Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1865 The cultivation level is not enough, the background is here to make up

"Fellow Daoist Wang, what a skill!" the strong Qimu tribe clasped his fists at Wang Changsheng and said.

The Qimu powerhouse himself felt the deepest. Even if he didn't use all his strength to activate his innate supernatural powers, there was a huge gap in cultivation between the two sides.

With the master's late stage state, Wang Changsheng was caught off guard for a while without Wang Changsheng's defense, and the strong Qimu tribe was also shocked.

After the Qimu strongman finished speaking, he kept staring at Wang Changsheng's eyes.

Because, the strong Qimu tribe felt that the reason for his failure was that Wang Changsheng's eyes also revealed a mysterious aura, which directly made Wang Changsheng out of the Qimu tribe's innate supernatural power.

However, it seems that the strong Qimu clan did not find anything abnormal in Wang Changsheng's eyes.

Little did they know, what Wang Changsheng held in his eyes was his own divine treasure.

Wang Changsheng didn't delve into this issue either, because Wang Changsheng knew that the strong Qimu tribe was also testing. After all, this was the territory of the Rangers, and the Qimu tribe did not dare to attack Wang Changsheng in the territory of the Rangers.

"Okay..." Wang Changsheng said with a smile: "Three fellow daoists, we know each other well. If you have any questions, you can talk straight to the point!"

Wang Changsheng planned to get straight to the point, because Wang Changsheng found that dealing with these strong men was too tiring, and he might fall into the other party's way at some point!

In the game against such a strong man, the most important thing now is the backer behind him, and now he is also the city owner of Patrol City!

The cultivation base is not enough, so the background comes in!

The three strong men in the realm of great venerables are not surprised to see Wang Changsheng's attitude. After all, Wang Changsheng represents the face of the mountain patroller, so he still has enough confidence.

"Then I'll just say it straight!" the late-stage cultivator of the Qimu tribe said, "We came here to trade something with Daoist Wang!"

"That kind of thing is dispensable to Wang Daoyou, but it is very important to us..."

After finishing speaking, the late-stage cultivator of the Qimu Great Master looked at Wang Changsheng.

He didn't mention what was being traded by name, but Wang Changsheng, who knew the intentions of these strong men, naturally understood what the other party wanted to trade.

Wang Changsheng didn't answer the strong Qimu clan immediately, but looked at the strong Yao clan and Qi Xinghua.

"The purpose of this deity is similar to the purpose of the predecessors of the Qimu tribe..." the monk of the raccoon tribe said.

As for Qi Xinghua, he didn't answer directly, but instead said: "I came here only because Zhou Tiancheng is very close to Xunshan City, and on behalf of Zhou Tiangong, I want to make friends with fellow Taoists!"

"In the future, everyone will be in the Heaven Realm, so we still need to take care of each other!"

Qi Xinghua is very knowledgeable when speaking, and he obviously came here for the opportunity of Jianmu's entry into Taoism, but he revealed the message of making friends.

After Wang Changsheng heard the words of the three Great Seniors, he fell silent immediately, showing a thoughtful expression.

The reason why Wang Changsheng has been hiding his identity is because he has the opportunity of Jianmu to enter the Tao, which will attract the covetousness of many strong people, but now, it has been exposed...

The second uncle's proposal is to pick a few that look good and sell them for a good price!

To be honest, Wang Changsheng looked down on both the strong Qimu clan and the strong raccoon clan, because even if these two strong people came to trade with him, there was conscious contempt in his eyes.

After all, the cultivation bases are not equal, if there are no mountain patrollers as backers, I am afraid that the two of them will directly rob.

As for Qixinghua...

It's too hypocritical!

"Fellow daoists, I understand why you are here!" Wang Changsheng said directly, "I don't reject this deal...but..."

Wang Changsheng paused, and continued: "I haven't figured it out yet, how to carry out this transaction, the Mountain Patrol is also a big business, not short of these cultivation resources..."

After hearing Wang Changsheng's words, several people also frowned!

They understood what Wang Changsheng meant. Wang Changsheng said that he was not short of cultivation resources. He had mountain patrollers as backers and his status was prominent enough. Even if it was a transaction, Wang Changsheng himself didn't know what he was looking for.

In the final analysis, it is still not pleasing to the eye. If it is pleasing to the eye, Wang Changsheng doesn’t need anything, just give it to the other party. Anyway, the jade slips that Wang Changsheng sells are also castrated versions. It is not Wang Changsheng himself who wants to take out how much Do you have the final say?

"Let me think about it!"

Wang Changsheng said directly: "After thinking about it, I will pay a visit at that time!"

The three powerhouses were all stunned, and Qi Xinghua was the first to react, and said with a smile: "Then look forward to seeing City Lord Wang at any time!"

After finishing speaking, Qi Xinghua's figure disappeared in the City Lord's Mansion.

The strong raccoon also understood what Wang Changsheng meant. After nodding, he said, "It will be inconvenient for you Wang Daoyou to walk in the Yaozu. This jade pendant will allow you to travel unimpeded in the Yaozu!"

After leaving behind a jade pendant, the strong raccoon clan disappeared.

The eyes of the strong Qimu tribe flickered, but he finally nodded and disappeared without saying a word.

Seeing the state of the three strong men when they left, Wang Changsheng smiled slightly in his heart.

"Zhou Tiangong Qi Xinghua and the great raccoon clan should understand what I mean, but the Qimu clan..." Wang Changsheng said in his heart, "Maybe he's a little out of his wits..."

After some thinking, Wang Changsheng had already made a decision in his mind, but this decision was only preliminary, and how to operate it still needs to be considered slowly.

Seeing all the more than 100 Great Seniors leave, Wang Changsheng stood up directly and walked towards the backyard.

While entertaining these great elders from all parties in the Nine Heavens Realm, Wang Changsheng felt two auras appearing in his backyard, one of which was about the same strength as himself, and the other was much stronger than himself.

Wang Changsheng was familiar with these two auras, otherwise, if other monks were allowed to break into his backyard, Wang Changsheng felt that he should not be the city lord.

"You two, taking it without telling me is for theft..."

As soon as Wang Changsheng stepped into the backyard, he saw two figures drinking freely at the stone table, especially, the wine he drank was still Wang Changsheng's.

I was fighting those strong men outside, but these two were hiding in the backyard drinking?

Li Fusheng, sword ordinary!

Wang Changsheng didn't even think that he would be here with these two things? !

Forget about Li Fusheng, this bastard has never regarded himself as an outsider!

What is Jian Pingfan here for?

The relationship between Wang Changsheng and Jian Pingfan was established after a few transactions. Among the immortal mang Xingyu, they also teamed up to deceive many supreme teachers.

It can't be called bad, but it can't be said to be very good. It's far worse than Li Fusheng, even worse than Fatty.

Why doesn't Jian Pingfan treat himself as an outsider anymore?

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