wouldn't bother Wang Changsheng anymore.

"City Lord, there is a person outside who claims to be an old acquaintance of the City Lord, come to visit!"

Just as Wang Changsheng was about to sacrifice the blood refining needle, a guard walked to the backyard and said to Wang Changsheng.

"Anyone visiting?"

Wang Changsheng looked puzzled.

According to Wang Changsheng's feelings, there is no aura with other monks outside the city lord's mansion at this moment, but now that the guards are here to report, it is impossible to be fake, and the guards cannot deceive him, that is to say, the monks who are visiting outside now, at least It is also at the early stage of the Great Master that Wang Changsheng can't feel it at all.

What made Wang Changsheng even more puzzled was that as long as it was not within the sect of the Supreme Sect, this kind of visit would be directly accessible, and there was no need to use guards to convey it at all.


Wang Changsheng said with a puzzled expression.

Mainly, according to what the guard said, the monk who came to find him turned out to be his acquaintance?

Among my acquaintances, there are not many Dazun cultivation bases...

When the guards of the City Lord's Mansion left, Wang Changsheng kept thinking, but no matter how he thought about it, Wang Changsheng couldn't think of who would come to visit him. Who is it?

"Could it be a fat man?" Wang Changsheng guessed in his mind.

Fatty found an opportunity to break through to the Great Master in Xianmang Xingyu. After leaving Xianmang Xingyu, Fatty said that he was going to find the place of inheritance left by Taotie.

If Fatty really found it, it would be understandable to break through to Dazun now, after all, Jian Pingfan and Jian Pingfan both broke through.

"It shouldn't be..."

Wang Changsheng shook his head, Fatty would not be so polite.

Wang Changsheng did not go to the lobby to receive him, but continued to stay in the small courtyard. Soon after, Wang Changsheng saw a monk in a blue gown walking into the small courtyard.


The moment he saw the figure, Wang Changsheng, who was about to get up to greet him, lost his footing and fell to the ground.

With Wang Changsheng's cultivation and strength, it is certainly impossible for him to have problems with his legs and feet. Instead, seeing this figure, Wang Changsheng was immediately frightened.

Boss, really boss!

Wearing a blue gown, long hair shawl, eyebrows like swords, eyes like stars, there is no powerful aura spreading from his body, even when Wang Changsheng sensed it before, there was no aura of this figure at all.

Seeing the figure in the blue gown getting closer, Wang Changsheng immediately got up from the ground and bowed to the person who came: "I have seen you, senior!"

Come on, Wang Changsheng knows him!

Back then, in the Immortal Mang Xingyu, after Wang Changsheng and the other three calculated the talents of all parties, they directly escaped into the land in the Immortal Mang Xingyu to practice. On that land, Dao Yun was everywhere.

When the three of them finished their cultivation and were about to leave, all the Dao aggregates on the land started to riot.

In the end, the riot directly spread to the entire Xianmang Xingyu. As a place of trial for the Supreme Master, Xianmang Xingyu was directly destroyed in the end.

And the culprit is this person...

Ling Chujiu!

At that time, outside the formation, Wang Changsheng saw this figure, and for a moment, he was astonished as a heavenly man!

Later, I heard from my second uncle that after leaving Xianmang Xingyu, this powerful boss single-handedly killed Yinhai!

When he was in Xianmang Xingyu, the enmity between Wang Changsheng and Yinhai was not small, and he also killed many monks in Yinhai, and even Tianjiao killed a few of them.

However, he was warned by his second uncle not to plot against the Supreme Master.

After seeing the background of the supreme teaching, Wang Changsheng also gave up his plan. He had no choice but to hold on because his strength was too weak.

And this senior, who single-handedly killed Yinhai, can retreat calmly!

After learning about this matter, this senior was the object of Wang Changsheng's admiration. Wang Changsheng really couldn't imagine why this senior would come to look for him?

When Wang Changsheng was even more puzzled, when this senior came to visit, did he call himself an "old friend"?

At the beginning, Wang Changsheng only saw this domineering senior from a distance through the big formation. The two should not know each other!

"No need to be polite!"

From Ling Chujiu's mouth, came a slight voice, and after that, Wang Changsheng felt a force and lifted himself up.

Wang Changsheng looked at the figure in front of him, he was a little delicate, he looked very young, and he didn't have any powerful aura or aggressive aura.

However, it was just such a figure, who did not know how powerful the body contained, single-handedly killed Shang Yinhai, and finally forced Yinhai to use his foundation.

According to the estimation of the second uncle at the time, the cultivation base of this strong man is probably infinitely close to entering the Tao. However, in the era of the Jindan Dao, except for Jianmu who entered the Tao by carrying the heaven and the earth, there is no strong man who can rely on his own cultivation. The bottom line enters the Tao.

Therefore, the big guy in front of him should not be in the realm of Taoism yet.

"Dare to ask seniors to come..."

Wang Changsheng and Ling Chujiu sat opposite each other, and the whole small courtyard was filled with the fragrance of elixir, but at this moment, Wang Changsheng was terrified in his heart.

If the big guy didn't like him and slapped him to death, there would be no reason for him.

"Don't be nervous!"

Ling Chujiu looked at Wang Changsheng and said with a smile, "You may be wondering, why are we old acquaintances?"

Wang Changsheng nodded, not daring to say more.

"Back then, you three little fellows practiced on my territory, and you were still on my territory, killing a lot of geniuses..." Ling Chujiu said, "I saw it all!"

Wang Changsheng: "..."

As soon as Ling Chujiu said this, cold sweat broke out on Wang Changsheng's back. Wang Changsheng didn't expect that when he teamed up with Li Fusheng and Fatty to kill other supreme masters, this big guy was actually spying in secret?

"Although I haven't met, I know the existence of the three of you, and you have met me too. Are we old friends?" Ling Chujiu said with a smile.

Wang Changsheng nodded immediately, then as if thinking of something, he quickly shook his head and said, "Don't dare to climb up on senior!"

The existence of this boss is more powerful than the leader of the Supreme Sect. One person is comparable to a Supreme Sect, commensurate with his old friend. Wang Changsheng dare not be so inflated.

Ling Chujiu didn't speak, and Wang Changsheng didn't dare to take the initiative to speak. The scene fell silent in an instant. The main reason was that Wang Changsheng was a little cautious because he was worried that he might say the wrong thing.

"All right..."

Ling Chujiu saw that Wang Changsheng was a little uncomfortable, and said with a smile, "I'm here to visit you this time, and I have something important to ask you for help!"

Wang Changsheng was immediately shocked.

"Senior, it's okay to say, do what you can, and dare not refuse!"

Wang Changsheng said immediately.

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