Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1779 Imprisoned Again


The monk of the initial stage of the Tiger Clan Great Master, after the figure appeared in the mountain stream, he waved his hand directly, and a majestic power was crushed directly, and the entire mountain stream was crushed to the ground by this power in an instant.

Only the cave where Wang Changsheng stayed was not damaged in any way, and it appeared before the eyes of the strong man in the early stage of the great venerable.

"It's indeed the breath of the Shangyang Li family!"

The Great Senior said confidently in the early stage of the realm.

Only the clansmen of the Shangyang lineage can suppress the Yaozu with such a bloodline.

It is a big deal for monks from the Shangyang lineage to appear in Congtian Realm, not to mention that the ones appearing now are suspected to be members of the Li family of the Shangyang royal family.

"No, this matter does not need to be reported!"

The strong man in the early stage of the great venerable said immediately, and immediately after that, the figure disappeared in place.

For any race, it is very important for monks from the Shangyang lineage to appear in Congtian Realm, because the relationship between the Shangyang lineage and the monster race is not as harmonious as the monks from the Nine Heavens Realm think.

Dazun's early stage monks never thought that this monk who had the aura of the Li family of the Shangyang royal family would be Wang Changsheng who escaped from the Tiger Clan!

Because, before the tiger clan's plundering powerhouses, they will find out the details of the opponent before they make a move. Even if they don't know the origin of the opponent, at least they will be sure whether the opponent is some special person!

The aura of the Shangyang lineage was too obvious for the Yaozu. What's more, Wang Changsheng was checked before being thrown into the pit. Naturally, this aura couldn't be Wang Changsheng's.

Wang Changsheng didn't expect that his fleeting aura would be captured by the strong tiger tribe directly, and it didn't take long for him to appear in Wang Changsheng's retreat.

In other words, if Wang Changsheng hesitated for a while and didn't leave immediately, he would definitely be caught by a strong man in the early stage of the Tiger Clan Great Master.

After Wang Changsheng left, after confirming that there were indeed no strong men lurking around him, he went straight to Xingyu without the slightest hesitation.

Right now, he can't use his true essence, only his physical strength, Wang Changsheng can't use many means. To be precise, the only means he can use right now is the real body of the fire phoenix!

Before leaving Congtian Realm, Wang Changsheng would never sacrifice the real body of the fire phoenix.

call out!

It didn't take long for Wang Changsheng's figure to appear in Xingyu. Looking back towards the sky realm, Wang Changsheng's expression finally eased a bit.

During this period of time, Wang Changsheng was worried and lived in fear. If he was discovered, he would be a prisoner of the tiger clan, and he would definitely become a blood eater.

Therefore, to be able to leave Congtian Realm now, for Wang Changsheng, it is equivalent to surviving a catastrophe.


Leaving Congtian Realm, Wang Changsheng didn't hesitate at all, immediately sacrificed the real body of the fire phoenix, and directly used the real body of the fire phoenix to cross Xingyu!

The sky is high and the birds are flying, the sea is wide and the fish are leaping!


Another long howl came out, and the wings kept waving. Wang Changsheng directly urged the speed to the fastest. Wang Changsheng believed that although he had already rushed out of the Concubine Realm, for safety's sake, the farther away from the Concline Realm the better. !


Just as Wang Changsheng was running extremely fast, suddenly, a roar sounded, and immediately after, the avatar of the fire phoenix sacrificed by Wang Changsheng flew backwards, as if it hit some solid object just now.

With the strength of Wang Changsheng's sacrifice of the real body of the fire phoenix, even if it hits the quasi-dao weapon, there is not much reaction. After all, Wang Changsheng is the true blood of the ancestors, which is stronger than the blood of other Shangyang Li family monks.

The true blood of the fire phoenix continued to sprinkle in the stars, and Wang Changsheng was a little dizzy now.

Putting away the fire phoenix avatar, Wang Changsheng stabilized his figure among the stars, looking at the place in front of him that blocked him just now, showing a puzzled look.

In Wang Changsheng's line of sight, he didn't hit any objects just now, and now that his cultivation base is imprisoned, he can't sense it, but Wang Changsheng knows that he is in trouble.

"It turns out that you are a member of the Li family of the Shangyang royal family..."

Just when Wang Changsheng was puzzled, a voice sounded, and then, a figure emerged from the place where Wang Changsheng was thrown away just now.

Wang Changsheng didn't know this figure.

"Dare to ask senior..." Wang Changsheng clasped his fists at the cultivator opposite Xingyu and said, "What advice do you have?"

There was no aura coming from the opponent, and Wang Changsheng didn't know the origin of the opponent, but the bad feeling in his heart became stronger.

"Come back with me!"

The monk standing opposite said: "You hid it too well before, and we didn't find out your origin. Now we know that you are from the Li family of the Shangyang royal family. At least you are safe for the time being!"

Wang Changsheng didn't change his expression when he heard what the monk opposite him said, but his heart tightened immediately, and he said calmly, "I don't quite understand what senior means!"

"Senior, this junior is still rushing back to Shangyang Li's house, so I would like to ask senior to make it easier for me!"

At the critical moment, Wang Changsheng could only use the name of the Li family in Shangyang. If he could bluff the other party, it meant that he could get out of trouble. If he couldn't, it would be a big trouble.

Wang Changsheng has already determined that the other party is a monk of the Tiger Clan, and he is also a very powerful one!

Wang Changsheng's guess was not wrong at all. The monk who stopped Wang Changsheng was the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan!

The Great Elder of the Tiger Clan, as a top powerhouse comparable to the one-word titled Great Master, chose to find Wang Changsheng in a different way from other Tiger Clan monks.

The Great Elder of the Tiger Clan directly covered the entire territory of the Tiger Clan with supreme mana. With the range of hundreds of thousands of miles of the Tiger Clan area, plus other relatively peripheral areas, even if the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan was powerful, it would still be a bit difficult.

However, the matter of Wang Changsheng's escape was too serious, and the elder of the Tiger Clan could only grit his teeth and persist.

"Since you're pretending to be confused, let's take you back directly!"

The Great Elder of the Tiger Clan said directly.

There is nothing to quibble about, even if Wang Changsheng said something today, it is impossible for the elder of the tiger tribe to let Wang Changsheng go.

To put it more bluntly, even if Wang Changsheng was not the monk who escaped from the pit of the Tiger Clan, the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan would not let Wang Changsheng go.

Regardless of whether it is or not, first catch it back and lock it up!

In view of Wang Changsheng's identity and background, it's not a big problem if he doesn't kill him for the time being!


The Great Elder of the Tiger Clan, who was comparable to a powerful man with a title of one word, made a move with menacing power. With a simple slap, Wang Changsheng was directly suppressed and couldn't move.


Wang Changsheng still wanted to argue, but before Wang Changsheng could speak, he was speechless.

"I was imprisoned again..."

Wang Changsheng said with some sadness in his heart.

The previous time was okay, but the cultivation was sealed and the body was imprisoned, but what about this time?Even his own mouth was imprisoned, and he couldn't make a sound at all.

Regardless of whether Wang Changsheng escaped from that person or not, the great elder of the Tiger Clan did not give Wang Changsheng any chance to defend himself!

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