Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1813 The news is confirmed

A jade slip whized past in the stars. Ordinary monks had to avoid this jade slip, because this jade slip actually carried the majesty of a great master!

Moreover, it's not just an ordinary Dazun, but definitely the peak power of a Dazun!

In the Nine Heavens Realm, such things as intercepting and killing jade slips happen from time to time, but, who would dare to intercept and kill the jade slips of the master's peak realm?Isn't that courting death? !

On the Jade Slip, there is the might of the Great Senior's peak. Once the strength is not enough to the Great Senior's peak state, to intercept and kill the Jade Slip is equivalent to colliding with the Great Senior's peak powerhouse, and it is completely courting death!

What's more, on this jade slip, there is a fire phoenix that spreads its wings and is about to fly. The aura is burning. A little knowledgeable monk will know that this is the jade slip of the Li family of the Shangyang royal family, and dare not intercept it.

The jade slip traversed the starry universe, and it seemed to be surrounded by phantoms of fire and phoenix. In the end, the jade slip was submerged in the starry universe of Congtian Realm.


"Is Yu Jian here?"

"It looks like it's a jade slip from the Li family of the Shangyang royal family!"

"It's still the jade slip of the Great Master's peak realm, what news is it conveying?"


The strong men hidden in the Xingyu outside the sky were still watching the development of the situation, but now they all showed doubts when they saw the jade slips coming.

No one went to stop the jade slip, because the direction the jade slip entered was exactly from the Tianjing Tiger Clan's land.


Li Zefeng was also taken aback when he saw the jade slips coming.

As the great elder of the Li family of the Shangyang royal family, Li Zefeng is an unambiguous existence in the clan, even the patriarch of the Li family of the Shangyang royal family, is also a good talker in front of Li Zefeng!

After hesitating for a while, Li Zefeng waved his big hand and grabbed the jade slip.


The moment the jade slip was taken down by Li Zefeng, there was a hiss, and then, a phantom of a fire phoenix charged directly at Li Zefeng.

The power of this phantom of the fire phoenix is ​​incredible, having reached the peak state of a great master, even a strong person in the peak state of an ordinary lord, I am afraid that it will not be easy under the collision of this phantom of the fire phoenix.

Li Zefeng was not afraid at all. The moment the phantom of the fire phoenix struck, a phantom of the fire phoenix rushed out of Li Zefeng's body, and directly engulfed the phantom of the fire phoenix that rushed out of the jade slip.

Because the target of this jade slip is not Li Zefeng, now that it is intercepted by Li Zefeng, the jade slip will attack, but Li Zefeng's strength is too strong, not to mention, the blood is of the same origin, so it is so easy Solved the fire phoenix phantom.

Li Zefeng held the jade slip in his hand, his consciousness sank into the jade slip, and he immediately saw the contents of the jade slip clearly.


When Li Zefeng saw the contents of the jade slip, his expression also became unfriendly.

"Tiger Clan..."

Li Zefeng looked in the direction of the Tiger Clan with a gloomy expression. Fortunately, Li Zefeng controlled his power, otherwise, even Xingyu would tremble when a strong man half-stepped into the Dao realm got angry.

Immediately afterwards, Li Fusheng also played a spell, submerged in the jade slip, and then the jade slip rushed directly towards the Tiger Clan.

Although Li Zefeng solved the impact of the phantom of the fire and phoenix in the jade slip, he added another technique to it.

The original fire and phoenix phantom was the power of the great master's peak realm, but now, the magic technique contained in this jade slip is half-stepped into the level of strength.

That is to say, unless a strong man who has half stepped into the Dao realm blocks it, and a monk who has half stepped into the Dao realm wants to stop the jade slip, he will be swallowed up by the power of the jade slip in an instant.


When the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan saw the jade slip coming, his expression immediately changed.

"Don't stop!"

The Great Elder of the Tiger Clan said immediately.

The other elders of the Tiger Clan didn't even think about stopping them. They were not fools, so they naturally felt the power of the jade slips. With their strength, if they really tried to stop the jade slips, they would be swallowed up in an instant.

The jade slip finally followed the gap in the formation and fell into the tiger clan of Congtian Realm.

However, seeing the jade slips passing across, the monks present all had different expressions and were full of thoughts in their hearts.

"The Li family in Shangyang sent out jade slips at this time. What does it mean? Could it be to put pressure on the Tiger Clan?"

"I haven't seen the jade slips from Li's family in Shangyang for many years in Xingyu. What happened this time is interesting..."

"Shangyang's Li family is so rampant that they simply don't take other supreme sects seriously. Don't they know that it is no longer the world of the innate lineage?"

"Heaven and Earth don't like the Xiantian pulse, and the Shangyang pulse, sooner or later it will dissipate!"


Many monks expressed their opinions in their hearts.


Li Fusheng stood still suddenly, and said to Hu Zun, Hu Zun also raised his head, looking in Xingyu's direction.

But after a few breaths, a jade slip fell from the sky and floated in front of Li Fusheng.

Li Fusheng reached out his hand to take the jade slip, and the aura of a spell inside disappeared instantly.

This is the mystery of it, as long as the jade slip is delivered to the rightful master, the spells in the jade slip will not be displayed.

"Half-stepped Dao technique?"

The moment he saw the magic breath dissipate, Hu Zun's expression also changed immediately.

Using half-stepped Taoism to bless a jade slip, Hu Zun also experienced the heroic spirit of the Li family in Shangyang.

What Hu Zun didn't know was that when the Li family sent out the jade slips, it was only the Dazun's peak magic to protect each other. It was just that after Li Zefeng intercepted it from outside the heavenly realm, he blessed a half-walking magic.


Li Fusheng had already finished reading the jade slips at this time, and his eyes were solemn.

Li Fusheng didn't explain either, but handed the jade slip to Hu Zun.

Hu Zun also looked at the jade slips, and when Hu Zun finished reading the jade slips, his expression also became dignified.

"Tiger Clan..."

Hu Zun's eyes flashed with a killing intent.

According to the jade slips, after receiving Li Fusheng's request for help, the Li family in Shangyang immediately activated the bloodline formation, but it was difficult to feel the existence of Wang Changsheng's bloodline power.

Just when the Li family in Shangyang didn't know how to deal with it, Wang Changsheng's blood power flickered suddenly. Although the flickering time was very short, a breath was still captured by the blood array.

According to the direction guided by the bloodline formation, the direction where Wang Changsheng's bloodlines flickered was exactly the direction of the Tiger Clan from the Heaven Realm.

It's just that it's shifted, and it doesn't look like the place of the Tiger Clan, and it's a little different from the place where it first appeared.

The strong man of the Li family in Shangyang guessed that Wang Changsheng was hidden by the Tiger Clan.

This coincided with Hu Zun's guess, the combination of the bloodline array and the information obtained by Hu Zun, the final result is self-evident!

"A small world owned by the Tiger Clan!"

Hu Zun said with a sharp expression.

"It should be so!" Li Fusheng also said: "It should be when we were in Xingyu, the Tiger Clan circled with us for a while, and at that time, they let them hide Lao Wang!"

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