Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1824 The Calamity of Genocide

Of course Hu Xiao understands what Hu Zun means. For the Hu Clan, every elder is a very important existence. Now that four of them have been lost, only the soul of the five elders is left. They are protected by Hu Xiao. Already injured and suffered heavy losses, can the four guards of the abyss be compared?

Looking at the resentful Great Elder, Hu Xiao suddenly fell silent.

The Tiger Clan has already paid a huge price, losing four powerful men who were at the peak of the Great Master, and it will be difficult for the Tiger Clan to recover within a thousand years.

"Let's go..."

Hu Xiao suddenly said: "This matter, let's stop here!"

"My Tiger Clan has also paid a heavy price for this battle, so stop here, you go, this deity will let the past go!"

It's not that Hu Xiao doesn't want to pursue the matter. With the remaining strength of the Hu Clan, it is true that they have the strength to kill Hu Zun and others. However, if Hu Zun and others are dying to fight back, the Hu Clan will definitely have to pay a huge price.

At that time, how many elders can the tiger clan have left?

I'm afraid...not one left...

Such a result is unbearable for the Tiger Clan, because once the elders are dead, apart from the existence of those who buried themselves, the Tiger Clan can't even produce a strong man at the peak of the Great Master, and only the Tiger Clan is left. Xiao Xiao is a peak powerhouse, and the status of the Tiger Clan will also plummet by then!

As the status becomes lower, some resources occupied by the Tiger Clan among the Monster Clan will definitely be lost. For the Tiger Clan, this is an unfavorable situation, which is why Hu Xiao intends to let Hu Zun and others go.


"Patriarch, no, you want to avenge Lao Ba and the others!"

The great elder of the tiger clan and the rest of the elders immediately roared when they heard the tiger's roar.

The tiger clan lost four elders, and the fifth elder was left with only the soul, while the opposite side was just the death of four abyss guards who were in the late stage of the great master. A foothold?And how to raise your head in the Nine Heavens Realm? !

The Tiger Clan is not a small race with no name or surname. Among the Monster Clan, they can be considered a big clan. Compared with those first-class sects in the Nine Heavens Realm, they are slightly superior. How can their dignity be trampled on the ground?

It's just that before the great elder of the tiger clan and others could express their opinions, they were stopped by Hu Xiao's eyes, and no matter how much resentment they had in their hearts, they could only be suppressed in their hearts.

Hu Xiao is very prestigious in the Tiger Clan!


Hu Zun heard Hu Xiao's words, as if he heard some joke, he laughed loudly, and then said: "Patriarch Hu Xiao, have you forgotten the purpose of our coming here today?"

Hu Zun continued: "Hand over the person, otherwise, we won't leave today!"

Seeing that Hu Xiao thought this matter could be solved so easily, Hu Zun also felt that Hu Xiao was a little naive. Didn't the Hu Clan just lose a few elders?What's the matter with Guan Huzun?

So far, the Tiger Clan has not handed over Wang Changsheng, and they still want to do this, how is it possible?

Hu Xiao looked at Zun Hu with a gloomy expression, and said sternly: "The Tiger Clan has lost four elders now, what are you going to do?"

"I said long ago that the person you want is not from the Tiger Clan!"


Hu Zun said coldly.

After saying that, Hu Zun didn't hesitate at all, with a wave of his big hand, dozens of jade slips appeared in front of Hu Zun.


When Hu Xiao saw the jade slip that Hu Zun took out, his expression immediately changed and he wanted to stop it.

However, it was already too late, and with a wave of Hu Zun's hand, dozens of jade slips went directly towards the Nine Heavens Realm, and some of the jade slips even went directly towards the strong man who was watching from a distance.

"you wanna die!"

When Hu Xiao saw Hu Zun, he didn't discuss at all, and passed the jade slip directly. Hu Xiao, who knew the content of the jade slip, had a serious look on his face. Hu Xiao knew that once the jade slip was passed on, the Hu clan would face a huge crisis. This crisis can be regarded as the biggest crisis since Hu Xiao became the patriarch.

"Didn't you ask me how to treat me?" Hu Zun said, "I want you Tiger Clan..."


Hu Zun's expression also became serious, because Hu Zun knew that after the jade slip was passed on, the next thing was Hu Zun's clan extermination battle.

Not only the Tiger Clan, but even the Monster Clan will be involved, because it is not only the Tiger Clan that is doing the looting of monks in the Nine Heavens Realm.

"Big words!" Hu Zun's great elder immediately yelled at Hu Zun's words.

Let the tiger clan exterminate?The Great Elder of the Tiger Clan didn't know where the Tiger Clan's confidence came from. How could the Tiger Clan have passed down many eras? Since the moment the Tiger Clan was born, there have been prosperity and decline, but they have never been exterminated.

The Great Elder of the Tiger Clan was puzzled. Hu Zun, who was titled Great Master with one word, even with the backing of the Mountain Patrol, would still be impossible to exterminate the Tiger Clan.

"To shut up!"

Hu Xiao snarled at the great elder of the Tiger Clan.


The Great Elder of the Tiger Clan, who looked fierce just now, didn't expect that the first one to stop him would be the patriarch?

The Great Elder of the Tiger Clan is not an idiot either. Thinking about how to destroy the Tiger Clan with some jade slips, the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan thought of a possibility...

Thinking of that possibility, a horrified look appeared in the eyes of the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan!

Because, before the head of the Tiger Clan left the customs, the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan was also threatened by Hu Zun, but the Hu Zun didn't figure it out for a while.

"Tiger Clan! You're bullying too much, is this going to kill yourself?"

"Tiger Clan, you are too courageous, not only Tiger Clan, but also Monster Clan!"

"Some subordinate sects are reacting to the strange disappearance of their disciples. They thought they were killed by other enemies. Now it seems that this is not the case. The Yaozu must give an explanation for this matter!"

"Tiger Clan, there is indeed no need to exist anymore, first destroy the Tiger Clan, and then find the Monster Clan!"

"Wait for me to call in a million troops first!"


As soon as the great elder of the Tiger Clan came to his senses, he heard bursts of fury coming from the stars. This was a strong man who was watching around. You must know that the jade slip handed out by Master Hu was more than that!

Hearing the roar of those strong men, the great elder of the Tiger Clan immediately understood that his guess was correct!

"It's over...it's over..." The Great Elder of the Tiger Clan became a little flustered.

The Great Elder of the Tiger Clan knew that the fact that the Tiger Clan robbed the cultivators of the Nine Heavens Realm had been exposed, not only the Tiger Clan, but also the Monster Clan...

"How can you act like this?" The elder of the Hu Clan looked at Hu Zun and asked blankly.

The Great Elder of the Tiger Clan didn't know what to do anymore, because this matter spread, the Tiger Clan would definitely be in big trouble, just like Hu Zun said...


Hu Zun didn't explain, but looked at Hu Xiao and said, "Are you satisfied with my approach?"

Hu Xiao looked at Hu Zun with a serious expression, but did not answer.

how to answer?This is not a problem at all, because what Hu Xiao has to worry about now is the attack of those supreme masters in the Nine Heavens Realm, how can the Hu Clan resist it?

Without the slightest hesitation, Hu Xiao also waved his hand, and handed out a lot of jade slips, which directly fell into the big clans of the monster clan from the heaven realm, and even some races that were not monster clan also received the jade slips from Hu Xiao. simple.

The faces of all the races who received the jade slips became serious.

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