Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1769 Is there a way out?

In the end, Wang Changsheng set his sights on Dan Dongyang.

Dan Dongyang, as the arrogance of the supreme master, may not be as good as himself in terms of cultivation background, but in terms of means, he definitely has more cards than himself. It is common for the cultivation world to imprison his cultivation base. No precautions were taken.

Wang Changsheng moved his position and appeared next to Dan Dongyang.

"Fellow Daoist, what's the matter?"

When Dan Dongyang saw Wang Changsheng approaching, he said with an expression on his face. Even when Dan Dongyang was talking, he didn't even look at Wang Changsheng, but still looked at the earth wall slanting above.

For the Venerable's peak state, such an earthen wall can collapse countless times with a wave of his hand, and Dan Dongyang never imagined that one day he would be trapped under such an ordinary pit.

"Fellow Daoist, I see that you look calm, but is there a way to get out of trouble?" Wang Changsheng asked softly.

Since he had no way to get out of trouble, Wang Changsheng could only place his hope on other monks.

"Get out of trouble?" Dan Dongyang's expression did not change, and he said softly: "If I have a way to get out of trouble, I will have left before you come!"


Hearing Dan Dongyang's words, Wang Changsheng frowned immediately, because Dan Dongyang's mood didn't change at all, and even his eyes were always in a state of absentmindedness, it didn't seem like he was telling a lie.

"He shouldn't have a way out of trouble..."

At this time, a monk sitting not far from Dandongyang said: "Anyway, he is safe now, and he doesn't have to worry about becoming a blood-eating person. He can survive if he stays here forever!"

"What do you mean?" Wang Changsheng asked the monk who answered, "Is it because his injuries are not serious?"

Indeed, the injury on Dan Dongyang's body is not serious, no obvious trauma can be seen, and his face is rosy except that he has been imprisoned for a long time and is a little absent-minded!

"No..." The monk next to him shook his head and said, "Because he comes from the Supreme Cult, and every monk from the Supreme Cult has the methods left in the teaching!"

"If he really wants to die here, what the Tiger Clan did will be exposed, so..."

"He is just being imprisoned here and will not be eaten by blood. Even the Tiger Clan doesn't allow him to die!"

After finishing speaking, the monk next to him also slowly closed his eyes and ignored Wang Changsheng any more. He had been imprisoned here for many years and more or less knew each other's identities.

It's just that Wang Changsheng is just here, otherwise, no one would pay attention to Wang Changsheng!

Wang Changsheng frowned. According to what the monk next to him said, doesn't it mean that Dan Dongyang's life is not in danger at all, but he will be imprisoned in this place forever?

However, isn't it more uncomfortable to be imprisoned in this place than to die?

Can't practice, can't get out, even if they want to die, the monks of the Tiger Clan will not allow Dan Dongyang to die, otherwise, when Dan Dongyang died, Dan Qidao felt Dan Dongyang's situation, what the Tiger Clan did Things are exposed.

It is true that the Yaozu has captured many monks now, but they have done it very secretly. Except for the captured monks, those supreme masters in the Nine Heavens Realm never thought that the Yaozu would break the rules!

Wang Changsheng still did not give up, and continued to say to Dan Dongyang: "Fellow Taoist, as the arrogance of the supreme religion, you are definitely different from ordinary monks. I believe you have a way to leave!"

Sitting and waiting to die has never been Wang Changsheng's style. Even if there is only a little bit of hope, Wang Changsheng has to fight.


Dan Dongyang's expression finally changed when he heard Wang Changsheng's words. Looking at Wang Changsheng, he asked with a puzzled expression, "You know me?"

Dan Dongyang is different from Tianjian Mountain Sword's ordinary arrogance, Dan Dongyang has always lived in seclusion, even some monks have heard of Dan Dongyang's name, but they definitely don't know Dan Dongyang's appearance!

Many monks were imprisoned under this pit, and some were eaten by the tiger clan. However, among so many monks, only one knew Dan Dongyang!

Zhang Wan'er!

This is because Dan Dongyang has a good relationship with Jian Pingfan, Jian Ping once visited Dan Dongyang with Zhang Wan'er, and extorted a lot of pills from Dan Dongyang.

However, Wang Changsheng in front of him was very strange to Dan Dongyang. He had never seen his face before, and his aura was also very strange. Dan Dongyang didn't understand why Wang Changsheng knew that he was the arrogance of the supreme sect?

Wang Changsheng sat a little closer again, and said softly: "Fellow Daoist Alchemy is the top talent in the Dao of Alchemy, how can I not know him?"

Dan Dongyang looked at Wang Changsheng, his eyes gradually became sharper, because among the monks present, only Zhang Wan'er knew Dan Dongyang's identity, and Wang Changsheng not only knew that he was the arrogance of the supreme religion, but also knew that he came from the Dao of Pill Artifacts, which showed that the two of them definitely knew Dan Dongyang's identity. seen!

However, Dan Dongyang really couldn't remember who Wang Changsheng was?

"Are you also from the Supreme Sect?" Dan Dongyang asked.

According to Dan Dongyang's knowledge, although the monster clan robs monks in the Nine Heavens Realm, they usually avoid the monks of the Supreme Religion. Otherwise, wouldn't it be troublesome to rob a monk with a background as high as the sky?

It was an accident that even Dan Dongyang was caught here. Now the Tiger Clan dare not eat Dan Dongyang, let alone release him. They can only be imprisoned first, and even dare not let Dan Dongyang die!

The monks of the Supreme Teaching are a hot potato for the current behavior of the Yaozu!


Wang Changsheng shook his head and said.

Wang Changsheng also didn't know whether the Mountain Ranger was considered to be the Supreme Sect, possessing the strength of the Supreme Sect, but not being in the ranks of the Supreme Sect, it was indeed a bit strange.

Dan Dongyang continued to glance at Wang Changsheng, showing an inexplicable expression, and then slowly moved his gaze away, continuing to stare at the wall of the pothole, ignoring Wang Changsheng.

Because Dan Dongyang could see that Wang Changsheng was telling lies, and Dan Dongyang didn't want to pay attention to such liars.

"Friend Daoist Dan, do you have a way to leave?"

Wang Changsheng watched Dan Dongyang return to the state of trance, and immediately said: "If you have a way to get out of trouble, maybe I can help you!"


How to help?Wang Changsheng himself is an ordinary person now, unable to develop his cultivation at all, and he can't even sacrifice the life-saving jade slips given by his second uncle. Even if Dan Dongyang has a way to get out of trouble, Wang Changsheng has no way to provide any help.

It's just that Wang Changsheng didn't want to wait here to die slowly, and wanted to find a hope of getting out of trouble.

With so many monks present, the only one who is most likely to find a way out of the predicament is Dan Dongyang from the Supreme Sect.

Dan Dongyang ignored Wang Changsheng, because Dan Dongyang did not have a good impression of Wang Changsheng in the short exchange of words just now, and he did not intend to continue communicating with Wang Changsheng.

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