Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1761 Quit Mountain Ranger?

Following Jiuyou City back then, Wang Changsheng returned to the refining moment of Jiuyou City, saw an incredible scene, and at the same time knew the word "Abyss".

Wang Changsheng knew that the origins of Huangquan and Jiuyou City were related to the abyss, and it was a strong man who dragged these two objects out of the abyss.

In the end, that strong man, as well as the strong man who refined Jiuyou City, all died in the hands of Abyss.

For so many years, although no one has heard of the existence of the abyss, Wang Changsheng did not deliberately inquire about it, because Wang Changsheng is too afraid of the abyss.

The cause and effect of Huangquan and Jiuyou City may be involved in the abyss.

But now, I heard "Abyss" from my second uncle, and the task of the group of mountain patrollers is to deal with the issue of the abyss in the entire Nine Heavens Realm.

Now that Wang Changsheng has become a mountain patroller, doesn't it mean that he will often deal with the abyss in the future?

"Why do you ask that?"

The second uncle, Hu Zun, heard Wang Changsheng's words, and asked with some doubts: "Listen to you, do you know the existence of the abyss?"

Wang Changsheng didn't speak, just looked at his second uncle Huzun.


After a stalemate, Hu Zun said directly: "The abyss is formed by heaven and earth, you can understand it as a disaster in heaven and earth, but if this disaster is not contained, it will spread!"

"And the mission of our mountain rangers is to prevent the spread of natural disasters!"

"So, we are not fighting against a certain force, but against heaven and earth!"

Wang Changsheng was silent.

If the abyss wasn't involved, Wang Changsheng wouldn't think there was anything wrong, but when the abyss was involved, Wang Changsheng had to be cautious.

Wang Changsheng thought in his heart: "Is it too long ago, those strong men in the abyss were also buried with the times?!"

It's no wonder that Wang Changsheng thought so. After all, the strong men who refined Huangquan and Jiuyou City back then are all dead. Nothing in the world can withstand the passage of time.

Not even heaven and earth!

Otherwise, why would there be an era gap?

Isn't it just the decline of heaven and earth, and the prosperity of another era?

"Second uncle, I don't know if the abyss you mentioned is the same existence as the abyss I know!" After thinking for a while, Wang Changsheng said: "However, what I can be sure of is that the abyss I know is terrifying. !"

"It's so terrifying that it destroys the Supreme Great Sect, and it's only a matter of moments!"

Although Wang Changsheng didn't know how strong the strong man he had seen in the illusion, he could directly change the world with his backhand. Such an ability is definitely not something that a great master can possess.

As for the powerhouses in the Dao realm, Wang Changsheng didn't know if they were that powerful. After all, he had never seen a Daoist powerhouse do anything.

However, what Wang Changsheng can be sure of is that even that kind of terrifying powerhouse was buried in the horror of the abyss, so he can know how much the abyss frightens Wang Changsheng.

"The abyss is indeed very powerful, but it is definitely not that scary!" Second Uncle Huzun said: "Over the years, I have seen many abysses. The most powerful abyss was suppressed by gathering several mountain patrol orders!"

"However, it is simply impossible to destroy the Supreme Teaching!"

Hu Zun paused, and continued: "And, according to what you said, there is a terrifying existence hidden in the abyss!"

"And these years, the abyss I have seen, that is, void cracks and storms are raging!"

Hu Zun didn't answer Wang Changsheng directly.

Because, having been in contact with the abyss for so many years, many abysses have been buried, but Hu Zun can also clearly feel that the abyss is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Therefore, Hu Zun could not give Wang Changsheng a definite answer.

"Second Uncle..."

Wang Changsheng thought for a while and said, "Can you... quit the Mountain Ranger?"

This is also the result of Wang Changsheng's thinking. Since the Mountain Patrol has been dealing with Abyss, Wang Changsheng doesn't want to have any contact with Abyss. The best way is to leave the Mountain Patrol group.

As for what the future will look like, Wang Changsheng doesn't dare to assume.


It's not that Wang Changsheng is willing to escape, but that his current strength is too weak. If he really encounters the abyss he imagined, Wang Changsheng is very sure that he will definitely die!

Different from other monks, Wang Changsheng has Huangquan and Jiuyou City in his body, and Huangquan and Jiuyou City come from the abyss.

It can be seen from the strong Abyss who rushed out back then that the horror of the Abyss was very concerned about Huangquan and Jiuyou City.


After Hu Zun heard Wang Changsheng's words, he was immediately taken aback.

Over the years, many monks have joined the ranks of mountain patrollers. Some of those mountain patrollers died at the hands of the enemy, and many died while performing their tasks.

After all, for all monks, the abyss is a very powerful existence, if they are not careful, they will be strangled by the abyss.

However, I haven't heard of anyone who will quit midway after entering the mountain ranger.

Because, once you become a mountain ranger, you will have very rich cultivation resources. Not only that, those supreme masters, as long as they know the existence of the mountain ranger, even if they find the mountain ranger unhappy, they will not deliberately offend the mountain ranger this group.

With training resources and face, who wants to quit?

Hu Zun was very sure that Wang Changsheng was the only one who quit midway after becoming a mountain ranger!

One of a kind!

"Yes, quit!" Wang Changsheng said bluntly: "I don't want to have any dealings with the abyss, whether it's the abyss I know or not!"


Hu Zun paused and said: "I'm afraid not!"

"For so many years, no one has quit the Mountain Patrol group halfway, so I don't know what the consequences will be if I quit halfway!"

"How about I go ask you?"

Hu Zun asked.

Wang Changsheng was silent.

If it weren't for the fact that the mission that the Ranger was about to perform had something to do with the abyss, Wang Changsheng wouldn't have thought about it, and would definitely join the Ranger.

It was precisely because of the abyss that Wang Changsheng did not want to become a mountain ranger, and even he did not want to deal with mountain rangers in the future.


Wang Changsheng said: "The matter is of great importance, I don't want to make fun of my life!"

The second uncle Hu Zun obviously also saw Wang Changsheng's reluctance, otherwise, Hu Zun spent so much effort to send Wang Changsheng to the group of mountain patrollers, of course he didn't want Wang Changsheng to just quit like this.

Hu Zun is not stupid, combining the karma of Wang Changsheng and the question Wang Changsheng raised, Hu Zun can be sure that the reason why Wang Changsheng is afraid of the abyss must be related to the huge karma on his body.

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