Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1787 Confrontation

After draining the blood, Wang Changsheng was directly brought back into the room by the monk with the head of a tiger. Immediately afterwards, a lot of elixir for replenishing blood was thrown into the room by the monk with the head of a tiger.

Wang Changsheng could only slowly start eating the elixir.

As for the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan, he hasn't appeared since Wang Changsheng's bloodletting. Of course, it's not perfunctory. After all, the blood released by Wang Changsheng is related to the future of the Tiger Clan, and it is also related to the plan of the Tiger Clan Great Elder himself.

There were really more important matters, and the great elder of the Tiger Clan simply had no time to pay attention to Wang Changsheng.

At this moment, outside Xingyu, the place of the Tiger Clan, several figures are confronting each other.

Several figures among them were the other elders led by the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan. Except for the Ninth Elder and the Sixth Elder who had not returned, the remaining seven Elders were all here.

The seven elders of the Tiger Clan present were all at the peak of the Great Master. Of course, not every elder was comparable to the one-word titled Great Senior. The strength of the Tiger Clan was not so strong!

When the seven elders of the tiger tribe gathered together, they confronted the other five.

When the seven masters at the peak of the Great Master confronted five of them, they knew that the opponent was very powerful, and also had an extraordinary background.

"Young Master Li, indeed I have never seen it before!"

The Great Elder of the Tiger Clan looked at the other five people and said directly.

If Wang Changsheng was here, he would definitely be able to recognize that the monks who confronted the seven elders of the Tiger Clan were the monks of the Li family of the Shangyang royal family, and the leader of the Li family of the Shangyang royal family was the new young master who took the position not long ago—— Li Fusheng!


Li Fusheng said with a frown.

The reason why Li Fusheng came here was because in the blood formation of the Li family in Shangyang, he felt a bloodline that was sometimes strong and sometimes weak, and even, sometimes, was on the verge of collapse!

It's just that sometimes that bloodline is directly hidden, and even the blood formation of Shangyang's bloodline can't be felt.

Now, all the powerful members of the Li family of the Shangyang royal family know that the bloodline comes from Wang Changsheng!

As the young master now, Li Fusheng is also qualified to know these things, so when he knew that Wang Changsheng's blood was weak at the first time, he knew that Wang Changsheng was in danger.

If other Shangyang Li family monks were in danger, Li Fusheng certainly didn't care so much, but it was Wang Changsheng who was in danger.

Although Wang Changsheng did not recognize his ancestor and return to his clan, the Li family in Shangyang still cared about Wang Changsheng very much because of the strong blood power in Wang Changsheng.

From the perspective of the Shangyang Li family, it will be a matter of time before Wang Changsheng returns to the Shangyang Li family.

Therefore, after some discussion, the Li family in Shangyang sent four strong men to see what happened to Wang Changsheng. At this time, Li Fusheng also proposed to follow.

As the young master of the Li family in Shangyang, although his cultivation is at the peak of the venerable, his status is lofty. What's more, this is the first time Li Fusheng has walked in the Nine Heavens Realm since he became the young master of the Li family in Shangyang.

Therefore, including Li Fusheng, the group of five people were all led by Li Fusheng.

The other four powerhouses from the Shangyang Li family who are at the peak of the great masters also have to listen to Li Fusheng's command.

The five people followed the direction of the bloodline warning to Congtian Realm, and the direction of the bloodline warning was exactly the direction of the Tiger Clan.

Therefore, there is the current situation!

Li Fusheng directly took out a jade slip and crushed it, and Wang Changsheng's figure appeared. Li Fusheng asked the elder of the tiger tribe if he had seen Wang Changsheng.

Of course, the great elder of the Tiger Clan has never seen him before, because Wang Changsheng hid his true face and walked in the Nine Heavens Realm with another appearance. However, he was captured by the strong Tiger Clan not long after he walked out of the Mountain Ranger headquarters.

"I really haven't seen it!"

The Great Elder of the Tiger Clan said directly.

Hearing the words of the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan, Li Fusheng frowned. According to the direction of the blood warning, Wang Changsheng was indeed in Congtian Realm, and he was in the Clan of the Tiger Clan.

However, the five of them were stopped by the seven elders of the Tiger Clan before they entered the territory of the Tiger Clan.

Li Fusheng waved his hand, and the figure of Wang Changsheng disappeared immediately, and then said: "Elder, according to the bloodline of the Li family of the Shangyang royal family, there are members of the Shangyang royal family who are in danger in the tiger clan. Great Elder, please let us go in and rescue him!"

The Great Elder of the Tiger Clan shook his head directly, and did not say anything, but his attitude was very clear, that is, Li Fusheng and the others were not allowed to enter.

Although the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan was very unfamiliar with the face of Wang Changsheng thrown out by Li Fusheng, the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan understood that the person Li Fusheng mentioned must be the person imprisoned by the Tiger Clan.

Wang Changsheng!

The Great Elder of the Tiger Clan would never admit it. The reason why he appeared here to intercept him was also because the Tiger Clan was watching him anytime and anywhere. As long as a monk from the Shangyang line approached, he would be stopped by the Tiger Clan.

When Li Fusheng saw the attitude of the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan, his expression also became gloomy: "Great Elder, this clansman has a pivotal position in my Li Family of the Shangyang Royal Clan!"

Li Fusheng's emphasis on the importance of Wang Changsheng is also threatening the great elder of the Tiger Clan.

"Grand Elder, if this clansman ends up falling in the Tiger Clan land because of the Great Elder's obstruction, it will be difficult to explain this matter!"

Upon hearing Li Fusheng's words, the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan said directly: "Since you are from the Li family in Shangyang, I will call you "Young Master Li". If it wasn't for the Li family in Shangyang, you would be nothing!"

"What? Do you want to forcibly break into my Tiger Clan's land?"

The Great Elder of the Tiger Clan turned gloomy.

The Tiger Clan, although not the largest race among the entire Monster Clan, is still top-notch, and there are quite a few strong people in the clan. Among the nine elders, eight are at the peak of the Great Master.

The patriarch of the Tiger Clan is even a semi-Tao-level powerhouse.

If you use your background, the Tiger Clan is not much worse than those supreme masters in the Nine Heavens Realm.

Now that Li Fusheng only came here with five people, he wanted the Tiger Clan to bow their heads. If word of this got out, how would the Tiger Clan gain a foothold in the Nine Heavens Realm in the future?

As soon as the elder of the tiger clan finished speaking, the six elders of the tiger clan who stood as the elders all burst out their aura, so menacing that it made Li Fusheng feel tight in his chest.

The four Shangyang Li family powerhouses behind Li Fusheng also broke out their power to resist at the same time, and Li Fusheng felt better.

"The Great Elder misunderstood!"

Seeing this situation, Li Fusheng softened his expression, and then said: "Of course we don't think about breaking into the Tiger Clan's territory by force, otherwise, we wouldn't be the only ones here!"

"It's just that there is a very important member of the clan who is in danger in the Tiger Clan's land, so I would like to ask the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan to help me!"

Li Fusheng also had no choice, even if the Shangyang branch really wanted to move the Tiger Clan, it would be very difficult. What's more, Wang Changsheng was still in the Tiger Clan's land, so he might be in the hands of the Tiger Clan.

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