
"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The ten guards of the abyss didn't hesitate when they saw Hu Zun make a move, and charged directly at another monster clan lord who was comparable to a one-word title lord.

The combination of the ten great masters in the later stage may not necessarily be the opponent of the one-word titled master, but the guards of the abyss are different. Let alone the tacit understanding between the guards of the abyss, even if the power and influence are united, it is no better than the one-word titled master. how much difference.

bang bang...

In a blink of an eye, the two sides hand in hand.

"Don't worry!" Li Fusheng said to the elders of the four clans: "Although I am not strong enough to help, but now there must be strong people in all parties concerned about this matter, no one dares to do anything to me !"

Li Fusheng knew the reason why the strong men of the four clans did not act, but he was still worried about his own safety.

However, the situation has developed to the point where it involves the powerful existence of the three parties. Those supreme masters in the Nine Heavens Realm have already had strong people looking around. Even if it is the Shangyang lineage, there must be other strong people paying attention .

Therefore, with Li Fusheng's status as the young master of the Li family of the Shangyang royal family, no one would dare to blatantly attack Li Fu on this occasion.

Because, once something happened to Li Fusheng, it would be completely different from Wang Changsheng's nature. Li Fusheng was the young master of the Shangyang lineage, and it was related to the attitude of the entire Shangyang lineage.


One of the great elders of the Li family of the Shangyang royal family nodded slightly, because he had already felt that he was looking around at many strong people around the Congtian realm.

There are top experts from other supreme sects, as well as those from the Yaozu who did not appear on the stage. Even the Shangyang lineage has many experts.

They even felt a vague aura, and they were very clear about that aura!

Li Zefeng!

The elder of the Li family of the Shangyang royal family, an existence that has half stepped into the Tao realm!

The outside world didn't know who Li Fusheng's guardians were, and they thought it was the four of them. However, they knew very well that they were not Li Fusheng's guardians at all, but the Great Elder Li Zefeng!

With Li Zefeng's strength and status, he became Li Fusheng's protector himself, and it can be seen how much the Li family of the Shangyang royal family valued Li Fusheng.


Hey!Hey! ...

Four hissing sounds resounded in Xingyu, and immediately after that, four powerful men of the peak realm of the Li family of the Shangyang royal family directly sacrificed the avatar of the fire phoenix!

There are only four of them, while the opposing Tiger Clan has eight, and there are three others who come to support, a total of eleven Great Seniors, ten of them are at the peak level of the Great Senior, and the remaining one is also a strong person in the later stage of the Great Senior. .

A lot of pressure!

Therefore, without holding back at all, he directly sacrificed the real body of the fire phoenix to defend against the enemy in the most powerful state.

In this battle under the stars, everyone is paying attention. With four enemies and eleven, it will definitely be difficult to win, but it must not be defeated!

Sure enough, when the four top-level powerhouses of the Li family of the Shangyang royal family joined forces to fight each other, they were suppressed as soon as they met each other.

This is still under the condition that some bloodlines are suppressed, otherwise, the four powerhouses of the Li family of the Shangyang royal family will be even more embarrassed!


The neighing sound of the fire phoenix was constantly heard, and the four great masters of the Li family of the Shangyang royal family were also very desperate. Under the situation of being suppressed, even if they were injured, they would tear off a piece of each other's body flesh.

This is where the Shangyang lineage is crazy. With the innate blood, the recovery ability is very strong. Under such consumption, the enemy will be torn to pieces by the monks of the Shangyang lineage.

"Although suppressed, but very strong..."

In other places in Xingyu, those who paid close attention to this battle also showed solemn expressions when they saw the performance of the four experts from the Shangyang lineage.

With four opponents and eleven, even if they played by themselves, they couldn't be said to have handled it better than the four strong men from the Shangyang lineage. They might even have lost long ago.

"The strength of the Shangyang lineage is indeed very strong. What's more, these four are still the royal family of the Shangyang lineage. If it is not necessary, don't provoke the Shangyang lineage!"

"Shangyang's lineage has not revealed its strength in the Nine Heavens Realm for many years. This time, what is it for? Is it true that someone from the Tiger Clan is in danger, or is it simply because they want to deal with the Tiger Clan?"

"The tribe is in danger, it should be an excuse, and there are mountain patrollers joining. Could it be that the Shangyang Yimai and the mountain patrollers have joined forces? Then it will be troublesome..."

Whether it is the Shangyang lineage or the mountain patroller, they are all extremely powerful existences in the Nine Heavens Realm. Although they are not among the ranks of the Supreme Great Sect, their strength is comparable to the top Supreme Great Sect.

The domineering of the Shangyang lineage and the low-key of the mountain patrollers are the existences that all the supreme religions are afraid of.

However, now the Shangyang lineage and the mountain patroller are fighting together under Xingyu, against the strong monsters of the enemy, this battle is also provoking the nerves of the supreme master of the Nine Heavens Realm.

If the Shangyang lineage really joins hands with the mountain patrollers, then other supreme sects may not be able to stop them.

As for the excuse that "the tribe is in danger in the Tiger Clan", it was directly ignored by the supreme sects. Is a tribe really worth fighting with Shangyang?

Li Zefeng, on the other hand, frowned when he saw the performance of the top powerhouse among the four clans.

"You shouldn't fight like this. After all, the number of opponents is more than twice as large, and their strength is also very strong. The suppression of bloodlines is too weak. It's a disadvantage!" Li Zefeng said in his heart.

From the point of view of Li Zefeng who has half-stepped into the realm of Dao, the performance of the strong members of the four clans is somewhat unsatisfactory, and some places are even full of loopholes. However, Li Zefeng did not give advice through sound transmission.

Because, in Li Zefeng's view, as long as there are no other strong monsters joining, the safety of the four clansmen is still not a big problem, and even after this battle, there may be some gains!

In the peak state of the great lord, to be able to gain something after the first battle is already a very precious thing.

Li Zefeng won't make a move, because Li Zefeng sensed that in Congtian Realm, two auras have already locked on him. Once he makes a move, this matter will be completely different.

Li Zefeng's identity can completely represent the Li family of the Shangyang royal family. Once Li Zefeng makes a move, it will represent the Shangyang lineage and declare war on the Yaozu.

In this era, there is a bit of silence, even if there is a war, now is not the time!

Li Zefeng's eyes were on the ten guards of the abyss.

"Very strong, as expected of a mountain patrolling existence!" Li Zefeng sighed in his heart.

It is unbelievable that the ten great lords joined hands in the late stage, relying on the magic weapon and tacit understanding, to be able to suppress the one-word titled lord.

That's right, the ten abyss guards teamed up to fight against a strong man who was comparable to a one-word title. Although he couldn't kill the opponent, it was not hopeless if he continued to fight for a long time!

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