Wang Changsheng, who was taken out of the Tiger Clan's ancestral land, looked around, the entire Tiger Clan land, including the nearby Xingyu, was covered with a vast ocean of blood, and, in the blood, Wang Changsheng felt a strong aura of Tiger Clan monks .

Within the scope of Wang Changsheng's perception, there are only a handful of tiger monks who have reached the state of dignity.

"This is... this is almost extermination..."

Wang Changsheng said with a sigh in his heart, looking at the second uncle, his heart was full of emotions.

For a race that can't even produce a few monks who are cultivated in the respectful state, it will be difficult for this race to survive in the Nine Heavens Realm.

Hu Zun didn't explain much, and directly led Wang Changsheng back to the broken Xingyu.

A lot of gazes fell on Wang Changsheng. With Wang Changsheng's cultivation base, he naturally couldn't feel those gazes. The gap in cultivation base was too big, but Hu Zun could feel it. However, Hu Zun didn't react at all, because this After the incident, Hu Zun felt that it was necessary to let more people know about Wang Changsheng's existence.

This person, the mountain patroller, is not only the mountain patroller, but even the Li family line of the Shangyang royal family has a lot to do with it!

After seeing Wang Changsheng, many strong men remembered Wang Changsheng's aura, because they all knew that this incident was caused by this little cultivator at the Venerable Realm.

The extermination of the tiger clan has a lot to do with this little monk.

"Huh? This kid really has the blood power of the Shangyang lineage, but how can the clansmen of the Shangyang lineage become mountain patrollers?"

"This aura is a little familiar, I remember it... the ruins of the Three Immortals!"

"It turned out to be him, the little cultivator who got Jianmu's chance to enter Taoism in Xianmang Xingyu..."

"It seems that the one who rescued this son in the ruins of the Three Immortals should be Lord Tiger!"


After feeling Wang Changsheng's aura, many strong men didn't recognize it at first, but when they remembered it, they all showed surprise.

What happened in the ruins of the Three Immortals attracted the attention of all the powerhouses in the Nine Heavens Realm. After all, in the era of the Golden Core Dao, the first strong man who entered the Tao, even if Jian Mu did not practice the Golden Core technique, proved that he was thing!

In this era, it is possible to enter the Tao!

When Jianmu entered Taoism, Wang Changsheng practiced under Jianmu, which indeed made many strong people envious. Even if the Taoism is different, there are still things to learn from.

A lot of strong men have kept an eye on Wang Changsheng. Now Wang Changsheng has become a monk of the mountain ranger, and he also has the blood of the Li family of the Shangyang royal family. If anyone dares to take Wang Changsheng's idea, the Tiger Clan is the best example.

"I have to find a chance to make friends with this kid..." Many strong men thought to themselves.

"That's..." Wang Changsheng, who was brought back to Xingyu by Hu Zun, saw a golden light fleeing away, and felt a different emotion in his heart.

"A strong man from the Buddhist kingdom..." Hu Zun said with an unnatural expression.

Hu Zun obviously didn't intend to delve into this issue, so he took Wang Changsheng away directly.

"A strong man from the Buddha Kingdom..."

Although Wang Changsheng was taken away by Hu Zun, the feeling that the golden light gave Wang Changsheng just now...

Wang Changsheng had some guesses in his heart!

Hu Zun directly took Wang Changsheng back to the headquarters of the Mountain Ranger. When he returned to this place again, Wang Changsheng felt completely different.

After being robbed by the Tiger Clan, Wang Changsheng felt that the Nine Heavens Realm was too dangerous, and even at the peak state of the Venerable, he could not guarantee his own safety.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Hu Zun said: "If Li Fusheng hadn't come to find me, with the help of Shangyang Li's family, I would never have known what happened to you!"

"Where's the jade slip I gave you back then? If you used it, I would definitely feel it!"

Wang Changsheng said helplessly: "I also want to use that jade slip, but there is absolutely no chance..."

"It was suppressed immediately!"

Immediately afterwards, Wang Changsheng gave a very detailed explanation of what had been robbed before.

"Shortly after I left the Mountain Patrol headquarters, I encountered two strong men fighting, one of whom was a strong man in the late stage of the Tiger Clan..."

"I was taken directly to the Tiger Clan. On the way, I also escaped once with the help of Dan Dongyang's jade pendant..."

"It's just that I was caught back!"


Wang Changsheng explained everything he had experienced, even a single detail, to his second uncle very clearly, because Hu Zun just said a few words, Wang Changsheng heard clearly, although he was rescued, but this It's not over...

After Hu Zun listened, he said in surprise: "I have to say, the Tiger Clan is too courageous..."

In Hu Zun's view, the Tiger Clan can no longer be described as bold.

Looting mountain ranger monks, although it rarely happens, but it is not unheard of, because every powerful force will definitely make people jealous. Mountain ranger monk.

However, the mountain ranger has no evidence, so he can only give up.

However, I have never heard of the matter of withdrawing the blood power of the Shangyang Yimai in the Nine Heavens Realm for so many years, because the Shangyang Yimai is very strong in the Nine Heavens Realm, even if it is a monk of the Supreme Sect, That is to say, hit when you say hit, and kill when you say kill!

Hu Zun dared to do such a thing, Hu Zun had some admiration for the elder of Hu Clan, at least, Hu Zun didn't dare to do such a thing.

"You said, how many times have you released the power of blood?" Hu Zun asked suddenly.

Wang Changsheng nodded.

Seeing that Wang Changsheng was sure, Hu Zun frowned and said, "That's enough for many monks from the Tiger Clan to temper their blood, but, in the Tiger Clan land, I haven't seen those monks whose blood has been tempered..."

"It seems that the Tiger Clan still has a backup..."

The Tiger Clan was breached, even the ancestral land was pierced through, and there were countless casualties. However, none of the cultivators whose blood had been tempered had been seen, indicating that those monks whose blood had been tempered should have been hidden by the Tiger Clan long ago. Woke up.

"It seems that in the future, those monks from the Tiger clan who have tempered their bloodlines will become troublesome to the Shangyang lineage!" Hu Zun said in his heart.

Of course, it's just a small trouble. The heritage of the Shangyang lineage for several eras cannot be overthrown by those monks who tempered the bloodline of the Tiger Clan.

"Second Uncle..." After Wang Changsheng finished explaining, he hesitated, and finally asked, "That golden light, that is, the strong man from the Buddha Kingdom..."

"It's just a strong man from the Buddha Kingdom, come here to join in the fun!"

"Don't worry too much!"

Of course Hu Zun knew who the strong man of the Buddha Kingdom was, otherwise, he would not have lent the order to patrol the mountain. However, after some consideration, Hu Zun still didn't intend to tell Wang Changsheng.

"Okay, you go to practice!"

Hu Zun said to Wang Changsheng: "I'll go out for a while, I think you should gain something from being robbed this time!"


Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "Second uncle, you are going..."

Hu Zun smiled and said: "Do you think this is the end of this matter? It's just begun..."

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