Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1750 It's Good To Live

The one-word titled Great Master, as the top powerhouse in the Nine Heavens Realm, with the background of various supreme sects, there are few things that can shock them.

But now, the three of Huanzun all showed shocked expressions, one can imagine how unbelievable what the three of them saw!

"Huh? Someone?"

The Great Senior, who was far away, also saw the changes in Xianmang Xingyu at this time, and they all exclaimed.

"How is it possible? Dao Yun rioted so violently that even if the Great Master was in it, he would either die or be injured. Is that really a figure?"

"It should be. There was another roar just now. I wonder if you heard it?"

"Of course I heard it, the sound is so loud, and I'm not deaf..."

"We shouldn't be mistaken. You see, the three seniors reacted similarly to us!"


The so-called three seniors are the three Huanzun.

At this moment, the three Huanzun's reaction was indeed similar to that of the ordinary Dazun present, because the three of them also saw the figure in the fairy mang Xingyu, sitting cross-legged in the raging Dao Yun.

Different from other ordinary grand lords, other ordinary grand lords just felt that this voice was in such a raging dao yun, and it was not hurt at all, but the three of Huanzun were shocked...

This figure is familiar to the three of them!

Even if he didn't personally participate in this incident back then, he was still a witness of this incident.

Because, the three people back then were not one-word titled Great Seniors, they were just ordinary Great Seniors. When things happened, the three of them could only watch carefully from the side like other ordinary Great Seniors around them now.

In the shocked expressions of everyone, the figure sitting cross-legged in Dao Yun is not a solid figure, but the figure of Dao Yun gathered in one place and condensed.

However, the figure condensed by Dao Yun is very real, with clear facial features, just like a real monk.

I saw the figure opened his eyes, and at the moment of opening his eyes, Dao Yun, who had been quiet in Xianmang Xingyu, rioted again as if he had been drawn.

bang bang...

Dao Yun raged again, constantly attacking the formation.

In just a few short breaths, the formation that could last for a while was on the verge of collapsing in an instant, and even the half-way innate formation provided by Zhou Tiangong had countless cracks.

"It's really him!"

There was another exclamation from Huan Zun's mouth.

When Yue Zun saw the voice sitting cross-legged, he also showed a dignified expression.

Even Xuan's second son who had been hiding in the dark revealed his figure, he was the one-word titled Grand Master from Yinhai.

It's just that no one pays attention to Xuan's second child's identity at this moment. After all, the figure in the fairy mang Xingyu attracts everyone's attention even more.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know, when I was in the Venerable Realm, I also entered the Immortal Mang Xingyu, but I have never seen this figure!"

"In Xianmang Xingyu, what happened?"

"Who is that figure?"


Everyone looked at the voice and opened their eyes, and there were voices of doubt.

Of course, for the other ordinary great lords present, they were only surprised when they saw the figure condensed in the fairy mang Xingyu, because they didn't know that figure.

For the ordinary Great Seniors present, no matter how powerful the figure in Xianmang Xingyu was or how strangely it appeared, they didn't have to worry about their own safety. As a Great Senior, they had the ability to protect themselves.

What's more, there are three great lords with one-word titles present, how can that figure be allowed to be presumptuous?

What everyone didn't know was that at the moment that figure appeared, the three of Huanzun were not only shocked, but also had a trace of fear and fear.

Only by knowing the origin of that figure can one know how powerful that figure is.

"do not be afraid!"

Xuan Er Er said at this time: "He has been dead for many years, and what appears now is only his remaining obsession and Dao Yun, and there is no threat!"

Yue Zun also said at this time: "That's right, we are not ordinary monks back then, now, we are also titled Grand Masters!"


After finishing speaking, there were bursts of sword cries around Yue Zun.

Although what Xuan Lao Er and Yue Zun said was very reasonable, but in the middle of the two, Huan Zun could still feel that Xuan Lao Er and Yue Zun's emotions fluctuated greatly.

It shows that Xuan Er and Yue Zun don't have much confidence in what they said.

"Ha ha..."

A chuckle came from the figure sitting cross-legged in the fairy glow starry sky.

"not good!"

When Huan Zun heard this chuckle, his expression changed drastically, and he said in disbelief: "It's not obsession, it's him, it's him!"

"He's not dead at all!"

The expressions of Xuan Er and Yue Zun also changed drastically, and their figures couldn't help but retreated several hundred feet. Looking at the voice sitting cross-legged in the fairy light and starry sky, their eyes also showed a look of horror.

"Nine Heavens... Realm..."

The figure became more and more solid, and finally it was no different from the real person, with an inexplicable smile on his face, and a look of reminiscence in his eyes.

"I am back..."

call out!

As soon as the figure's voice fell, the voices of countless Dao Yun piercing through the sky sounded, and the Dao Yun raging in the entire Xianmang Xingyu instantly gathered together and merged into the body of that figure.

All the raging Dao Yun in Xianmang Xingyu disappeared, and they were all swallowed up by that figure.

Without Dao Yun's riot, the entire Xingyu became quiet. However, the monks present could feel that there was a strangeness in the silence, and the atmosphere was so suppressed that even the sound of panting disappeared.

The monks who can cultivate to the realm of the Great Master are not fools, and everyone can feel that something is wrong with the three of the Huan Zun, just like...

A little afraid of that figure!

After the figure gathered all Dao Yun, he squeezed his fist and sighed softly, "It's good to be alive!"

That figure was still in the celestial world, without Dao Yun's riot, the formation did not continue to be impacted, but the remaining formation was full of gaps, in the eyes of the one-word titled lord, it was so dilapidated A formation of this level, even if half of it is an innate formation, can be broken easily.

That figure was separated from all the monks present by a formation, and they looked at each other across the formation, with different expressions.

"How to do?"

Xuan Er looked at Huanzun and asked: "It seems that he did not fall back then, what should we do now?"

Although he has become a one-word titled Great Master, he is no longer the ordinary Great Master he was back then, but when facing this one, Xuan's second son still panicked.

The ferocious power of this person had suppressed a lot of great masters with one-word titles back then, otherwise, they would not have fallen to the point of being besieged and killed by many supreme sects in the end!

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