The Tiger Clan strongman in the later stage of the Great Master, seeing Wang Changsheng's attitude, did not answer Wang Changsheng's words, but said with a slight smile: "To be honest, I have seen many prisoners in these years, as rampant as you, you Still second..."


Wang Changsheng was taken aback immediately, and then asked: "Who is the first?"


As soon as he finished asking, Wang Changsheng let out a "bah" himself. Is this the point?no!

The point now is that Wang Changsheng wants to know, what is the purpose of this Tiger Clan Great Master bringing him to this place?

I passed by a lot of places just now, all of which were heavily guarded, but Wang Changsheng knew very well that this place is definitely not a simple place, it should be a very important place for the Tiger Clan.

"Who is the first, you will know later..." Said the monk of the later stage of the Tiger Clan Great Master.

"Wait? What wait?"

Wang Changsheng was at a loss, completely unaware of what this Tiger Clan great master in the late stage was talking about.

No idea!

Immediately afterwards, Wang Changsheng felt that he was being picked up again, and when he looked up, the one who was carrying him was none other than a powerful person in the later stage of the Great Master of the Tiger Clan.

Wang Changsheng: "..."

Wang Changsheng felt that in the past two years, he was carried over by monks of the tiger tribe, as if he could not walk, more times than he was carried over by people in the previous hundreds of years.

"Put me down, I'll go!" Wang Changsheng said cursingly.

Don't just carry yourself around, okay?It's not like I don't have legs!


As soon as Wang Changsheng finished speaking, he felt the strength in his neck loosen. Immediately afterwards, Wang Changsheng landed firmly on the ground, making a muffled sound, and...

Face first!

Wang Changsheng: "..."

Wang Changsheng didn't know what to say anymore, before letting go of himself, can he say hello so that he can have time to prepare?Now it's very indecent to touch the ground face first, okay?

Although Wang Changsheng didn't rely on his face to cultivate, he didn't want to put his face on the ground either!

Wang Changsheng didn't continue to scold, but planned to put his hands on the ground and stand up directly.


However, when Wang Changsheng moved his hands, he found that his body was like being pressed down by a mountain, and he couldn't get up at all.


Wang Changsheng said silently in his heart, and tried again, but it was indeed still stuck to the ground, even his face was still stuck on the ground, and he couldn't move at all.

"I said..." Wang Changsheng's muffled voice came from the ground: "Can you remove the power that is pressing on me, is this interesting?"

Wang Changsheng felt that this Great Master of the Tiger Clan must be trying to punish him on purpose, otherwise, even if he lost too much blood, he still wasn't so weak that he couldn't even stand up, right?

"Power?" came the voice of Tiger Clan Great Senior: "What power?"

When Wang Changsheng heard the voice of the Great Master of the Tiger Clan, he was not angry at all. Isn't this asking the question knowingly?Wang Changsheng believed that this great tiger tribe was taking revenge on himself.

Otherwise, why do you still ask questions knowingly, when you clearly have a powerful force pressing on you?

"Is this interesting? Is it interesting?"

Wang Changsheng kept roaring to express his dissatisfaction in his heart. He regarded himself as a powerful medicine in human form, and let it be fine if he bled himself from time to time, but now he is playing with himself. This is murder!

"You'll know if you take a good look around yourself..." The voice of the Great Master of the Tiger Clan came into Wang Changsheng's ears: "Then, you should think about it again, do you want me to carry you away?"

look around?

Wang Changsheng's face was on the ground now, and it was very difficult to look around, so he could only keep moving his eyeballs, circling them in the sockets, Wang Changsheng felt that he almost squeezed the eyeballs out of the sockets.

After some hard work, with the help of the dim light, Wang Changsheng finally saw the surrounding situation clearly.


Wang Changsheng is no stranger to obsidian. Back then, in the Nine Cities of Climbing Immortals, he encountered a city. The entire city was built with obsidian. It was also in that city that Wang Changsheng refined his infinite blood energy. The real body of the fire phoenix came out.

Obsidian is not common in the cultivation world, and it is not very useful. It is mainly used to cultivate the tomb, why?Because obsidian is very strong!

Not only that, the obsidian itself carries a force of gravity, as long as one walks over the obsidian, one can feel this force of gravity. Back then, in the Nine Cities of Climbing Immortals, Wang Changsheng was able to walk on the obsidian thanks to the help of willow leaves .

Later, when he condensed the real body of the fire phoenix, Wang Changsheng didn't care about the gravity of obsidian.

What Wang Changsheng didn't expect was that after so many years, when he saw Obsidian again, would he fall on Obsidian again?

Up to now, Wang Changsheng's cultivation base can completely ignore the gravity of obsidian. However, the current Wang Changsheng is not much different from ordinary people. His cultivation base is sealed, and even his physical strength is imprisoned. With the gravity of obsidian, there must be no resistance.


Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

Obsidian is already pitch black, and the inside of this cave is also pitch black, so it's normal that you can't see clearly, otherwise, Wang Changsheng himself wouldn't be boring himself.

Seeing that Wang Changsheng hadn't moved much, the Tiger Clan Great Senior said at this time: "Do you need help?"

Wang Changsheng was silent, of course it was necessary!

It's just that, just now, I was cursing and wanted to go down, not to let the other party carry me, and now I need help, isn't this a slap in the face?And, it's still the kind that makes a lot of noise!

Maybe, you can't stick your face on the ground all the time, can you?Wang Changsheng felt that if he pestered him for a while longer, his face might be deformed.


With an inaudible voice, he gave a soft "hmm", which represented Wang Changsheng's submission, and hoped that the other party could help him and lift him up.

Although the voice was very small, Wang Changsheng was sure that with the other party's cultivation level, he would definitely be able to hear his own voice.

Fortunately, the Great Tiger Clan did not embarrass Wang Changsheng. After seeing Wang Changsheng's submissive voice, he didn't even mock Wang Changsheng. go inside.

Because, the Great Master of the Tiger Clan also understood in his heart that at this very moment, let's not worry about it, and hide Wang Changsheng first, and wait until the Tiger Clan has passed this difficulty, then he will have a good deal with Wang Changsheng!

On the contrary, Wang Changsheng, who was carried along the way, walked through the cave, looking at the increasingly open interior space, with a look of shock and surprise in his eyes.

"This... this is the ancestral land of the Tiger Clan!"

Wang Changsheng said in his heart: "Why did you bring me to this place?"

The ancestral land of the tiger clan is also the place of inheritance. The tiger clan absolutely does not allow outsiders to enter. Why was I brought to this place?

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