Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1805 Tiger Roar

The Great Elder of the Tiger Clan didn't expect that his own tough attitude would make the Holy One so angry?

The meaning of the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan is very simple. This matter has developed to the present, and it is difficult for the Holy Venerable to control him. From a personal dispute to a battle of clans, the Holy Venerable is powerful and has a high prestige. However, this Such a war between clans cannot be mediated by the Holy One.

The saint is the saint of the demon clan, and a status symbol, but the saint himself is not a powerful person, nor is he a supreme master!

What's more, in times of peace, the monks of the Yaozu do respect the Holy Lord, but can the Holy Lord really mobilize the Yaozu?


The attitude of the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan is also to hope that the Holy Lord will retreat completely, so as to ensure that the Holy Lord's reputation will not be attacked!

But now, Shengzun got angry directly, catching the great elder of the Tiger Clan by surprise!

"Holy One, the Mountain Ranger and the Shangyang lineage are indeed very powerful!" The elder of the Tiger Clan said directly: "However, my Tiger Clan is not easy to mess with. There are tens of thousands of my Tiger Clan sons, how can they still take the Tiger Clan? Is it impossible to exterminate the clan?"

"As long as our Tiger Clan doesn't exterminate our clan and leave behind a place of inheritance, even if we die in battle, the Tiger Clan will definitely be able to shine again in the Nine Heavens Realm in the future!"

The reason why the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan dared to say that was because the true blood of the Huofeng that flowed out from Wang Changsheng had already tempered the blood of many newborn descendants of the Tiger Clan.

For fear of being exposed, most of the clansmen who had tempered their bloodlines hid themselves. This was also the plan of the elder of the Tiger Clan. The main reason was that they were worried about being discovered by the Shangyang lineage. Unexpectedly, it was really used.

Shengzun's expression became gloomy when he heard the words of the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan.

The Holy Lord has lived for a long time, and he knows many things better than the elder of the Tiger Clan. If the mountain patrollers were to sacrifice their background and kill them, the Tiger Clan would be gone.

"In this case, I have no choice but to let the tiger roar!" Shengzun said in a deep voice.

"Holy One..."

The Great Elder of the Tiger Clan also became ugly when he heard Shengzun's words.

Hu Xiao is the patriarch of the Tiger Clan, and the elders of the Tiger Clan respect them very much, because the Tiger Clan was gradually declining, but under the leadership of Hu Xiao, the Tiger Clan stopped the trend of decline, It is steadily rising!

The reason for the Tiger Roar's retreat is also because the current Tiger Clan needs a strong man, the top one. Once the Tiger Roar is successful, the Tiger Clan will be able to develop better.

The Great Elder of the Tiger Clan only knew that the Patriarch Hu Xiao did not retreat in the Hu Clan's place, but found a very secret and safe place, which is why the Hu Clan Great Elder dared to fight in the Clan's place.

If Hu Xiao retreated in the Tiger Clan, once the elder of the Hu Clan crushed the jade talisman, those strong men who buried themselves would wake up, and they would definitely act Hu Xiao.

"Zhuzi, it's not enough!" Shengzun said angrily.

As he said that, the Holy Venerable waved his hand directly, and a force directly submerged into the Heavenly Realm.

The Great Elder of the Hu Clan knew that Shengzun was notifying Hu Xiao.

The next step is to wait, and the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan does not dare to act rashly at this time. As for Hu Zun and others, seeing that the Holy Zun is willing to deal with this matter, and negotiating with the Tiger Clan, they also waited in place and did not make any announcements. any comments.

Of course, today's matter must have a result, otherwise, Hu Zun would really dare to mobilize the army of mountain patrollers.

Now that Wang Changsheng has become a mountain patroller, it is much more convenient for Hu Zun to do things.

The monks present were not made to wait for too long. Not long after, a figure appeared not far away, with a rough appearance and a somewhat unstable aura.

"I have seen the Holy One!"

After the figure appeared, he took the lead in bowing to the Holy One to show his respect.

The Holy One also nodded, and then said: "I leave it to you!"

Saying that, the figure of the holy lord also fled from the heaven.

"By the way, in the future, the Tiger Clan's affairs are not required to be under my sect!"

Although Shengzun left, the voice of Shengzun came out, expressing his attitude towards the Tiger Clan.

Hearing the words left by Shengzun before he left, the expressions of all the elders of the Tiger Clan and Hu Xiao became ugly.

This is equivalent to offending the Holy One, right? !

The saint is not only powerful, but also very prestigious among the monster clan. If he offends the saint, it will be a little troublesome for the tiger clan to gain a foothold among the monster clan in the future.

Hu Xiao looked at the Great Elder, and his expression also became unfriendly.

"Patriarch..." The Great Elder of the Tiger Clan looked at Wu Xiao's gloomy expression, and his expression became a little unnatural.

"You did a good job!"

Hu Xiao scolded unceremoniously!

Originally, Hu Xiao was in retreat, seeking a breakthrough, not seeking to enter the Tao, even if he could take a small step, it would be a big step for the Hu Clan.

However, at the most critical juncture, such a big disturbance occurred in the Tiger Clan, which is also the reason why Hu Xiao forced his way out of the customs, and his breath was unstable.

It's just that the great elders of the Tiger Clan are about to sacrifice their heritage, and it's impossible for the tiger to roar out of the pass.

"I've seen fellow Daoist!"

Hu Xiao clasped his fists at Hu Zun, and then said: "Back then, there was some gap between fellow Taoist and my Tiger Clan. I didn't expect that when we meet again, Fellow Daoist will push the Tiger Clan to this extent!"

As for Hu Zun, Hu Xiao certainly knew that even though Hu Xiao didn't capture Hu Zun himself, he gave several orders, and every order was to take Hu Zun's life.

"It's a fluke!" Hu Zun said indifferently.

Anyway, with Hu Zun's status today, even Shengzun dared to threaten him, and the entire Hu clan naturally wouldn't be taken seriously by Hu Zun.

"Fellow Daoist, can we talk peacefully?" Hu Xiao asked.

Hu Zun nodded.

Next, there were some simple exchanges between Hu Xiao and Hu Zun. Of course, there was also Hu Zun's statement on this matter from beginning to end.

The roar of the tiger stopped in his ears, and he also kept sending voice transmissions to the great elder of the tiger clan: "What he said, is it true?"

Hu Xiao is not stupid, even if it has not been verified by the Great Elder, Hu Xiao understands that it is true in all likelihood, because Hu Xiao also knows a little about the bloodline formation of the Shangyang lineage, so there should be no mistakes !


The Great Elder of the Tiger Clan said via voice transmission.

Hearing the confirmation from the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan, Hu Xiao's expression didn't change much, but he was extremely angry in his heart.

"I have heard a little about the robbery of the monks in the Nine Heavens Realm, and I have no objection, so it is acquiesced!" Hu Xiao snarled angrily: "But, what are you doing to catch the monks from the Shangyang lineage? I don't know if they are all lunatics. ?"

"It's good for you, you also captured the royal family of Shangyang lineage, don't you know if the Li family is crazy?"

After scolding furiously, Hu Xiao couldn't calm down for a long time.

There is no way, I am the patriarch of the Tiger Clan, even though the elders of the clan made a decision-making error, Hu Xiao must deal with this problem, otherwise, the Tiger Clan will be in real trouble.

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