Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1835 Star Moon Space

As Snake Yin Nian said, this is a war, not a duel. In the end, who can win is the most important thing!

But now, the plan of Snake Yinnian and the Moon Wolf Clan has succeeded, killing Dan Ming, and the price paid is the physique of the strong Moon Wolf Clan, because the power to save the soul of the Moon Wolf Clan is precisely Year of the Snake!

This was discussed from the very beginning!

Originally, according to the communication between Snake Yinnian and the strong Moon Wolf tribe, at the moment Danming was killed, Snake Yinnian needed to help the strong Moon Wolf tribe immediately.

Who knows, Qi Dongnan's speed is really too fast, Snake Yin Nian's fastest speed can only save the soul of the moon wolf clan powerhouse, if it is a step slower, even the soul of the soul may not be saved.

As for Dan Ming's death, Qidongnan should bear the main responsibility, because Qidongnan is obviously much stronger than the powerhouse of the Moon Wolf Clan, not to mention beheading, and let the powerhouse of the Moon Wolf Clan do something like a sneak attack, Can Qidongnan be irresponsible?

This is also the reason why Qi Dongnan blames himself, he can't even look down on his opponent!

"Yes, this is war..." Qi Dongnan looked at Snake Yinnian with a gloomy expression. This is Qi Dongnan's biggest emotional change since he appeared, and then looked at Snake Yinnian and said: "Then, are you ready?" Yet?"

Snake Yinnian did not answer, but held two huge snake teeth, stepped on the corpse of his ancestors, and looked at Qi Dongnan with a solemn expression.

Because, Snake Yinnian knows the strength of Qidongnan!

In the entire Nine Heavens Realm, whether it is the supreme sect or the many races from the heaven realm, there are many half-stepped Dao powerhouses, but Qi Dongnan's strength can at least rank in the top ten!

This is the strength of Qidongnan!

Snake Yinnian asked himself that his strength is not bad, but compared with Qidongnan, there should still be some gaps!

However, the Yin Year of the Snake is not afraid, because this is a war, not alone, as long as it is a war, there are many ways to kill Qi Dongnan!

What's more, this is Xingyu from outside the Heavenly Realm, at the door of the Yaozu's house, could it still be bullied by Qi Dongnan?


Snake Yinnian's power exploded, and he took the lead in attacking Qi Dongnan, the first strike is the strongest!

The strength of the two is equal to each other, even if Snake Yinnian is a little weaker, but who can tell what happened on the battlefield?


However, when Dao Yun touched by the Year of the Snake happened to touch Qidongnan, his brows immediately frowned.

Because, Snake Yinnian discovered that the Dao Yun he was touching had disappeared inexplicably when he just touched Qidongnan, as if it had been swallowed by something?

Afterwards, Snake Yinnian saw that Qi Dongnan didn't do it directly, but waved his hand, and the Xingyue robe on Qi Dongnan's body took off in an instant.


Snake Yinnian had a puzzled look in his eyes, and he immediately took precautions. At the same time, he drove the corpse of the ancestor under his feet to crush Xingyue's robe. Although he didn't know what Qi Dongnan was going to do, let the dead thing explore the way first. !

bang bang...

There were bursts of roaring sounds, and Snake Yinnian found that although the ancestor's body did seem to have hit something, the surrounding Xingyu did not change in any way.

Moreover, the universe is still spreading...

You must know that with the start of the war, this piece of Xingyu was buried by the power of many powerful people fighting. Even if everyone stopped fighting, it would be difficult for this piece of Xingyu to recover in a short time. After all, when strong people fight, leaving Not only the power, but also the aspect of Dao Yun!

Look at the piece of land in Xianmang Xingyu back then, Dao Yun has been running around for so many years without stopping!

And now?

Snake Yinnian found that the surrounding environment had turned into Xingyu again, and Xingyu, which could be easily torn apart, turned out to be extremely strong? !

"not good!"

Snake Yinnian immediately realized that something was wrong, he should have entered some kind of formation.

"Welcome to Xingyue Space!"

Qi Dongnan opened his mouth and said to Snake Yinnian.

Here, is Qi Dongnan's Xingyu space sacrificed by the method of formation, and this space is carried by Qi Dongnan, which is the Xingyue robe that Qi Dongnan wears!

At the moment Dan Ming was beheaded, Qi Dongnan had the intention of killing Snake Yinnian. After all, Dan Ming fell because of Qi Dongnan's mistake, and he wanted to avenge Dan Ming!

Of course, in fact, Qi Dongnan understood that Dan Ming would be killed not only because of his own mistakes, but also because Dan Ming was not good at fighting. At that time, he made a wrong choice. Otherwise, Dan Ming would be seriously injured at most. Will not die!

These are not important, Qidongnan only recognizes one point now...

"Friend Daoist, you and I, there is only one who can walk out of the Xingyu space..."

Qi Dongnan's figure disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was not far away from the Year of the Snake Yin. As a strong man who had half stepped into the realm of Dao, Qi Dongnan certainly did not choose to fight hand-to-hand with the Yin Year of the Snake, but waved his hand, countless Dao Yun The entanglement and spells continued to wreak havoc, crushing directly at Snake Yin Nian.

"The one who walked out must be me!"

Snake Yinnian said with a sullen expression.

Immediately afterwards, the two top half-stepped Dao realm powerhouses in the Nine Heavens Realm fought directly in the Xingyue space transformed by the Xingyue robe.

As for the end, who can get out alive?

no one knows...

The figures of Qi Dongnan and Snake Yin Nian disappeared, and they were naturally noticed by the strong players who were fighting, and their expressions became dignified.

Qidongnan and Snake Yinnian, as the strongest existences of both sides, now collide together, who will win and who will lose, I dare not make a conclusion!

The war is getting more and more tragic!

In a short period of time, two strong men from the dog race, Dan Ming, who have stepped into the Dao Realm have fallen. This has not happened in the entire Nine Heavens Realm for many years, because there are already many people in the Nine Heavens Realm. In less than half a year, the strong man who stepped into the Dao realm fell.

If the moon wolf tribe, then I only have the spirit and soul, then three of them have fallen!

What everyone doesn't know is that only one of Qi Dongnan and She Yinnian who fought in the Xingyue space can walk out of the Xingyue space.

In other words, judging from the current situation, at least four and a half powerhouses who have stepped into the Dao realm will be lost in this battle.

Although it is far inferior to the battle when the various races were forced into the Congtian Realm, but if it continues to spread, the final battle situation will definitely not be much better.

However, no one stopped. Not only did no one stop, the confrontation between the two sides became more intense. Every time they made a move, they tried their best to fight to the death!

The number of great lords who fell from both sides has reached at least a thousand, which is a very terrifying number.

At this time, everyone forgot about Zun Hu, and Zun Hu, and no matter why this war started, the only thought was...

Let the enemy in front of you...



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