cough cough..

After Wang Changsheng coughed for a while, he regained his strength and asked, "What the hell is this place?"

"From Heaven Realm!"

Chen Ziqian said.

As soon as Chen Ziqian finished speaking, another voice rang out: "It's the land of the Tiger Clan!"


"who is it?"

When Wang Changsheng and Chen Ziqian heard a voice coming from the darkness, their expressions immediately changed.

Now both of them are imprisoned, and they can't sense the surrounding situation. Only the place where the two of them fell has the bright light from the entrance of the cave.

The two of them didn't expect that there were other monks in the dark place around them?

In other words, Wang Changsheng and Chen Ziqian were not the only ones imprisoned here by the Tiger Clan!

The cultivator in the dark did not speak, but Wang Changsheng and Chen Ziqian still locked in one direction at the same time. Although their cultivation bases were imprisoned, the direction of the voice could still be judged.

After the two people got used to their vision, they realized that the cave was not small. After they were thrown down, they were thrown directly to the bottom, and there were many monks sitting around the bottom!

There are old and young, men and women, even, there are monsters...

"Uncle Master..."

A young master lying in a corner made a weak voice.

"Zhang Ge, you really didn't die..."

Chen Ziqian looked in the direction where the voice came from, and immediately saw a familiar figure, it was a missing disciple of Shanshui Sect, who had cultivated in the early stage of Shaozun, and had just broken through to the early stage of Shaozun not long ago.

"Not dead... Senior Uncle, I have been imprisoned in this place since I was taken captive. Brother... Senior Sister, they are all dead..."

Zhang Ge said with a face full of despair.

Originally, Zhang Ge and his fellow disciples were going to go to the battle world to practice and polish their skills and cultivation after breaking through to the realm of young masters. However, before they entered the battle world, they were directly defeated The strong of the country were taken captive.

Several other monks of the Shanshui Sect have become the blood food of the Tiger Clan. There are only Zhang Ge left.

After Chen Ziqian heard Zhang Ge's words, he didn't speak, but showed an inexplicable expression, because one of the few people who came out with Zhang Ge at that time was Chen Ziqian's disciple.

It's just that the life jade slips of several other people, including Chen Ziqian's disciple and grandson, left in Shanshui Sect have been broken, and only Zhang Ge's life jade slips are still there. Therefore, Chen Ziqian also wants to find Zhang Ge, Ask for specifics.

Now, there is no need to ask. Chen Ziqian, who has investigated the clues, already knows what's going on.

Chen Ziqian discovered that besides Zhang Ge of Shanshui Sect, there are many other monks, and the cultivation base of other monks is not low, ranging from young to the realm of venerables, and there are even several great venerables!

That is to say, Hu Zun not only kidnapped the monks of Shanshui Sect, but also kidnapped blood in the entire Nine Heavens Realm.

Not only Chen Ziqian found out, Wang Changsheng also spotted the monks around him, not only that, Wang Changsheng also found two familiar figures.

"Do they even dare to kidnap monks from the Supreme Cult?" Wang Changsheng asked doubtfully.

There are two figures of the supreme sect, one of which Wang Changsheng still has some grudges with. To be precise, it has grudges with the family behind her.

Zhanjie Zhang family, Zhang Wan'er!

Zhang Wan'er came from the Zhang family in the war world. Although the Zhang family is not a supreme sect, Zhang Wan'er's Taoist partner is the ordinary Tianjiaojian of Tianjian Mountain!

The alliance between Zhang Family and Tianjian Mountain in Zhanjie, and the Taoist relationship between Zhang Wan'er and Jian Pingfan must be an important bond!

Now that Zhang Wan'er was captured, didn't Tianjian Mountain look for it?

"It should be that the Tiger Clan did it in a more secretive way. Tianjian Mountain probably doesn't know about it yet..."

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

Otherwise, the relationship between Yijian Pingfan and Zhang Wan'er should have been found a long time ago!

As for the other one, it's not just related to the Supreme Sect, the other party is a monk of the Supreme Sect, and his cultivation base and status are not low among the Supreme Sect.

Dan Dongyang!

Back then in the fairy glow starry sky, Wang Changsheng got to know Dan Dongyang through Jian Pingfan's introduction in order to collect the fairy glow for Li Fusheng and Fatty.

Thanks to Dan Dongyang, Wang Changsheng was able to gather the fairy lights!

As the arrogance of the Alchemy Dao, Dan Dongyang's status in the Alchemy Dao is almost the same as Jian Pingfan's status in Tianjian Mountain.

When he saw Dan Dongyang back then, he had an extraordinary bearing and high spirits. Unexpectedly, when he saw Dan Dongyang again, both himself and Dan Dongyang became prisoners.

At this moment, Dan Dongyang has long lost the high spirits of the past. Judging from Dan Dongyang's appearance, he should have been imprisoned for a long time.

When the Tianjiao of the Supreme Master walks outside, he is usually accompanied by Taoist protectors, and Dan Dongyang, who has a pivotal position in the Danqi Dao, protects Dan Dongyang, and at least he is a Dazun who has cultivated in the late stage. .

Even so, Dan Dongyang was still captured and imprisoned here, and Wang Changsheng didn't know what happened there.

Dan Dongyang stared blankly at the pit wall above, and did not react at all to Wang Changsheng and Chen Ziqian being thrown down. Over the years, Dan Dongyang has seen many monks thrown in, and also seen many monks being thrown in. take away.

Already numb!

For safety's sake, Wang Changsheng changed his appearance, and even his aura changed, so Dan Dongyang couldn't recognize him naturally.

"Senior Chen, ask what's going on!" Wang Changsheng said to Chen Ziqian.

Although many monks were imprisoned here, Wang Changsheng only knew Zhang Wan'er and Dan Dongyang. Without revealing their identities, Zhang Wan'er and Dan Dongyang would definitely ignore him.

It just so happened that Chen Ziqian's junior was here, so he must know what happened.

Chen Ziqian nodded, and then walked towards Zhang Ge together with Wang Changsheng.

"Zhang Ge, tell me what's going on?" Chen Ziqian asked.

Zhang Ge slowly propped up his body, looked at Chen Ziqian, and revealed a glimmer of hope in his desperate look, and asked, "Master Uncle, can you contact the teaching?"

Chen Ziqian shook his head and said: "All my cultivation has been suppressed, and now I am no different from ordinary people!"

"I knew it!"

Hearing Chen Ziqian's answer, Zhang Ge shook his head, the glimmer of hope disappeared in his eyes, and continued to show a look of despair: "I knew it, it must be like this, everyone who was thrown down here is like this..."

"In the end... in the end, they can only be eaten one by one..."

There was fear in Zhang Ge's desperate eyes, obviously he had experienced something that made Zhang Ge very afraid.

"The Dao heart has been destroyed!"

Seeing Zhang Ge's appearance, Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

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