Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1803 The Monarch of the Monster Race

The Great Elder of the Hu Clan saw that he could not persuade Hu Zun, so he could only say helplessly: "Then, you can only choose to gamble!"

As he spoke, the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan raised the jade talisman in his hand, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

As long as Tiger Zun dares to move, the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan will crush the jade talisman!

call out!

Just as the scene was in an endless stalemate, a piercing sound sounded, and a figure appeared directly between the Great Elder of the Hu Clan and Hu Zun.

At this moment, daring to appear in the center of the battlefield, and still between Hu Zun and the elder of the Hu Clan, no matter in terms of strength or status, he must be extraordinary. With such a character, his appearance is also silent, and now there is the sound of piercing the sky , obviously to remind both sides of his arrival.

The figure that appeared was thin, but no one dared to underestimate this figure.

Even Li Zefeng frowned when he saw the figure appearing: "Why did this old monster come out?"

For many monks of the younger generation, they may not know the identity of the figure that appeared, but they just think that the other party is very powerful. Even Tiger Master, after the appearance of this thin figure, he still thinks that the other party is very strong, and he does not know the identity of the other party.

However, how can Li Zefeng, an old monster who has lived for so many years, not know?Because, the figure that appeared was also an old monster!

"I have seen the Holy One!"

The Great Elder of the Tiger Clan clasped his fists at the figure that appeared and saluted!

Shengzun is also the top powerhouse of the monster clan. If it is true, he is older than Li Zefeng. When Li Zefeng was wandering in the Nine Heavens Realm, Shengzun was already the top of the monster clan. .

But now, according to Li Zefeng's point of view, Shengzun is still in the realm of Dazun, and he has definitely not entered the Tao!

But where did the Holy One go?Li Zefeng couldn't tell either!

The Yaozu do not participate in the battle for titles in the Nine Heavens Realm. The title "Holy Venerable" has a completely different meaning from the one-word title Dazun in the Nine Heavens Realm.

Because, the title of Holy Venerable completely reflects the status of Holy Venerable in the Yaozu!

Holy Venerable, the strength is too strong, and he has lived for too long. The monks of the Holy Venerable's era have either fallen or buried themselves. Even, living up to now, the entire Nine Heavens Realm knows the race of the Holy Venerable. There are only a handful of monks!

Therefore, Holy Venerable is only a respectful title for this monster clan powerhouse, not the one-word titled Great Venerable of the Nine Heavens Realm!

If this is the case, it can be seen that the Holy Lord is powerful, even Li Zefeng feels that if he makes a move, he may not be the opponent of the Holy Lord!

Is a Tiger Clan really worth the Holy Venerable's hand?The saint occupies a pivotal position in the entire monster clan.

"Put away the jade talisman!" Shengzun looked at the great elder of the Tiger Clan, and said hoarsely: "Thousands of years ago, that little baby Hu Xiao came to visit me and asked me to take care of the Tiger Clan!"

"Holy One!"

The Great Elder of the Tiger Clan also felt emotional when he heard Shengzun's words!

Hu Xiao is the patriarch of the Tiger Clan. The Patriarch of the Tiger Clan has been in retreat thousands of years ago, that is to say, the patriarch of the Tiger Clan was worried about the Tiger Clan even when he was in retreat, so he went to visit the Holy One.

The most important thing is that with the status of the Holy Lord, the little patriarch of the Tiger Clan can be completely ignored by the Holy Lord. It can be said that even if the Tiger Clan is exterminated, it has nothing to do with the Holy Lord.

It is precisely because of this that when the Tiger Clan is in danger, Shengzun stepped forward, which is the greatest help to the Tiger Clan.

Afterwards, the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan directly put away the jade talisman in his hand, because the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan knew that since he had asked himself to put away the jade talisman with the status of the Holy One, the Tiger Clan and the Holy Lord would be safe today.

With the escort of the Holy Lord, the Tiger Clan should have no problems, and there is no need to sacrifice the background of the Tiger Clan.

"Thank you, Holy One!"

The Great Elder of the Tiger Clan performed a junior gift to the Holy One.

Shengzun also accepted the ceremony of juniors from the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan with equanimity, because most of the strong people who are still active in the entire Monster Clan are the descendants of the Holy Venerable, let alone the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan, even if they are younger Even the powerful monster clan dare not shout in front of the saint.

The Holy Lord is not only a strong man of the Yaozu, but also a living fossil of the Yaozu!

Many strong men hiding in the dark, when they saw the appearance of the Holy One, and the monks who knew the existence of the Holy Lord, all showed solemn expressions. Even the monks who did not know the name of the Holy Lord, seeing the current situation, felt that things were not easy !

Shengzun saw the great elder of the Tiger Clan put away the jade talisman, then turned around, glanced at Zun Hu, and said, "Little guy, I know you..."

"I've seen seniors!"

Hu Zun also clasped his fists in a salute, of course, not a junior salute, because Hu Zun is not a demon clan, when facing the Holy Zun, even though he knew that the opponent was powerful, but the mountain patroller was not easy to mess with!

In the entire Nine Heavens Realm, there is no existence that the mountain rangers can't afford to mess with!

What's more, with the current situation, Hu Zun still believes in Li Fusheng very much, so it is imperative for Hu Zun to enter the Tiger Clan to investigate!

"Back then, when you were making troubles from the heavenly realm, I paid attention to you..." The Holy One said, "I didn't expect that you would grow up so fast, and you would almost catch up with us old guys..."

There was an inexplicable smile on Shengzun's face, but in Huzun's view, this smile was definitely not kind to him.

Hu Zun didn't dare to be careless about this kind of old monster who lived for an unknown number of years.

The saint paused for a moment, and continued: "Little guy, I am also paying attention to the matter between you and the Tiger Clan. How about this, the current Tiger Clan is conducting bloodline traction, and outsiders are not allowed to enter!"

"You guys go back first, and come back after the Tiger Clan's bloodline is drawn!"

Holy Venerable is obviously favoring the Tiger Clan!

Li Fusheng and the Tiger Clan joined forces to come here, catching a Tiger Clan by surprise. Once the Tiger Clan can't go in this time, they will definitely transfer Wang Changsheng when the Tiger Clan recovers. At that time, there is no other way!

Because, the Tiger Clan could choose to suppress Wang Changsheng's bloodline. At that time, even the bloodline formation of the Li Family of the Shangyang Royal Clan would be useless!

"You really want me to go back?"

Hu Zun asked thoughtfully.

After Sheng Zun heard Hu Zun's words, he was stunned immediately, and then said: "Naturally!"

Sheng Zun has lived for so many years, and he is also puzzled. Could it be that Hu Zun can't understand what he is talking about?It's been said so bluntly.

Today's Tiger Clan, Shengzun saved it!


Hu Zun nodded directly and said: "This time, for the sake of Sheng Zun, I can go back!"

Hearing Hu Zun's words, Sheng Zun also smiled slightly and nodded, as long as Hu Zun gave face, if Hu Zun didn't give face, then Sheng Zun stood up for nothing.

Standing up to speak for the Tiger Clan with the identity and status of the Holy One also needs to bear a lot of pressure!


Hu Zun paused and said: "When I come next time, the army of mountain patrollers will be overwhelming!"

Saying that, something appeared in Hu Zun's hand!

Mountain Patrol Order!

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