Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1790 Abyss Guard

Not long after, a figure slowly appeared in everyone's sight, it was Zun Hu!

"Li Fusheng?"

When Hu Zun saw Li Fusheng, he also had a look of surprise in his eyes.

Hu Zun knew Li Fusheng very well, because Wang Changsheng had told many things about Li Fusheng. For the next three days, Hu Zun still admired this junior who was seeking a way out for the Shangyang family.

What's more, when he came out of Xianmang Xingyu, Hu Zun was very clear about the reason why Li Fusheng appeared openly and exposed his identity. It was to absorb the eyes of the Nine Heavens Realm and pull all the hatred on him.

Li Fusheng's approach was undoubtedly very successful. He blamed himself for the deaths of more than 400 venerables, and then became the young master of the Li family of the Shangyang royal family. Negative effect.

Li Fusheng's actions undoubtedly saved Wang Changsheng and Fatty a lot of trouble.

"I've seen seniors!"

Li Fusheng cupped his fists at Hu Zun and saluted.

Li Fusheng also learned of the existence of Huzun through Li Zefeng, and he also knew that this person was Wang Changsheng's second uncle, and that he was a very high-ranking existence among the mountain patrollers.

Therefore, after confirming that something had happened to Wang Changsheng, Li Fusheng's first reaction was to find Lord Hu, and then combine the power of the mountain rangers to force the Tiger Clan to hand him over.

"You came to see me, what's the matter?" Hu Zun asked.

If Li Fusheng came to Hu Zun in his personal capacity, Hu Zun would be happy to welcome him, because Hu Zun knew that Li Fusheng and Wang Changsheng had a good relationship, and they would be called "twins" together in the next three days!

However, now that Li Fusheng came, handed over a formal greeting card, and brought with him four top powerhouses from the Li family of the Shangyang royal family, Hu Zun didn't know what Li Fusheng meant?

Li Fusheng immediately said: "Senior, this junior is looking for senior in a private capacity, senior don't need to misunderstand!"

Feeling that Hu Zun's attitude is a bit strange, and Hu Zun glanced at the four strong men of the Li family of the Shangyang royal family, Li Fusheng, who is quick-witted, how could he not know what Hu Zun meant?

Li Fusheng is very smart, but when he was with Wang Changsheng, Li Fusheng knew that Wang Changsheng was good at strategies, so he seldom used his brains.

"Huh?" Hu Zun frowned immediately when he heard Li Fusheng's words.

However, Hu Zun didn't speak, but was waiting for Li Fusheng's next words.

"Dare to ask senior, is there any news about Fellow Daoist Wang?" Li Fusheng said directly.

"Friend Wang Dao?" Hu Zun immediately asked, "But Wang Changsheng?"

Li Fusheng nodded.

"No!" Hu Zun said directly: "Changsheng left the Mountain Ranger headquarters a few years ago, and until now, there has been no news. According to his plan, he should practice in the battle world! "

Hu Zun didn't send back any news about Wang Changsheng, and didn't show any strangeness, because Wang Changsheng is now at the peak of Venerable, and he has the power to protect himself in the Nine Heavens Realm.

Don't look at the fact that there are quite a few Great Masters in the Nine Heavens Realm, that's for the Supreme Great Sect. If you don't count the Supreme Great Sect, there really aren't many Great Masters in the Nine Heavens Realm, and you can't meet them at any time.

What's more, when Wang Changsheng left, Hu Zun gave Wang Changsheng a jade slip, and in the jade slip, there was a method engraved by Hu Zun that could guarantee Wang Changsheng's safety.

Now Hu Zun can feel that Wang Changsheng didn't use that type of magic, so naturally he didn't know that Wang Changsheng was in danger.

"Senior..." Li Fusheng said straight to the point: "Judging from the reaction of the bloodline formation of the Li family in Shangyang, Daoyou Wang should be in distress. If our judgment is correct, Daoyou Wang should have fallen into Congtian In the hands of the Tiger Clan!"


When Hu Zun heard Li Fusheng's words, he immediately showed a surprised expression: "In distress? Fall into the hands of the Tiger Clan?"

Tiger Zun is no stranger to the Congtian Realm Tiger Clan, because they all carry the word "tiger".

For the title of Hu Zun, the Hu Clan had a lot of trouble with Hu Zun, but at that time, Hu Zun was not a mountain patroller. After fighting with the Hu Clan, Hu Zun finally won this title.

Hu Zun seldom mentioned the old things to others, so it was naturally impossible for Wang Changsheng, Li Fusheng and others to know about them.

"Could it be..."

Hu Zun suddenly thought of a possibility, and his expression became a little ugly.

"Is the news confirmed?" Hu Zun asked after a while of silence.

Li Fusheng nodded and said: "Eight or nine is not far from ten!"

"The induction of the bloodline array cannot be faked. The bloodline on Wang Daoyou's body appears and disappears from time to time, and sometimes it is very weak..." Li Fusheng said firmly: "It must be in distress, and, according to the bloodline array The direction to guide should be in the clan land of the Tiger Clan in Congtian Realm!"

"it is good!"

Hu Zun said directly: "What a tiger clan..."

"What do seniors plan to do?" Li Fusheng said directly: "Is there anything we need help from the Shangyang lineage?"

Hu Zun took a deep look at Li Fusheng, and then said: "Since the Shangyang royal family sent you guys, they must have plans, you wait for me first..."

"Wait a minute, let's go to the Tiger Clan together!"

After finishing speaking, Hu Zun's figure disappeared in front of Li Fusheng and the others.

From the gloomy look on Hu Zun's face when he disappeared, it could be seen that Hu Zun was really angry.

From Li Zefeng's mouth, Li Fusheng also knew some of Hu Zun's abilities. Li Fusheng knew very well that if this mountain patroller was really annoyed, the burst of energy would be very powerful.

This is also the reason why Li Fusheng came to Hu Zun!

In the final analysis, Wang Changsheng has not really worshiped the Tiger Clan to recognize his ancestors. For Wang Changsheng, the Li family of the Shangyang royal family can send a few clansmen who are at the peak of the Great Master, which is considered the limit. It is impossible to mobilize the entire Shangyang line for Wang Changsheng the power of.

This is also the result measured by Li Fusheng!

If Wang Changsheng recognized his ancestor and returned to his clan, there would be no need for Hu Zun at all, and the Shangyang lineage could handle it.

The tiger clan is in the heavenly realm, so what if they are strong?Shangyang's lineage has been passed down to this day, and it is not easy to mess with.

Not long after, the figure of Hu Zun appeared again. This time, not only Hu Zun, but also ten figures followed behind him. These ten figures were wearing black armor. Accurate level.

"Abyss Guard?"

Seeing these ten figures appear, Li Fusheng didn't react yet, but the expressions of the four Shangyang Li family powerhouses who followed Li Fusheng immediately changed.

The status of Shangyang Li's family is very familiar with mountain patrollers, and of course they know the existence of Abyss Guards.

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